From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
Enoth is the name given to an extra-dimensional Earth-like planet, existing during a period of fictional history, created by Heimskur. This planet includes several large seas and oceans, as well as several continents, the largest of which is also named Enoth, small island kingdoms, and other areas left largely unnamed by Heimskur.
Contents |
History of Enoth
The Era of the Gods
In the beginning there was nothing and no one, save for the Everliving Creator who slept amongst the timeless voids. By chance, the Creator awoke and sought to fashion within the voids a gleaming white hall of magnificent size and adornment, and so He did so.
To each of His new childer, Ás entrusted the gift of immortality, and His childer loved and reveared Him. In time, however, the Ásti grew restless, bound within the walls of Ásthrólien, and Ás, having promised his childer a cure for their disquietude, fashioned beneath Ásthrólien, a mighty mountain, unfathomable in height. At the foot of this mountain Ás created a lush, green world, which was in turn surrounded by a bountiful ocean. This newly formed paradise the Ásti named Enoth.
For the gift He had bestowed upon his immortal childer, the Ásti gave thanks to Ás and pledged to forever venerate His name.
Not all of Ás' childer, however, loved their father for his gift of paradise. Balkavus, fourth-borne amongst the Ásti, declared that if the eternal Creator truly loved his childer, He wouldnot distract them with garden paradises and gleaming halls, but rather would bestow upon them all the wonders of His power.
Ás, wanting only happiness for all his childer, allowed Balkavus his opinion, and neither silenced nor expelled him.
Though most of the Ásti saw Balkavus to be a greedy and jealous childe, some secretly began to believe his words of dissention, and even those amongst the Ásti who shunned Balkavus and pledged to continue the veneration of Ás' name, began to test the limitaions of their newly granted faculties.
The Ásti used their powers to create a new race of companions, whom they named the Ástur, meaning "second (brood) of Ás," and Ás, seeing that these new creations were beautiful, solid-minded and just, bestowed upon them His greatest gift, the Breath of Immortality. These new gods, Ás embraced as his own childer, and as did the Ás, so too did the Ástur love their father and venerate His name.
Having witnessed the creation, animation, and immortalization of the Ástur, Balkavus, the covetous one, sought to fashion his own race of companions. When Balkavus brought his newly created race before Ás, Ás saw that these creatures had not been wrought in love, but rather had been forged in malevolence, and He would not grant these abominations the Breath of Immortality.
Outraged by the Creator's response, Balkavus created legions upon legions of these new creatures, all the while allowing greed and hatred to penetrate and possess his being. In a desperate attempt to animate his new childer, Balkavus himself exhaled his own foul essence into his creatures, and a new race of devils and demons was born. Because his own soul had been so tainted by hatred, the life that Balkavus gave to his new childer was not true life, but rather a vile mockery of life itself.
Balkavus commanded his demons to wreak havoc in Enoth, destroying piece by piece the beauty that Ás, the eternal Creator and Etheral Father, had created out of love for his childer.
The Ásti, led by Lenúthar, the first-borne, readied themselves to battle Balkavus, their corrupted brother, and his throng of demonic warriors. The battle between the Ásti and the demons was long and brutal, leaving many dead on both sides, but in the end the Ásti prevailed, driving Balkavus and his spawn into the timeless voids.
Though the Ásti were victorious, the consequences were so great that Ás, his heart broken from the grief of having lost so many of his beloved childer, withdrew to quiet, secluded solitude. The paradise of Enoth itself, too, was nearly obliterated. What was once lush and green, now lay in waste, fractured and destroyed.
After much meditation, Ás once again gathered his childer about him, and instructed them in the rebuilding of Enoth. To Lenúthar, the first-borne, Hastelis, the second-borne, and Junus, the third-borne, Ás gave the task of creating three races which would live and safeguard this new Enoth. After much diligent work, the Ásti and Ástur reformed and reshaped Enoth, and to people it, Lenúthar produced the Elvenfolke, who in time, would come to call themselves the Lenúthari, after their immortal creator. Hastelis, from the very stone and earth of Enoth itself, crafted a small but sturdy and strong-willed people. These were the Dwarves. Junus, seeing in all things beauty, created her race so that amongst them there was great diversity. Each of these created by Junus were destined to become the forefathers of the tribes of men.
