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Prepare to be demystified.
Player: @Starflier
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Stalker
Threat Level: 2
Personal Data
Real Name: Dr. Jack Merrill
Known Aliases: Doc
Species: Human
Age: 28
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Praetorian
Occupation: Freelance Research Scientist
Place of Birth: Old Vegas
Base of Operations: Praetoria: Imperial City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Genius Level Intellect
Arcana Suit


For Dr. Jack Merrill there was nothing left to get out of working for the Praetor of Science. There was no challenge to be had in fine tuning someone else's ideas. So he left to pursue other opportunities.

Months passed as he waited for inspiration, until it finally came to him in a dream. Magic, real magic. He'd seen it once, as a kid and the science of it fascinated him. As he'd grown older he'd left that fascination behind in his pursuit of 'real science', but now he had a chance to explore it once more.

Never one to put much stock in faith and mysticism, Jack knew that magic must simply be a new science waiting to be explored and catalogued, and he could be the one to do it. To that end he spent the next two years working on developing ways to harness and study magical energies.

The result was a suit able to manipulate and store magical power. To continue his research he knew he would have to join Powers Division.

The Arcananaut was born.

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