Calculated Cataclysm

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Calculated Cataclysm
Player: @Calculated Cataclysm
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Stalker
Threat Level: 33
Personal Data
Real Name: N/A
Known Aliases: Cataclysm, Cata
Species: Android
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'9''
Weight: Around 250
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: Stainless Steel
Biographical Data
Nationality: N/A
Occupation: Personal Bodyguard
Place of Birth: Mercy Island
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Indentured Bodyguard
Known Relatives: Adopted sister: Jagu
Known Powers
Electricity control
Known Abilities
Strong armor of unknown composition.
His face and body are covered in scars, large and small.

[ Work in progress. AKA I'm lazy. I'll get it done later, I promise! D: ] [ And since I don't know what to put, I'll just put his desc on here. ]

 Real name: Irrelevant. 
 Aliases: Cataclysm, Cata, CC. 
 Height: 5'9. 
 Age: No longer an issue. 
 Personality: Self-absorbed asshole.  
 >Thoughts are in a complex, unique code. 
 >Outside of his suit, his face and upper torso are covered in scars. 
 [ Scar refrence: ]
 >Completely neutral accent; gives no hint to where he once lived or where he does now. 
 >Very, very friendly... to a point. Just start up a conversation; he'll go with it. 
 >Extremely Tell friendly. Seriously, go for it. 
 >Just lost the game.
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