Engineer Raj

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Engineer Raj
Player: Tesahli
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Stalker/Mastermind
Threat Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Engineer Rajahai 26
Known Aliases: Raj/Raji
Species: Elven
Age: 418
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 101 pounds
Eye Color: purple
Hair Color: Rock grey
Biographical Data
Nationality: Elven
Occupation: Engineer
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: St. Martial
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
See: Cybernetics
Known Abilities
Technological Genius
Tool belt and Various technological devices of her own devising: shock gloves, cloaking fields, pulse rifles, and attack robots
No additional information available.



Engineer Rajahai comes from a tribe of elves that, unlike their kin, rejected nature and instead embraced technology. They felt that embracing nature was clinging on to a cold and uncaring being, locked in a ritual cycle that never changed; while technology was dynamic, ever changing and shifting, yet completely able to be shaped by the proper hands. In the name of this, they first built a technological commune, then decided to emancipate themselves fully from the planet, blasting off a space station, with recyclable air, food, water, and all the necessities for life. The nature elves were happy to have the strange technology worshiping people gone from their planet.

The Technological elves lived in their space station, and stripped dead planets as they passed for materials, their station evolved and so did they, soon the recyclable air machines were no longer necessary, then the recyclable food machines, then the water machines, as the elves continually found ways to integrate technology into themselves. Limbs, organs, and finally brains, were integrated or replaced with cybernetic technology. As brains became cybernetic, the technological elven tribe networked, and every mind sang with the thoughts, feelings, and ideas of every other mind. No secrets were held, no voice was out spoken, no person more important.

As the society became more perfected, more in unison however, it became to stagnate, ideas became similar, there was no longer the exciting changes and dynamic technology the society once knew. The elders, the generation 1s, had begun to accept this as a sign of the perfection of elven technology. New ideas suddenly became wrong ideas, different views were silly views. It was into this state of mind that Rajahai 26 (as the 26th generation of Elf since the start of their sect), was born, rather cloned. She was never of quite right mind, always eccentric and a little crazy, deviating from the norm. The general consensus was that the chemicals in her cloning vat weren't QUITE balanced. When she grew up her ideas were radical, more so than not, she hated isolationism and wanted to continue looking for new and interesting ideas, this was very much looked down upon, and despite being a capable engineer, she had a hard time being taken seriously.

Years later the Elven people began a new invention, working on bending space/time to travel instantaneously from one area to another, Rajahai 26 was on this project, though in no position of importance. When the project was finished, she made a crazy split-second decision: she would go through the portal at random destination. Her mind filled with the protests, jokes, condemnations, and threats of her entire community as the thought hit her brain and was networked out, but as she went through the portal she was met with something she had never experienced: silence in her mind; it was at once liberating and lonely. Alone for the first time in her life, she found herself in a whole new world and possibly a new time: Paragon City.

Without knowing a society that loved privacy and possessions, it wasn't long before she had unknowingly violated a law and ended up being attacked by super powered beings and thrown into the Zig. It was there she learned a lot of things about her new world: about lying, cheating, stealing, and all the other things that happened in this world. It wasn't long that Arachnos, in their seemingly routine Zig breakouts, had targeted her as a person of interest, and helped her escape to the Rogue Isles. Rajihai was enchanted by their unique technology, their commonality, and their sense of community, forgetting all of her prison lessons about cheating and lying, she joined almost immediately. Using her advanced technological prowess to create new inventions for the sake of combat and war, a concept she was unfamiliar with, but not unknown too. She continues on, working for Arachnos and learning what she can of life in this world, wondering if she may ever see her people again.


Rajahai is as eccentric to the people of Earth as she was to her own people, even more so perhaps, as she has very little understanding of human values and concepts, nor the kind of life someone who isn't cybernetic leads. Often she will want to cut off people's limbs or dissect their brains, as what she only sees as a favor, to replace outdated with upgraded. She is generally hyperactive and excitable, getting extremely interested in the most mundane technological human things that were unknown in her society. She often unavoidably echoes the arrogance of her people, claiming that her technology is the best, or that her elven society is the greatest society ever existed. At times, thinking about her society, she feels homesick and alone for being in a silent mind of her own.



Rajahai has many cybernetics that alter her body in many ways: She no longer has to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe, though if she chooses she can do any of them. other notable cybernetics include:


As of yet, Rajahai has only been able to develop one robotic prototype, made into two copies named D-503 and O-90. Her robots are unquestioningly loyal, but not mindless, though they only audibly speak in chirps and echo commands, Rajihai is able to network with them, having conversations with her robots through this link.


Rajahai is still new to the Rogue Isles and has only had time for a few inventions, most notably:

Personal tools

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