Arianne Burgeois

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( See also Satine Dubois )

She flips a badge. You don’t get a very good look at it, but get the hazy impression of some sort of federal organization, maybe FBI or the like? You can’t be sure. She smiles prettily, and doubts fade away, of course she is who she says she is…

…Wait, who did she say she was?


Can it be, is it really she?

Though one in the same, anyone who meets “Agent Ari”, as she nicknames herself, would completely fail to link her to the rather shadowy villainess Satine Dubois. Where Satine is cool, slightly flirtatious, and utterly sarcastic, Arianne is upbeat, reassuring, almost motherly in her ministrations to the outer world. A respected investegator (though people she’s interviewed for information couldn’t tell you the name of the agency on the badge ) and heroic individual, Arianne seems to be everything that is right with the world.

There are vague rumors circulating among jealous peers that her past is much more shadowy than that pretty smile lets on.


“Satine, I’m only going to say this once – you want to work in /my/ City, you can’t go around mind raping people. They frown on it.”

-Ariel Parker to Arianne, shortly before taking her to be registered in Atlas Park

Amongst the Longbow and Phalanx, Satine’s mixture of psychic persuasion and brute force were bordering on legendary; afraid that this might somehow give her away, Arianne shed her favored form of dealing with people along with her name in order to sneak in under Paragon’s radar. When asked what she could do that made her eligible for ‘hero’ classification, Arianne inclined her head…

“This is Fluffy.”

The Warden almost voided her bladder. The creature standing behind Arianne was a being of pure psychic energies, so powerful that it could actually take form and touch the outer world. Arianne cracked a wry grin, and signed on the dotted line for her license.

“Shadows and nightmares, m’dear…”

But Arianne took it further than the Warden ever dreamed – she created a proverbial psychic army that would do her bidding for her. She started small, of course, a few things here and there, but in time, she felt safe enough in her position to let loose and have fun.

“Ari’s power is excessive, and slightly frightening to people who think they are in her cross hairs. I have seen play out scenes of horror for her ‘criminals’, scenes that almost seem to come from within the ‘criminals’ themselves. If I had to take a guess, I’d say she does indeed pull these emotions from them, and give them form.”

- MidnyghtStar, commenting on the heroine Arianne.

“In the words of the infamous LOLCat, ‘I can haz your healz?’”

It started simply as a self-test, almost a sort of dare. Could she really bend her ability of telekinesis far enough to not harm, but only help?

Didn’t hurt that my doing so, she probably would also further distance herself from her shadowy alter-ego.

She started small, but after a few months, she had it down pat – an ability to perform mass regeneration to damaged tissues amongst allies. She began to manipulate it further and further though, as always driven by an incessant need for perfection… She added a hint of her Rogue Isles psyche, and bam! She was able not only to heal, but to increase a person’s power, stamina, and the like all the while draining her enemy’s.

Her mastery was an instant success, and has put her in high demand among heroic teams.

(( OMG I had to have an OOC’er Section! ))

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