Burning Frostbite

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Burning Frostbite
Player: @FrostbiteXII
Origin: Science
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Rodag McAlister
Known Aliases: Frost
Species: Human
Age: 32
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 266lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Red/blue
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Ex-Crey
Place of Birth: Atlas Park
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unkown
Known Powers
Mastery over Ice and Fire Projectiles
Known Abilities
Extreme Control over elemental properties: Fire/Ice
Standard Justice Guard Uniform, Locatable Badge, Mechanical Right Eye. Exo-Proto Power suit to suppress powers in cases where they may go out of control.
Ex-Crey employee turned Hero after thwarted by Statesman, but still holds pullable strings to the Crey business. Lost and found again after increasing control over powers gave him an extreme and constant control over his elemental abilities.



The Justice Guard



Captain Amazing

Dark Lancer

Released Hero's Journal

My name's Rodag, Rodag Frost McAlister. I'm only 32, but I'm still young enough to kick ass. But that's not the point of this. This.... is how I began as a Hero of Paragon City. Nine years ago, back before I had my powers and wore spandex like most other heroes, I was a Crey Officer.... A decently high ranked on at that. My brother was a Crey Gunner when I was younger, growing up in the slums of Skyway City, he taught me everything. I was positioned at Section 4, a routine training facility for new Crey members. I was top of my class, I was the best guy on the block. I excelled with top scores in Assault, Defensive, and Urban Fighting. My commander heard of a secret project being conducted in Section 5, and he immediately had me and the rest of my squad repositioned in Section 5.

This begins my real story . . . . . . .

During my time in Section 5 I had to fight off numerous Heroes trying to stop our research, but.... for some reason, I didn't put full effort into combating them, I more or less.. envied them for their Glory with the city. But I still did what I was there to do, Protect Section 5. Six years after being positioned in Section 5 we'd heard rumor of Statesman's warning to our section to stop our research or be arrested. We of course didn't heed his word, and continued. A year later our researchers had a breakthrough on a new mutagen, though untested on humanoids this syrum had showed great result on the test animals. Improved strength, sight, speed, and enhanced their natural abilities... ten fold. But we didn't know, that Statesman and Positron had also heard of the breakthrough, from an undercover officer within the ranks of the Crey. Without warning, and without sound, Statesman and Positron slammed through Section 5 and began arresting people on sight, any and everyone. I did my best to fend off the two massive heroes but I was easily tossed aside by Statesman's strength, right into a container that held a batch of the new mutagen. Weeks later, the entire Section 5 had been arrested and I was presumed dead on the scene, and I was. The massive intake of the mutagen killed me, and several weeks later.... gave me a rebirth, but with a price. I had lost everything..., My family, My life, My job, and anything that had my name to it. But I gained everything. The Mutagen, after my rebirth, had granted me powers, the abilities to manipulate the Ice and some ability to control fire..... but after being reborn so soon, I had to find a way to contain them. So I took my old Crey Body Armor Suit and modified it with scrap and materials found around the area of Section 5's destroyed facility. Through my limited knowledge of science and technology, I was able to fashion together a Exo-Proto Suit that would help me control my new found powers better and not let them completely consume me. I'd lost everything, and I now had a new life to make of myself, so I dawned my powersuit and went to Ms. Liberty, and introduced myself as The Burning Frostbite!

Journal Release after Disappearance

I've arrived back here in Paragon City. My body's well, my mind, even better. The small ship that Alexander lended me worked well and stood up the the beatings of not only the storms but my own powers. I finally mastered my powers, and with it, I hope to once agian save the citizens of Paragon City.

When my boat docked at Spanky's Boardwalk in Talos Island, I was greeted by Tub Chi's men, seems he still has it out for me. Wouldn't blame him, I tore up his gang and dismissed several of his key sorcerers.

I made easy work of the small group Tub Ci sent me, and sent him back a limping messenger.

The fight was easy, almost... as easy as breathing. My powers flowed like through me like my own blood, and calling on them was easier than before. Controlling them was out of the question, I don't need to control them any more, their completely restrained until I call.

Hell even the suit I have from the Crey Factory is useless. Guess I'll find something different.

I've recieved a message from Cap', and my communications earpiece has some how revived itself.

Not much longer afterwards, I was re-instated back to the Guard. Good to be back.

But something's wrong, I feel like an old shoe.... maybe it's time for some change.

I've recharged the jewel that I had implanted in my belt to keep my powers under control, but the charge I added now gives additional power to my abilities.

Also, I've changed the coding for the belt, and the Gem has been leaking some sort of liquid since the change.

The liquid turns hard and cold when it dries, almost like metal..... I've investigate further

The liquid from the gem has stopped leaking, and some of it dried on my skin. It feels nice... cold, yet warm.

My body is covered with this stuff! I've tried to peel it off, but the metal has bound to my skin, like a suit....... wait.....

I've adjusted the Gem agian, and the liquid metal has formed a metallic skin over my entire body, and I've become used to it's feel, it's also offered protection from the numerous assaults from villains.

I've gathered some things and I've remade my Hero's Costume, it looks nice. Looks... heroic.

Seems another day has passed and I'm surprised that I've not seen any more Tsoo, but plenty of Freaks and Crey have been following me.

I cleared with Statesman on my Security Level 30, and was given the Atlas Medallion shortly after for my accomplishments.

But I came home to the Guard's base in total disarray.

Tub will have to be put on hold.... something's afoot and I'm going to try and help to solve the problem!

I and Dark Lancer are about to head to Grandville, we've taken a Crey Supply ship and hidden inside a supply crate.

