
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: Brutaka
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Mastermind
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: N/A
Known Aliases: N/A
Species: Archdemon
Age: N/A
Height: 8'
Weight: 275 lbs
Eye Color: White mostly, red when battling
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: None
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Hell
Base of Operations: None
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Able to 'see' the souls of all beings. Can telepathically probe the minds of all beings. Is able to corrupt the souls of others. Highly resistant to all forms of damage.
Known Abilities



“I am the first of many… ”

After Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, he decided to set his sights on new targets: The realms between Heaven and Hell. But he lacked the time and energy to gather the forces himself. So he began the process of creating a demon that would do his bidding of gathering souls for the army of Hell. On the first day of creation, he put the essence of Hate into a brimstone cauldron. On the second day, he added Pride. On the third, he added Lust. The fourth, Wrath, the fifth, Vengeance. Finally, on the six day of creation, Lucifer added his own essence to the mixture: His own blood and soul. The cauldron began to rumble and crack as Lucifer spoke “Rise my creation. Rise and claim what is mine!”

As time turned to the seventh day, the first demon of Hell was created. The Devil spoke to his creation “I name thee Brutaka, the Reaper of many, the hunter of souls, the General of Hell.” On that day, Hell had its first demon created: The Archdemon Brutaka. The Devil instructed him to gather only the most evil of souls in all realms. Brutaka was to be the deliverer of death to the worlds below. One day he came across a lone angel. In his nature, he was prepared to kill her. As he placed his gun to her head, she begged him she one last request. He agreed to listen to her. As he sheathed his weapon, the angel placed her hand on his chest, over his black heart. “Before I die, I grant you four gifts: The power of Kindness, Patience, Humility, and Love”. As the powers began to twist his heart, he shot her in the chest and claimed another for his Master. But before she died, she said “My purpose is fulfilled…” Being empowered with the four Virtues, he now knew he had a choice.

As he returned to Hell, Lucifer confronted him and asked if he would like the powers taken away so he could return to his primal instinct, where he had not to worry about whether or not a killing was right or wrong. Brutaka looked up at him and said “I will still be your Hunter, your gatherer of souls, your General in the war, but I serve my own purpose now”. On that day forth, Brutaka was master of his own fate.

The War Between Heaven and Hell

"My summoning begins your debt"


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