
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: Sideline
Origin: Genetically enhanced natural
Archetype: Bane/Wolf/Crab/Mastermind
Threat Level: Varies
Personal Data
Real Name: Sideline
Known Aliases: Sid, Agent Sideline, Operative Sideline, Commander Sideline
Species: Human
Age: 31
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 220 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: None
Occupation: Agent
Place of Birth: Arachnos Lab
Base of Operations: Grandville
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Enhanced strength, agility, speed, intelligence
Known Abilities
Highly trained in many forms of combat, stealth, espionage, subterfuge, and tactics. Expert computer hacker and demolitionist.
Enhanced "power mace" as used by Bane Spider Executioner's, made to be stronger and lighter. Wrist mounted scanner, able to scan a person or object and deliver numerous details to the user. Fully integrated assault armor with varient Crab Spider style legs. S&K Arachnos style modified assault rifle and a Military grade SMG.



Sideline is a genetically enhanced super soldier. Highly trained in many forms of both ranged and close combat.


Generally a jovial and somewhat fun loving guy, Sid is handsome, strong, and talented and he knows it. He will however, play down his strengths and act a bit out of touch with his surroundings. This is an old habit from his days staying undercover in enemy territory or even on assignment somewhere. Seeming out of sorts helps people feel comfortable with him and they are more likely to open up when comfortable. If he does feel the need to be serious though, he can be a very straight forward individual, highly focused on the task at hand.


A time before Aeon fully ran the scientific end of Arachnos saw numerous scientists clamoring for their special projects to be seen and funded by Arachnos. One such group of mad geniuses had the brilliant idea for life to imitate art. Art in this case was a Captain America comic. They would create a super soldier, only this time, train him from birth and instead of a sheild, give him the standered weapons of Arachnos, the power mace and crab spider armor.

Daos himself gave the green light on the project. Three years later, a batch of thirteen kids were born to specially selected Fortunata's. Of these thirteen, only nine survived to teenage years and of those nine, only six lived to adult hood. Once the six were trained and given their names by Daos, the scientists who created the project were terminated. The six were then assigned to the highest ranking Arbitors as their personal advocates and spies. Over the years, the six went on numerous assignments, alone or together. During the course of these tasks, some died. Agent 673-B or Sideline as he was now called due to his uncanny ability to seem to be sitting on the sidelines and yet still get the most done, was one of the most successfull of all the surviving six. He was given a leadership roll when the first invasion of the Rikti occured, commanding a company of Arachnos soldiers in defence of an Arachnos outpost in Spain. Successfully holding off the alies until Omega team made their sacrifice gave Sideline a promotion of sorts. He was now working only for Arbitor Daos himself.

A few years later a request came in from Ghost Widow to Daos. She wanted a certain individual researched, and she wouldn't say why. As no one can keep anything secret from Ghost Widow inside Arachnos, she knew about the project and about it's survivors like Sideline. Daos gave the assignment to Sideline. Find out everything about one Thannatos and his allies.

Sideline started the research by profiing all of the current at the time membors of Branded, Thannatos's allies and friends. He would also follow them secretly and observe their activities while outside of their safehouse. Try as he might however, he was unable to enter their safehouse well, safely being repelled by the security system. After profiling all membors of the group, including Thannatos, Sideline made a trip to Europe and dug into Thannatos's background. After spending some months there and learning what he could about the demon bound warrior, Sideline returned to the Isles. It was then he noticed Daos being colder to him, more abrubt and demanding. Thinking nothing of it, Sideline continued his investigations.

One day, while Sid was off duty and in a particular intimate moment with his then woman, a Night Widow he saw quite often when he was in Mercy, Daos ordered Sid's death. Mako and Black Scorpion broke into the apartment where Sid and his woman were and killed her. They almost killed him too, but in a rage, Scorpion through Sid through a wall and when he landed, by happy for Sid coincidence, it was near Thannatos and his friend, the cyborg Tek Shift. For no other reason than to piss off Arachnos, Thannatos and Tek protected the now comatose Sideline and successfully fought off the two powerfull advisors to Recluse.

When Sid awoke a few days later, it was strapped to an exam table being scanned by numerous machines run by Tek. Thannatos approached the table and told Sid that he didn't trust him, and the only reason he was alive was because Arachnos wanted him dead. Tek confirmed this when he hacked into the Arachnos mainframe and saw a death warrent signed by Daos.

Sideline was placed on probabtion of a sorts. He would be temporally admited to Branded so he could be watched at all times. This actually suited Sidline just fine as he had come to admire and respect the people in the safehouse while he was profiling them. Now all he had to do was get them to trust him.


After nearly a year of working with and helping to protect members of the safehouse, Sid is definitely off of probation. He has a nice three story apartment in the safehouse and has become close friends with many of the occupants.


A few months ago, Sideline was approached by a man who offered him a job. A short plane ride later and Sideline was walking into the Central Intelligence Agency's front door. A man who shall remain nameless in the interest of security, told Sideline they would be willing to overlook his past transgressions if he became one of thier agents. Sid laughed and asked them what the catch was. The catch, as it turns out, was that Sideline would be heading a small C.I.A. station based in the Isles with a focus on investigating Arachnos and the Council. Sideline agreed and then spent the next couple of months in training, both in C.I.A. regulations and in crime scene investigations. A couple months later and Sid met his team for the first time.


In what has to be a warped sense of humor on the part of his Langley bosses, all of the agents under Sid's command have the same last names as the main characters in the CBS crime drama, NCIS. The first names are different, much to agent Todds pleasure.

- Agent Dimitri Todd, the second youngest of the group, Todd is a former Army Ranger and provides recon support as well as combat support to the team.

- Agent Anthony McGee actually is a computer buff. His was more of a hobby then a profession and he never did go to MIT. McGee is a former Marine Sniper and provides computer support and combat support to the team

- "Ducky" is actually Agent Joshua Smith and he hates the name "Ducky" with a passion. The only team member who isn't named like the tv show, the others in the team have begun calling him "Ducky" after the show's medical examiner. Agent Smith is another Army Ranger and combat medic with two tours in Iraq before being snagged by the C.I.A. and deposited in the Isles under Sid's command.

- Agent Michael DiNozzo is a former Navy SEAL and sniper. After his enlistment was up with the Navy, DiNozzo actually did field work for the NCIS and likes to tell people that the DiNozzo from the show was based on him. It wasn't, but you can't tell him that. Agent DiNozzo brings experianced field investigation as well as combat support to the team.

- Agent Joseph Daveed is an American born to Iraqi parents. He joined the SEALS after 9/11 and spent two tours in Afganistan. He speaks nearly a dozen languages, most of middle eastern countries and was a communications specialist for the SEALS. He brings those skills as well as combat support to the team.

- Agent Derek Gibbs is former Delta Squad, Airborne Ranger, and all around badass. He has more combat training than all the other agents, except Sid, combined and has been in more hot spots than one can count. Still, he's friendlier than his tv show counterpart and is usually the first to offer a cigar or beer on off hours. If you want combat support, then look no further.

Armor and Combat Forms

Without armor on or with a light kevlar mesh outfit, Sid usually fights with his power mace and enhanced agility. Already naturally resistant to many forms of damage, fighting in this style allows Sid to use his agility and mobility to outmaneuver and outlast his opponents.

In his combat armor

In his assault armor

Whie working with the C.I.A. agents in his command

Personal tools

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