When all was ready, Ás gathered before Him His childer, and His childer presented to him the new races of Enoth, and seeing that they were each in their own right beautiful, He exhaled the Breath of Immortality. Because Hastelis was the second-borne, and Junus the third, Hastelis stood behind Lenúthar, and Junus behind Hastelis. Hastelis' Dwarves, catching only half of Ás' Breath of Immortality, were not granted the gifts of everlasting life, though each would live a great many years. As the childer of Junus caught only a trace of Ás' breath, Manfolke was given life, but it would be only brief.
After having witnessed the recreation of Enoth, and the piousness of His childer, Ás, believing his progeny to be just and fit to rule the new Enoth as the gods they were, withdrew to a quiet corner of his magnificent hall and allowed himself to fall into a dreamfilled state of torpor.
It was at that moment that the Era of the Gods faded into the past, and the Era of New Enoth began.
The Era of Beginnings
The Era of Strife
The Era of Peace
Pantheon of Enoth
Enothian mythology comprises the indigenous religion, beliefs and legends of the various Enothian peoples, though most examples of Enothian written mythology come from the Alvari people. Alvari mythology is the best-preserved version of the older common Enothian mythology, which also includes the closely related Ezani mythology.
Enothian mythology is a collection of beliefs and stories shared by various Enothian peoples, but has no one set of doctrinal beliefs. The mythology, until recent eras, was orally transmitted in the form of song and poetry and our knowledge about it is mainly based on the Alvari Vernandi and other early Alvari texts written down during and after the unification of the Manfolke kingdom of Anan.
According to Enothian legend, prior to the construction of Enoth, a supreme creator-diety birthed a race of angelic beings, to act as his god-children companions. This race of newly formed gods, the Ásti, in turn, created yet another race of minor-gods, the Ástur. After their respective conceptions, both races were numerous, but after war and discontentment, many perished or were corrupted and transformed into demons. During the current era of Enoth, a small surviving pantheon of Ásti and Ástur reign over the heavens.
Elven name [pronunciation] | Dwarven name [pronunciation] | (Gender) Description |
Lenúthar [Le-noo-thar] | Olvfar [Oolv-far] | (M) First-borne of Ás, and the supreme King of Heaven. Creator of the Elven race and patron god of the Alvari Elves. |
Ailinthas [Aye-lin-thas] | Grúnd [Groond] | (F) Lady of the seas, oceans, lakes, rivers and streams. Guardian of marine life and mother-goddess of the Marë Elves. |
Hastelis [Ha-stel-ees] | Khalu [K-ha-loo] | (M) The Smithlord. God of blacksmiths, craftsmen, metals and metallurgy, and fire. Creator and patron god of the Dwarven race. Second-borne of Ás. |
Salouth [Sa-lowth] | Barg [Bahg] | (F) Fertility and harvest goddess. Worshipped fervently by the Ezani people of the far south-east island of Ezan. Called "Ahk-Khemu" by the Ezani, which means "Earth Mother" in their tongue. |
Silúthar [See-loo-thar] | Skogur [Sko-gurr] | (M) The lord and protector of Enoth's forests. Patron god of the Silvani Elves. |
Ao [Ah-oh] | Ard [Ard] | (M) Lord of the dead and supreme ruler of Underenoth. Twin brother of Éo. |
Éo [Ay-oh] | Urd [Oord] | (M) The Dreamlord. Twin brother of Ao. |
Melinthas [Mel-in-thas] | Madurga [Ma-door-gah] | (F) Lenúthar's consort and Queen of the hearth and home. Melinthas is also the guardian of women in childbirth and marriage. |
Junus [Joo-noos] | Jhunu [J-hoo-noo] | (F) "The Lifegiver." Goddess of Healing, good health, and wisedom. Third-borne of Ás and progenitor of the race of Manfolke. Patron goddess of most tribes of men. |
Balkavus [Bal-kay-vus] | Bargus [Bar-goos] | (M) The vile lord of Lies. Though Balkavus was not always black of heart, his greed and jealousy transformed him from one of Ás' beautiful children into a horrid demon. Cast into the timeless voids after his destruction of Enoth. |
Kerion [Key-ree-on] | Kherun [K-hey-roon] | (M) The Herald of Ásthrolien. The god of defensive warfare. Patron god of the Manfolke tribe of the Sveinnland and the Dwarves. |
Elven name [pronunciation] | Dwarven name [pronunciation] | Description |
Elú [Eh-loo] | Dar [Dahr] | (M) The Sun. Twin brother of Elúhen, the moon. |
