Ashira Ti'noraya

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For Azur'theramas IV!!!
Ashira Ti'noraya
Player: @Veraldrisz
Origin: Technologie/Natural
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 38
Personal Data
Real Name: Ashira Ti'noraya Destokov
Known Aliases: Ash
Species: Sha'lesk
Age: 26
Height: 9 Feet Tall
Weight: 295 Lbs
Eye Color: Topaz
Hair Color: Yellow
Biographical Data
Nationality: Sha'leskian
Occupation: Primary of Earth Sha'lesk Regimental Imperial Guard
Place of Birth: Azur'theramas IV
Base of Operations: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Keen Sense, Sha'lesk Visions.
Known Abilities
Tactical Discipline.
Sha'lesk Royal Imperial Plate, Torakev Battle Riffle
She ain't pretty when she's mad!

Fierce, Loyal and Indomitable, Ashira Ti'noraya hail from a noble bloodline of respected Royal Guardsman of the Sha'lesk Empire. A natural Army Leader she could have been the High Commander of the Legions of Azur'theramas IV if it wasn't for her arrogance and defiance.

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