Category:The Peacekeepers (SG)/Policies and Guidelines
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
![]() The Peacekeepers are a group of individuals who believe in strong character development and been able to play our heroes in online superhero games. While we have started out creating and modifying existing concepts to work within the confines of Online games, our League has blossomed into so much more. Every day we are pushing each other to better hone our respective skill sets. We originally formed as a sub team withing the Legion of Champions as Team Apex.
![]() The original members of that team were Overdrive and Flex(who would move on to other characters such as White Lion, National Guard, and a few more. As time progressed they approached certain individuals who were showing an above average interest in character creation. Those individuals were Compound (who would later become Burst), Tremor, Watchdog, Shatterpoint, Red Ringlight, and Crimson Beacon (who would go on to become Jamaican Jaguar). As time moved on some of the individuals of this new team, now known as The Peacekeepers would leave the team, Watchdog and Shatterpoint respectively.
![]() As their ranks began to thin a decision was put forth to start expanding the team beyond it's current scope and into something so much more, but to accomplish this they needed to create a foundation. After bringing on Thor's Assassin and Megasect (who would go on to become Veikira and then Bombard),
From there they brought in the Alpha recruitment class consisting of Lady Glacies, Gray Wolf, Celtic Bolt, Cyphon, Green Zap, Dr. Vinci, Christmas. They initiated from these members the first ranking system of Founders, Elite Officers and Members.
After more time passed and a couple of members left, so we held our Beta recruitment class. This time we brought in even more talented and enthusiastic members that were not only a great addition but allowed us to reach our designated member cap. Those members included none other than Blood Knight, Nighthawk, Shamrock, Solar Flare, Procyon, and Ralrena.
A Statement from The Council: As a team, The Peacekeepers are just one force for good in the Superhero Gaming Community and as such we have decided to adhere to a set of guidelines in order to maintain our status and offer the best time in and out of our selected games for all members and friends. In reading the Charter, you will learn that The Peacekeepers is a team worthy of your effort, commitment and consideration, and we are dedicated to our characters, our stories, and our Universe. Signed, The Councilors Purpose (IC): The purpose of The Peacekeepers (PK) is to handle threats to the security of the Multiverse - both terrestrial and extraterrestrial - beyond the power of conventional enforcement groups. If contracted by concerned parties, the PK will undertake missions in an effort to aid other planets. However, the PK's primary directive is to ensure the peace and welfare of Earth. The PK will also participate in public service and charity functions when not involved in higher priority duties. As a sponsored security force of the United Nations, the PK upholds the responsibilities of an "International Peacekeeping Force" and the status of an independent city state. Funding (IC): The PK is a non-profit organization incorporated in the United States of America and is funded by a trust established shortly after its creation. All funding is kept confidential and supplied by the membership. As such, the league will ONLY use the funds for the maintenance/betterment of its facilities, such as headquarters or website maintenance, and not as compensation toward members for their services. Finances are managed by the Council and a majority vote determines the usage of these funds. Punishment of Criminals (IC): All alleged criminals dealt with by The Peacekeepers shall be brought to trial under which every judicial body they are subject to, be it terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or extra-dimensional. Acts of interstellar aggression and misconduct shall be punished in accordance with the mandates of the appropriate recognized interstellar law enforcement agency. The governing tribunal, not the PK itself, shall determine the severity of a criminal's punishment. Imprisonment shall be handled by conventional institutions, except in cases where the criminal cannot be detained by existing facilities. In this case, the PK is at liberty to devise their own form of detainment under the review of the United Nations or a recognized interstellar law enforcement agency. Ranks: All Peacekeeper ranks offer different sets of responsibilities and commitments. The following are more specific descriptions of each rank and how they work within our organization. These ranks are intended to apply primarily to the member themselves, and not their character. However, some members characters also hold a similar rank in the Roleplayed Leadership of the different groups in The Peacekeeper Universe.
The Council/ Councilors The Council is the governing body for the Peacekeepers. The Councilors are the ultimate decision makers. They act as spokesmen for the PK when the need arises. However, their main responsibilities are behind the scenes in maintaining the league. This rank is voted on by current Councilors. This rank is attainable by an Officer who shows exemplary commitment and service to the PKU Community.
