Fathom/Fathom Bestiary/Morxigai

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  • (Mor xeh guy)

Mor'xigai are the revenants of powerful, intelligent sea creatures that were destroyed by fel magics. Often these creatures move completely undetected, as they have no corporeal form. They move with the currents, and can move through solid material. Standard weapons cannot harm these spirits, magics have only been discovered to repel them. No existing legends exist to verify that they can be permanantly destroyed.

Mor'xigai are malicious and vindictive creatures, with amazing cunning and ruthlessness, but their vigor quickly wanes in the face of powerful magics. Most are lost spirits, that simply feed from the fear and life energies of the living, however many dark casters have learned to use these creatures as allies and pets. They often work as familiars and spies.

Creatures destroyed by Mor'xigai often become Mor'xigai themselves. (note: there is no evidence that Humanoid creatures can become Mor'xigai) The creatures do not congregate with others of their kind, unless directed so by a master, their are viciously territorial, and often attack anything within their boundaries.

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