Fathom/Nations/Carcharados Merfolk

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Carcharados Merfolk

Of the different breeds of merfolk that inhabit the oceans the Carcharados can easily be argued to be the most aggressive and dangerous, possessing the physical traits and personality quirks of several different species of shark. Their tails are the clearest indicator of which 'type' they are though some, such as the Hammerhead are visibly different in other ways as well. They have varied coloration, ranging from greys to blues to browns, often with mottling or stripes. The females are larger than the males and considerably stronger and where males and females are forced to co-exist they form a matriarchal society.

In appearance the Carcharados are fearsome, with taloned hands and rows of jagged, sharp teeth. Their eyes are naturally black though the stronger ones glow with inner power acquired over time. Their hair is dark or extremely pale in contrast with their skin and they possessive formidable regenerative capabilities.

Almost all Carcharados mer are nomadic in their nature, spending much of their lives moving from place to place, often not returning for several years. It is not uncommon for a Carachardos to return to a place they once stayed and find a whole family generation has passed and that they are in fact looking at bastard sons or daughters further down the line.

Carcharados mer are very solitary individuals, tending to only come together in any sort of numbers to feed, mate or fend off a common enemy. Indeed if kept in close vicinity to others of their kind too long violence starts to break out, often ending up with one or another being killed in a territorial dispute. They are more tolerant of other mer breeds than their own, the only exceptions being the Hammerhead who group together in travelling caravans for short periods of time, often consisting of close to a hundred of their kin.

Their personalities are as varied as their breeds, some being more social, others being curious and others still being openly aggressive toward others. The older ones are always the more tolerant however and it is not uncommon to find them living amongst other breeds as traders, hired mercenaries or guardians. Indeed they often prefer to live amongst others due to the aggressive nature of mating and the skewed power balance between males and females. Often other species have males who are somewhat submissive and will enjoy a female Carcharados' attentions while the male carcharados are very protective and attentive suitors should they choose to be. As a result half breeds are not uncommon, particularly in border and outpost settlements along major migratory routes.

Of species likely to be encountered are the following, who possess traits as listed.

Great Whites

The great whites are powerfully built, their tall, wiry forms possessing a potent strength beyond several others. In personality they are solitary and resolve most conflicts through intimidation and ritual displaces to establish dominance. They are intelligent, patient hunters with a keen sense of smell and have been known to socialise when the situation calls for such.


Tigers are natural, curious predators who will eat just about anything when the hunger sets upon them. They are amongst the larger breeds of the Carcharados and have keen sight, seeing through the gloom and darkness with ease. They remain largely nomadic in nature, but will go to the shallowest water should their curiousity demand.


Hammerheads are the most social of the Carcharados and have been known to form schools for great periods of time. They are not as aggressive as the Tigers or powerful as the Great Whites but still are formidable warriors and they too have a quirk of a sense in being able to detect changes in electrical currents through the water.

((More to follow.))

Editor Note

Not my creation, posted for a friend unfamiliar with VV

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