Elúhen [Eh-loo-hen] | Rik [Reek] | (F) The Moon. Twin sister of Elú, the sun. Consort of Hastelis. Her beauty is said to illuminate the night's sky. |
Línfalas, Erendi, Noë [Leen-fa-lass, Ehr-en-di, No-ay] | Skol, Skrat, Skaf [Skool, Skraht, Skaff] | (F) The wavemaidens. Daughters of Ailinthas. Guardians of the seas, oceans, lakes, rivers and streams of Enoth. Worshipped as Ásti by the Marë Elves. |
Velon, Eth [Vel-on, Eth] | Varn, Ufdi [Vahn, Oof-di] | (F) Warmaidens of Kerion. Goddesses of battle. Beautiful battle maidens said to descend from the heavens during wartimes to collect warriors' souls for Kerion. Reveared by the Dwarves and the Manfolke tribe of the Sveinnlandi. |
Fínas, Fína [Fee-nas, Fee-nah] | Runk, Rinn [Roonk, Reen] | (N) Forest spirits. Male/female spirits associated with being guardians of both the forests of Enoth, as well as the Silvani or Wood Elves. |
Keruvus [Ker-oo-voos] | Kef [Keff] | (M) The Mariner. Delivers the souls of those who were righteous during their life across the oceans to Ao in Underenoth. |
Órweth [Oar-weeth] | Gored [Go-red] | (M) The Huntsman. One of the few ethereal beings to be worshipped by the Themekh people. |
Æru [Aye-roo] | Rikkit [Reek-keet] | (N) The Stars. Crafted as companions by Hastelis for his consort, Elúhen, the moon. |
Races of Enoth
After the reforming of Enoth by the Ásti and Ástur, the Creator instructed his three eldest childer, Lenúthar, Hastelis, and Junus, in the fashioning of three new races, which would inhabit and safeguard the new Enoth. Over the course of Enoth's long and often times turbulent history, Enoth's various races have cultivated highly-developed societies and civilizations. The three original races of Enoth were the Lenúthari, created by Lenúthar, the Khâzâdu, forged from the very stone of Enoth itself by Hastelis, and the diverse line of Manfolke, created by Junus, the third-borne.
Fashioned by Lenúthar, the first-borne of Ás' immortal children, the Lenúthari (Lay-noo-thar-ee), or Elves, were the first race presented for populating Enoth. Having awakened in what would become known as the Banethar Plains, a fertile southern expanse, the Lenúthari constructed the first city on Enoth, Nóheness, from which their highly sophisticated society began. Over time, the regal Lenúthari race experienced many cultural reforms and societal changes which resulted in several extreme fractures. From these tumultuous times, distinct sub-groups within the Lenúthari race were formed.
The term Lethari (Lay-thar-ee) was nonexistant until the spirit of the evil god, Balkavus, re-emerged on Enoth and corrupted the hearts of a group of impressionable Lenúthari youths during the Era of Beginnings. The Elven race was, at this time, plagued by a blight of corruption bred by Balkavus, who had long ago been expelled to the timeless void by the childer of Ás after the descruction of Olde Enoth, which resulted in a fractured race. On the side of light, the uncorrupted Lenúthari adopted for themselves the name 'Lethari,' and preserved the worship of Lenúthar. In the common tongue, these Lethari were the Light Elves. The Alvari, Silvani and Marë peoples are all members of the Lethari classification. During the current Era, the terms Lethari and Lenúthari have once again become interchangable and synonymous.
- Alvari - When the Lenúthari awoke upon Banethar Plain, they began to build majestic cities filled with ivory towers and grand mansions. Over time, neighbouring cities began to band together, and the Alvari (Ahl-vahr-ee) nation was born. During the times of the earliest generations, the terms Lenúthari and Alvari were synonymous, but over time, the Lenúthari who remained on the plains of Banethar became known as the Alvari.
- Silvani - In the year 400 of the Era of Beginnings (The First Era of New Enoth), a band of Lenúthari traditionalists, frustrated by the relationships and dependancies between Alvari and Anan societies, broke from the Alvari and migrated to the northwest. After nearly a year of wandering, the group happened upon a dense forest, which would in time be called Fan Silva Forest. Weary from their sojourn, many decided to make the forest their home, and these are what we, today, call the Silvani (Seel-vah-nee), or Wood Elves. Over the generations, the Silvani have become a highly-secretive, introverted society, greatly in tune with their surrounding environment.