Officer Officers are the chief ambassadors of the PKU and are tasked with the daily upkeep of the league. Duties include assisting the Council in leadership decisions, settling member disputes within the league and continuing to build relationships with other people, groups and venues. Officers are also tasked with being well-versed in the chosen Superhero game’s lore and schedules. They will manage and schedule in-game training, events and raids. They will also be in charge of developing and implementing role-playing events. If any questions arise relating to any in-game elements, the Officers will be the first to capably answer them. All questions relating to in-game elements or the Peacekeepers in general should be brought to the Officers. These responsibilities are over and above the responsibilities agreed to as being part of the Active Guard, the particulars of which are mentioned below. To become an Officer, you must show outstanding dedication to the League and go above and beyond the commitments required of an Active Guard. This rank is ultimately voted on by the Council, but candidate recommendations are accepted by Councilors and other current Officers. 30 days of inactivity with no prior warning can result in a demotion to the Active Guard status. The Officers are also expected to fulfill the responsibilities of an Active Guard, in addition to their other rank-related task. (See Below) Active Guard This is the core membership. After being accepted in the Active Guard, a member gains access to league-based votes and will be called upon to be a part of league development. Additionally, to be considered a member of the Active Guard, a person must subscribe, and participate in any of the supported Superhero MMOs (currently DC Universe Online, and City of Heroes: Freedom). An Active Guardsman's primary responsibility is to be available to the league and to enjoy the chosen Superhero Game as an ambassador of the Peacekeepers! As an ambassador, they are to participate in league events and meetings whenever possible. Every effort should be made by a member of the Active Guard to team with fellow members. They are also tasked with documenting their character’s information and origin on the character’s personal Wikia page. A member of the Active Guard is asked to keep league discussions within the league. If a member of the Active Guard is not active for 60 days without prior notice, that member may be demoted to Reserve Guard status or removed from the PK roster. In the event that an Active Guardsman steps down or is removed, it is requested that they continue to keep league matters confidential.Any membership decisions are subject to a vote by the Council.
All potential members of the PK are subject to the Application process. More information about applying can be found here. Once accepted as a member of the Peacekeepers, a person will become a Recruit. During this time, Recruits are granted the same access as an Active Guard member but do not have a vote in league-altering decisions. At any time during this recruitment phase, a Recruit may choose to leave the league without notice. After 30 days, a recruit may be placed into Active Guard status. NOTE: ALL MEMBERS ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPLICATION PROCESS.
The Alliance & Coalition Program is designed to further our relations with like minded leagues, guilds and clubs that make up the Superhero MMO Gaming Community. Groups may join this program when invited by the Council. If you would like to suggest another Superhero MMO Gaming Club for this program please contact us via email:
•Cross League cooperation including but not limited to teaming, chatting, raiding, storyline progression, character development, etc. What we don't offer: •Access to the Peacekeepers only section of our forums.
Extended Leaves of Absence and Resignations: Any member can request an extended leave of absence at any time. A member who takes a leave of absence remains in good standing and can return to the league at any time. Any member may choose to resign at any time. That person may choose to re-apply any time during standard recruitment intakes. Any member who resigns or takes a leave of absence and remains in good standing may later return to the league (members who have resigned have to go through the standard application procedure). Members can be discharged from the league if they are inactive, without initial note after a maximum period of 60 days or are no longer able to participate in league business.
Suspensions and Expulsions: Any member is subject to disciplinary action for dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming of a member, or disruption of league business. Suspensions are normally for one week, but can be overturned for good behavior as witnessed by Officers. Suspensions and reinstatements are subject to a majority vote from The Council. The case for suspension may be brought forward by any active member. Active and Reserve Guard members can be expelled from the league with no possibility of reinstatement by a unanimous vote of the leadership (Councilors and Officers).
The Peacekeeper Universe is an expanding, character driven community that exists in many formats. Currently the organization helps its members develop their characters and over-arching storylines in a shared storytelling environment. The development of these ideas takes place on many platforms. We utilize character building exercises, serial storytelling techniques and the video-game medium as tools to this end. As of this writing, The Peacekeeper Universe exists alongside the Superhero MMORPGs “City of Heroes: Freedom”, and “DC Universe Online”. We use these online roleplaying games to allow a versatile and action-oriented medium for the interaction and continuation of our characters stories.To that end, we exist in both of the aforementioned Superhero MMOs as “The-Peacekeepers”, and “The Peacekeepers” respectively.
