Anna Cullen

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Anna Cullen
Player: @Purple PopTarts
Origin: Magic
Archetype: DB/In
Security Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Bertianna The Fair
Known Aliases: Anna Cullen
Species: Human/Vampire
Age: 1211
Height: 5 Ft.
Weight: N/A
Eye Color: Blue/Amber/Black
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: Eastern Europe
Occupation: N/A
Place of Birth: Emilia, Italy
Base of Operations: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Charlemagne(Father), mother unknown, with a long list of siblings
Known Powers
Super strength, super speed, Agility, Heighten senses
Known Abilities
In life she lead a very lucky life, after becoming a vampire she gained the uncontrollable ability of always being very very lucky.

Born the daughter of Charlemagne and a unknown concubine, in the year 800 AD. She was the favorite illegitimate daughter, and the favorite child of his many. Being young she was forced to stay in the palace under a watchful eye at all times. Her father felt very strongly about a good education for all his children. She was taught in the arts: To paint, to write poetry, to play an instrument. Along with how to read and write, with simple arithmetic.

Just after she turned 14 her father died, and her brother, The Pious Louis, banished all the daughters from court to live in convents. Later that year the convent was attacked by vampires, and holding on to a single thread of life, was turned into one. She traveled the world looking for her place, and causing great destruction in her path. Until she met Stregone Benefico. Even though she was many years older then him, he seemed many years wiser and kinder. She learned from him to not kill humans, but to help them.

Keeping in contact with Stregone, and his"families" goings on. She moved to Paragon, taking his new sur name, Cullen. She lives with a close friend of "Carlisle Cullen"(Stregone), Sylar Cullen, who when in public takes the role of her father.

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