Category:The Underground

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Base Enterance

The Underground, or UG, is a small light-roleplaying supergroup based on the Virtue Server. They have been an officially active group in Paragon City since the first day that City Hall began requiring super groups to register. Its membership usually refer to themselves as UGers.

The Underground is composed of a mishmash of heroes ranging from the traditional spandex-clad types to shadowy loners. But what its members nearly all have in common is that they are often misfits that may not fit in elsewhere. Being composed of vary-degrees of outsiders, the Underground tries to avoid being flashy so as to keep out of the public eye and not attract too many new enemies. As such, the Underground as an organization is not well known, but it's members would like to keep it that way.

Storage area
The Underground has no leadership. Some of its members are more active in the heroing business than others, and some might be better known to the wider hero community in Paragon City, but no one member has more say in how the Underground works than any other. Nearly all decisions related to how the group operates are put to votes, with the majority carrying the day.

Their headquarters are not located in the sewers, though this is often mistakenly thought to be the case, but rather a portion of Paragon City's long abandoned underground subway system. Thanks to the technological skills of some of its members, their base has been filled with a wide range of scientific and computational gizmos and widgets. The base is guarded by a creature called Fang. Most UGers think it is a dog, but no one seems certain. New recruits to the Underground are usually hazed by being required to feed and bath Fang. This can be a very traumatic and painful experience, and as such, most recruits quit, or run as far away as possible from, the Underground after a few days.
Generator Room

The Underground supposedly funds its operations by selling magazine subscriptions door to door.

Pages in category "The Underground"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.


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