The Peacekeepers - DC Universe Online Branch
I. Membership 1. The group is to be comprised of active members of The Peacekeeper Universe Roster. II. Sponsorship. If a current member of The Peacekeepers gives a sponsorship to an interested potential recruit, they are solely responsible for the following: 1. Asking the potential recruit if they are interested in the league, Note: Sponsoring does not circumvent the standard application process. If a possible sponsored applicant is declined, the member sponsoring them does not forfeit one of their two (2) sponsorship passes. III. In-Game Interactions & Points of Interest 1. DC Universe Online is considered the primary Superhero MMO for the league: to promote an action oriented gaming interaction, as the promoted gaming outlet and is only referenced in a singular logo on the site at the bottom of the site. 2. Participation will be monitored from both sides (DC Universe Online and City of Heroes: Freedom). If a member is not playing a game they have registered under (or both), a warning will be given. If a follow through is not made to get in a game the member will be demoted to Alliance status and will not be considered a member until they have subscribed to one of our two sponsored games. 3. Alongside of the City of Heroes: Freedom news we post on the front page of the site, we will be promoting DC Universe Online on the same newsfeed.
I. Membership 1. Initially the group will only be comprised of those who are, or have been members of The Peacekeepers.
If a current member of The Peacekeepers gives a sponsorship to an interested potential recruit, they are solely responsible for the following:
1. City of Heroes is considered a social hub for the league: to promote RP, to provide another gaming outlet and is only referenced in a singular logo on the site at the bottom of the site. 2. At this time we will not be launching our regular recruitment drives for City of Heroes. Recruitment Intakes will only take place for DC Universe Online. 3. Participation will be monitored from both sides (City of Heroes and DC Universe Online). If a member is not playing a game they have registered under (or both), a warning will be given. If a follow through is not made to get in a game the member will be demoted to Alliance status and will not be considered a member until they have subscribed to one of our two sponsored games. 4. Alongside of the DC Universe Online news we post on the front page of the site, we will be promoting City of Heroes on the same newsfeed.
About The Peacekeeper Universe
The original, United Nation sponsored group of super-heroic adventurers. They are considered as the premier collection of heroes on the planet, and are revered as saviors many times over. Rising from the ashes of Team Apex, the group has a long legacy it strives every day to uphold. Working from their base in Chicago, The Peacekeepers work to protect the world from harm. Deep beneath Lake Michigan, their base the Citadel is a state-of-the-art fortress designed for housing, training, and monitoring the world. Ever vigilant, ever watchful, they are The Peacekeepers, United.
During a crisis of Earth-shattering magnitude, a contingent of The Peacekeepers was dispatched to the point of contact. Rallying their forces, and teaming with many International heroes, they were victorious in their war. As the ashes settled, this new conglomerate of heroes became the frontline defenders against evil on the other side of the Meridian. Built beneath an abandoned abbey on a mountain in Ireland, The Keep serves as a monitoring station for all things extradimensional. Guarding the frontlines of the battle against evil, The Peacekeepers Vangaurd remain undaunted.
After a tragedy of unspeakable evil occurred, The Peacekeepers realized that not only do they owe the world their protection, but so too must they serve as role models and teachers for the next generation of heroes. Afraid, but unbroken, the teens involved in the tragedy had been through a crucible, and come out the other side changed young men and women. Inspired by the courage of the adolecent heroes they had witnessed, a proposition was formulated and brought in front of the Council. Forming The Peacekeeper Academy, and with young heroes under their wing, the organization looks to the future with a renewed sense of hope.
The Wildcards choose to embrace their roles as supporters of the Peacekeepers’ noble cause in a manner more suited to their particular demeanors and talents. While they may not be the first line of defense, they can be counted on them to lend a hand when the situation calls for it. The purpose of the team is to allow members to pursue normal lives while still putting their tremendous gifts to the aid of their fellow heroes as well as mankind. In addition to being called upon in times of emergencies, the Wildcards offer research space for non-super-powered individuals to pursue scientific and technological advancements in the above ground floors of the Wildcard’s HQ, nicknamed Safe Harbor.
The Øthers are the slightly darker, grittier vigilantes gathered together to form a proactive "underground" network of like-minded outsiders to act as hunters: an unsanctioned, covert operations unit of costumed heroes who hunt and eliminate meta-human and terrorist threats before they go public, while often using tactics unapproved of by the mainstream. Estranged from their peers, they are able to take the fall in public opinion that most super groups cannot. |
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