- Marë - The Lenúthari traditionalists that chose not to settle in Fan Silva Forest continued on north and then again southwest to a large peninsula, where they constructed fabulous cities upon the sea cliffs. The inhabitants of these fabled coastal cities are the Marë (Mah-rhey), known also as the Sea Elves.
When Balkavus' spirit corrupted the heart's of several Lenúthari younglings, those who were unafflicted by the Dark Lord's tricks took for themselves the name Lethari, while the unfortunate tormented souls that had been were rejected from Lenúthari society as outcasts and given the name Sidúthari (See-doo-thar-ee). These were the Dark Elves. Evil abominations whose complexion turned nearly as dark as their souls, they lived only to serve the will of Balkavus, and wrought havoc throughout Enoth.
- Sithari - Just fifteen short years after their corruption, during the War of Great Sorrow, the Sidúthari were nearly exterminated by the Lethari-Anan alliance, however, some Sidúthari, having fought the inner corruption afflicting their souls, cast off the bonds of Balkavus and sought forgiveness for their evils. This small assemblage of compunctious beings were ever-after called the Sithari (See-thar-ree).
Having been created by Junus, the third-borne of Ás, the race of Manfolke was never bestowed the ethereal gift of immortality like their neighbours, the Lenúthari. Upon their awakening on the Banethar plain, the original forefathers of the race of manfolke dispersed and began long migrations, and from these original isolated groups of nomadic people, the various tribes of the race of Manfolke were born. Though all tribes of Manfolke shared the misfortune of mortality, the tribes' similarities end there. The most diverse of the races, Manfolke, unlike the Lenúthari and Khâzâdu, have come to adapt to and inhabit nearly every imaginable corner of Enoth.
In the snow-covered reaches of northern Enoth, a wandering people weary from generations of migration, began to settle in the western foothills of the Ironmouth Mountains. Over time, these groups were united as one tribe, the Sveinnlandi (Svaydn-lahn-dee).
The first tribe of Manfolke to cease migration and develop into a sophistocated society were the Anan (Ahn-nan), though they themselves had little to do with the early development of their own culture. Sharing the region of Banethar with the Lenúthari, the Anan, which take their named from the Lenúthari word for "south," fashioned their rites, rituals and customs after those of the Lenúthari, essentially mimicking the neighbouring society. The Anan even went so far as to adopt the Lenúthari language as their own, and though it has experienced many reforms and adaptations on either side, both remain mutually intelligible today. Early dependancy on the Lenúthari in terms of social structuring resulted in the conception of many half-Lenúthari, half-Anan individuals within both Anan and Lenúthari societies. In the year 1,910 of the Second Era, the Anan king, Hebron, died suddenly, and his son, Prince Sengas, who was half-Anan and half-Lenúthari, ascended his father's throne. Hebron's illegitimate full-blooded Anan son, Hebron II, however, led a sizable band of reformists in an uprising against his half-brother and the kingdom of Anan. After numerous indecisive battles, Hebron II and his followers fled east of Anan, and founded a realm which stressed the necessity of self-sufficiency rather than reliance on the Lenúthari. This kingdom became known as Anan-Minath, while the now-King Sengas' Anan became known as Anan-Nas. After just 80 years time both kingdoms were peacefully reunited, and once again were known as simply, Anan.
In the northeast corner of Enoth, there lives a people of which few facts are known. The Themekh (Theh-mehk), are a swarthy race of tribal hunters and gatherers, led by shaman matriarchs. Their social and religious customs are unique amongst the races of Enoth, most of which revolve around the worship of Ao and Éo, whom they call E'quichnat (Eh-kweech-naht) and E'que (Eh-kway).
Though the Ezani (Eh-zahn-nee) and the Themekh share similar physical appearances, both being tall, swarthy folk, they do not share a single societal or social likeness. The Ezani are a fiercely religious seafaring people, ruled by what they believe to be the worldly embodiment of Keruvus the Mariner, whom they call the Khez.
- Grimbeard
- Hammerhand
- Ironheart
- Strongaxe
- Heavyhelm
- Kór-Urakh
- Urak
- Kerû-Khas
- Turgul
Notable Locations
- Khaleg-Urd
- Hagunkeep
- The Dhuns
- Hvenvold
- Nóheness
- Ólieness
- Eth Esíthí
- Esan Minas
- Nasíl
- Minathíl
- Khazag-Ghet
- Dharag-Urd
- Nazueth
- Ezan
- The Badlands
- The Northern Bonelands