The Palladium Sentry/History
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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The Palladium Sentry began from one man's dream. That man was Brent Sheppard, a twenty-seven year old Air Force retiree looking to increase his standing in the front against what he deemed the greatest social injustices of our time: Poverty, hunger, disease...and a fourth injustice that the Sentry would battle on a silent front...
By light of day the Sentry waged its wars on the former three, and by night the latter. The organization was known only as The Palladium Research Group, a pairing of popular sciences and humanitarian efforts in order to benefit the world in which they existed. Palladium Research Group began to branch out into such diverse fields as government funded weaponry research to funding organizations like The Moffitt Cancer Center. Under the leadership of Brent Sheppard, Palladium Research Group was well on its way to financial security.
Brent Sheppard had a means to guide his business to success- and by day the Palladium was good for what it promised to be: a charitable organization. After the doors to their small building were closed and locked, however, its charity did far more than research. The Knight Sentinel first assumed his mantle shortly after a business in the Rogue Isles known as the Harbinger Foundation began as a rival investment firm. It bought out several military contracts from underneath the Palladium Research Group's business model. When plans for a sentient computer database: Nominal Artificial Intelligence Computer Administration or NAICA entered a stream of shady missing persons investigations in Cap Au Diable, the U.S. Government opted out of it's contract with the Foundation. The Knight Sentinel took it upon himself to make the project disappear. What had began as an implementation of Brent Sheppard's would soon turn into a superhuman community effort.
The Sentry began its formation with it's first member- Cryogenesus. NAICA detected the hulking brute in Bloody Bay, an area Knight had been keeping tabs on for all of its superhuman activity. Cryogenesus was berserking around the bay, a juggernaut of rage and a victim of Crey experimentation. Knight arrived on scene to talk the man down. It wasn't long before the conflict resolved to violence. Knight decided to end the conflict through diplomacy and succeeded. The Sentry gained it's first member.
While working with the U.S. Department of Defense on non-lethal weaponry, Brent Sheppard had worked closely with a Senator by the name of Henry Baker. His son, Jon Baker had recently stepped into some super powers of his own. Jon had been working with a subsidiary of the newly found Palladium Sentry Incorporated. When he gained his powers he was quickly assimilated into the ranks of the Palladium Sentry, and membership began to flourish.
As Knight accrued close friends the Sentry expanded. His small group of heroes caught the eye of some sinister villains and thusly the ranks of the Palladium Sentry were opened to the public.
Victor Van Braun was one of the first threats to the Sentry. His Kirau Clan infiltrated the city and attacked Breia Sheppard, Knight Sentinel's wife. Calling on their new allies The Perpetuals, Knight confronted Van Braun in Siren's Call where they were interrupted by a being named Turbushido. The conflict was brief, but arduous. If not for the newly gained friendship of Cryogenesus and The American Avenger Knight would have been easily overwhelmed. Cryogenesus and American Avenger were able to keep a perimeter around the building so that the duel inside could happen uninterrupted.
The battle raged on for hours, a hopeless duel on the inside and an onslaught of Kirau Clan