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Player: @Epelesker
Origin: Science
Archetype: Warshade
Security Level: 11
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Troop
Species: Human-Kheldian hybrid
Age: 29
Height: 6'4" or variable
Weight: Variable
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Control over Kheldian darklight energy, shapeshifting, teleportation
Known Abilities
This character was previously Tehellax Starwalker and is a revision of that character.



Powers and Abilities

Other Infornation


The following was taken from Tehellax Starwalker's interview conducted by The Palladium Sentry. (Information from this will be used in the reworking into Galactrooper's story.)


"I'll skip until the part where I became what I am now, since the rest of it is mostly the normal stuff that would make you yawn like a college lecture given by a droning prof. I wish I never missed the chance to go for higher education, but I'm really starting to believe that something... fate, maybe?... was the reason I stand before you like this.

"The Duellecks are a distinguished millitary family when it comes to the man's side, and what kicked off this whole thing was recieving the news that my father had been killed in action by an IED. It was devestating to my entire family, but like the 'soldiers' we were brought up to be, we pushed through. And we pushed until the end of my grade 12 year when I announced to my family that I, too, would join the United States military. It surprisingly didn't go over well and I was pushed by my mother to reconsider: I knew where she was coming from and I promised a week of deep thought.

"That week came and went, years went without me saying a word. The night I deided to come up with a final decision... I nearly never got that chance.

"I had worked a late shift at a job and I missed the last bus back home, so I forced myself to walk it. It really wasn't that far, but the area was known for a bit of a dangerous streak. I made the mistake of cutting through an alley filled with dumsters that was the scene of a massive gang swarm. They were beating up on a transient and happened to notice me as I passed by without a word... and then they were upon me, too.

"The fight was all a blur... but I do know that I was beaten pretty bad before the gang ran off in terror. I didn't know what it was until it looked me in the face: a dark swirling mass. It looked at me and I thought it spoke, though I couldn't understand it at all. Then I nodded off and all of a sudden I felt... like I was smothered but also becoming lighter. Everything changed from there: what was once a jumbled confusion of 'words' I could understand, but it was now in my head rather than actually hearing it. One stuck out like a sore thumb... and as I thought it, too, it was like I became it."

"I returned home in what looked to be a confused state, though it was apparent that I had changed outside as well as in my mind: I looked something not human, though I was still recognizable as William Duelleck. And as I slept I learned about the strange wisp that transformed me: its name, what it was, what it was here to do. It led me to Paragon City, and my new life began then.

"And I saw that I wasn't alone, the light Kheldians and the reformed Nictus were banding to combat unearthly threats. "Defend Tehellax. Protect the Earth and the stars above". I encountered one of the light and asked him, still unsure of this command but not mentioning about it, and he directed me to one who might know.

"I'm still adjusting to these changes, but I feel my duties are clear: and I can't do it alone."

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