I've been able to recover most the memory from my old Crey Uniform and use it as a disguise.

We don't know what's in store for us over in Rogue Isle, but we're determined to find Malaketh.

This was the last entry.....

Obtained Historical Hero Information

After his abrupt departure from Paragon City, Rodag McAlister, or Burning Frostbite, was doomed were he not able to get control of his overwhelming powers. A year passed by and signs of Rodag had vanished from Paragon City, his badge to The Justice Guard was lost and the comms device he used to contact the others was drained of energy and completely useless. Shortly after the end of the year and the beginning of a new spring, Rodag finally returned to Paragon City, where he was introduced to several new Justice Guard Members and was soon after headed to Grandville to help Dark Lancer dispatch the evil Malaketh, after a raid on their Supergroup's base. Gaining new powers and wearing a new costume, Burning was soon on his way back into the groove of being an every day hero. Until one day after a fight with the might Solace, left-hand women to Malaketh, sent him spiraling down the well of an interdimensional rift that held untold possiblities of death. The rift was concluded as rational explaination, that the Rift was nothing more than a catch in time and the darkness Frost sank into was a subconscience state where he tapped into a well of unknown powers after assimilating with a shadow which Frost thought was a physical image of his own suppressed powers.

The times have passed long since the trip into Grandville with Dark Lancer. And several things have come and gone.

For instance, Frost's unusual part-take in a fight that drew him and a villan into the oblivion of an unstable teleportation. During this time Frost had encountered something he didn't understand but came back from the oblivion with a renewed since of powers... thinking that he merely got in contact with his supressed energies and strengths.

Over time, Frost learned he had become the host to a Kheldian and the alien soon saved his life rather than letting the Guardsman turn into a living bomb that could have taken him and Captain Amazing with him in his expansion of energies.

Then, the time came that Frostbite would converse with the Kheldian inside him and offer his and the aliens assistance to the city of Paragon. During this time unseen eyes were watching over the young man and his new Kheldian friend.

These eyes... These eyes were of those that sought to bring an end to Frostbite and the Kheldian's kind.

During a Patrol one day... Frostbite was confronted by several Shadow Cysts, and from the shining darkness came the Black eyes of Void Hunters and Nictus of all sorts.

There was nothing he could do, nothing he could say, no message he could send out to the rest of his friends as he and his Kheldian half were dragged into the abyssal darkness of the Cyst and cast off some where.

Time passed once again and Frostbite took the one chance he knew he'd have to make to even remotely show the other Guardsmen that he'd been taken and is now elsewhere.... awaiting rescue. The Measure? Nothing more horrible to Kheldian Hosts than being split from their new halves.

The Kheldian broken itself from Frostbite's body and quickly escaped the confines in which the two were held. Escape wasn't without injury.

Wounded and weakened the Kheldian finally made its way back to Paragon City... searching for the one known as Captain Amazing!

Failing to contact Captain Amazing, The Kheldian sought out Moonfire, who informed her of the missing Guardsman and was soon informed.... that a few of the Justice Guard had actually departed to wage war against the Nictus.

Lingering about the battles... the Kheldian watched as the Guardsmen and Guardswomen fought hard and long, soon bringing even the darkness of Arakhn to her knees.

Feeling the shift in power the Kheldian quickly returned to Frostbite... informing him that the Nictus would be distracted and Weakened.

With help from other Prisoners of the Nictus, Frostbite and his Kheldian successfully overturned their capturers and gained freedom from their bonds, returning to Paragon with the help of Frost's teleportation powers.

Current Hero Status

Missing in action. Reports are believed so show that a new group of villains has arisen from the dirt in Paragon from Rogue Isles. Alerts have been sent to the Justice Guard.


With a rather lonely life after the destruction of Section 5, Frost soon began to warm up when he was welcomed into the Guard. His attitude has softened and he's become more tolerant of those around him, even villains, to an extent.

Smiling, and bright eyed, Frost has a warm glow about him these days, even with the Kheldian's darkness lingering about.


Frostbite has gained an extremely high control rate over the elements of Fire and Ice. With the help of his time away from Paragon, as well as the help from his Kheldian companion, Frost's mental concentration and capacity has expanded to almost transcendent level. Vast control over these two elements have given him the ability to fly rather than run, simply by heating and cooling the air around him to expand and contracting it's molecular body to his will, lifting him from the ground and moving him along. The ability to control the air's tempature and the surrounding area's humidity levels give him a wide range of way to use his powers in a combined fashion, such as condesing the air to create a high humidity level, and then heating the air to the point of turning all the moisture into a massive wave of steam that could easily blind/or remove an enemy from battle.

The current status on his progression with his Kheldian is unknown, but Frost seems to have been able to harness almost all the Kheldian's abilities and call on them at his will, creating a high knowledge of the energy attacks most Kheldians come by naturally.

With the removal of the massive infection that afflicted him body, Frost's powersuit has been returned to it's normal usage. No longer does his suit electrify his body to hold the infection at bay, it now suppresses the excess powers that Frost isn't calling on will and holds the potential energies for later usage, making it fully possible for Frost to completely turn his surrounding areas into nothing but a frozen waste land. or a smoldering pile of ash.


Frost, or Rodag, has no relatives that anyone knows of, and his love life has been completely empty since long before Statesman's actions against Section 5.


The Society of Evil

Some reports show Frostbite getting into an increasing amount of conflicts with a new coming group, word brings somewhat of a name to the group, The Black Hammers, but this hasn't be validated.

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