Occult .45

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art by Scarfgirl:DA
Ocult by artgutierrezSMaller.jpg
Occult .45
Player: @check
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Rio
Known Aliases: Dust
Species: Homo Sapien
Age: 27
Height: 5'9
Weight: 129 lbs
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: America
Occupation: Hunter of the paranormal
Place of Birth: unknown
Base of Operations: unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Mother,Father
Known Powers
black magic
Known Skills
vodoo, sharpshooting
one cursed and one blessed colt .45 revolver, various ingredients

She stands, facing away from you. Shoulders kissed with tan, the few marks that speak of muscles built by handling machinery that didn't like being handled. Underneath that ink rests a svelte, short body, a woman who could have in some life been a dancer, perhaps, but in this has found another calling. Layered over bone and flesh, however, is the ink, the roiling patterns of blasphemous imagery that reach out not to any god or demon that may or may not be, but rather to the fundamental magic of those things that are.

Magic makes its shape around things, a radiance that flows around the works and hands of those that observe it. There's no magic on the moon, but on earth, watching the moon evokes its magic. Across the small of her back, a jaw-less skull, script around on banners >

'God Made Man' and beneath 'Samuel Colt Made Them Equal' across an array of bare roses, stems and thorns alone. Up the line of her spine an intermittent series of marks, bullets rendered in ink, until the spreading of skeletal wings across her shoulder blades. Each wing folded, as if she stands not in flight nor at rest, but always half between the two. Licking over her collarbones and shoulders, the black digits lick at her neck and draw the eye to her own - those cold, perfectly logical eyes.

Rattlesnakes don't blink.

See No Evil

Rio is a hunter. She tracks down and disposes of the supernatural.

Hear No Evil

The kinds of Magic one uses to destroy and banish comes at a cost. She believes it was worth every drop of blood, every scar and every image and spell that she will never be able to forget.

Speak No Evil

Spells, Wards, Glyphs, Barriers, Items, Curses, Blessings and Bindings are her instruments.

A Blessing and a Curse

Rio has few belongings of note. Yet two old pistols stand out. One is covered in nickel as shiny as a mirror etched in beautiful scroll work that blends into the pearl handle grips. The other insidious with its darkened patina its cracked grip and spots of rust. One is cursed the other is blessed. Both seem to hold more cartridges then they should be able to. Something about them might catch your eye or you might find the hairs on the back of your neck standing up in their presence. Don't worry, this is normal.

who really has the upper hand? art by Heroid
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