Ann Skyborn

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Ann Skyborn
Player: Anaesthesia
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 15
Personal Data
Real Name: Sha'an lir Ky'gil
Known Aliases: None
Species: Sa'lir'ky
Age: 16 cycles (20 years)
Height: '
Weight: '
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: Ky'pir
Occupation: Galatic Scouter
Place of Birth: Ky'pir lir An'sha
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Faultline
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: One brother, Har'yil lir Ky'gil
Known Powers
Winged Flight, Mace and Shield Style Combat
Known Abilities
Acute Hearing and Smell
Sa'lir'ky Mace and Shield, Custom Armor
Stated coming farther than any of her kind.


Brief Bio

Ann Skyborn, as she is known on Earth, arrived mid July one day in her Damaged Scouter. Her people knew about earth, but not the life that inhabited it or the attacks it recently has come under, as her people only recently started using Radio waves as their planet's atmosphere renders the waves useless for communication beyond a severely limited range not making for suitable communication. Instead they relied on more on physical land lines for communication and written communication until they developed the technology to send and receive communications using slight phase shifting as to ignore the properties of their atmosphere. This makes for very effective communications but also means that they can not pick up random Signals as it a receiver is only tuned to receive in a set phase frequency.

Once here however she was dismayed at the damage to her Craft and the fact that even if she could get the materials to repair her craft that as long as the Rikti remained a threat to the planet she probably wouldn't be able to get far as avoiding their ships would probably drain her fuel reserves at about the orbital path of Venus and it would be just a matter of time that she would crash onto Venus and be worse off. She now has decided to help the city and the planet to fight crime and eventually the Rikti once she has proven herself to the People of Earth and herself that she can handle them.

Recent History

Her craft touched down in Freetown Fall State Park NJ, and has hidden using combination of cloaking, clever forcefields, and holograms to make it look like a part of the landscape that only someone with intimate knowledge of the landscape would notice the change. Once she stabilized her ship's systems and put out some minor fires she tracked the Rikti ships that had attacked her to Paragon city. She decided to head there to get some answers. And answers she did get. She got some tentative answers about who the Rikti were even if there was alot of questions of hers that went unanswered because either those she asked didn't know....or she wasn't trusted enough to be told. While staying in Galaxy city she saw a surprising number of Crimes occurring and criminals running amok on the streets. It was then that she decided that she was going to use some of her military skill and her custom Armor, made by her Mentor back home for her, to help fight the criminals in Paragon, as well as working up the courage to fight the rikti. She registered herself as a Heroine and decided to head over to city hall to see if she could help the officials of the city better than the Freedom Corps. She had asked for directions to Atlas Park from an excitable, hyper Hero that had sped off in the blink of the eye as soon as the Directions were given. Following the Directions she soon found herself lost in kings row, it was then that she decided to enter an office building to ask someone for help, instead she found the Heroines Starcandle and Darkfall fighting Outcasts. She decided to take up her mace and help them, and ended up Becoming tentative friends with them as they continued to fight crime and right wrongs. It was on a later outing with the two that she met Joyous Light, whom she ended up Befriending as well, eventually she ended up staying with Joy at her house as her ship was uncomfortable in Gravity and kinda far from the city. It wasn't soon after that Starcandle invited her into a newly forming Supergroup called the Lighthouse. Honored Ann accepted and happily counts herself among their members now.

The Planet of Sha'lir'sa

Ann's home planet is Vastly different from Earth. To begin with it is roughly half the size of Saturn, even though its surface gravity is .89 Gs. From orbit it could be mistaken for a Gas giant except for a relatively small spire rising out of the clouds of the planet. It has five moons, and a sixth that was split in half by a traumatic event, which was probably the source of folk stories of the Exploding Sky as the sound and debris from it would have reached the surface.

The Various Atmospheric Zones

Language Primer

A - I

an - one

colu - Understand

Di - Do

eid - Dead

Gi - Guide

Gil - Guides

Go - Fog

Gol - Fogs

Har - Sharp

het - Them

igin - Thing

Ifa - Fair

Ifa'kyl - Fair Skies (Greeting/Goodbye)

Iker - Sickness

Kae - Take

Ky - Sky

Kyl - Skies

Lir - of

Mel - Realm

Nam - Damn

pir - spire

Pir'ul - Farmer

Prec - Protect

Ta - To

Tol - Not

Tra - Blood

Sha - Beauty/Beautiful

Sa - Life

Ul - Worker

un - under

Yil - Eyes

Yi - Eye

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