Category:Trouble Incorporated

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Trouble Incorporated is a small medium-roleplay supergroup consisting of three players and their assorted alts. The group is a gathering of heroes who, for some reason or another, couldn't find other groups, or didn't fit in with those groups when they found them.

This page is still somewhat under construction, as I'm still deciding what I'm going to put here.

History and Present Status

Trouble Incorporated was founded by the fire blaster Ember Soulfire, whose struggles with insanity brought on by her powers in her teenage years have left her with a somewhat checkered reputation. It is Ember's hope that through Trouble Incorporated she can re-establish herself as a trustworthy and legitimate hero... and help others to do the same.

This has only been somewhat successful, as the group has attracted more than its share of loose cannon (including Ember herself), and has something of a reputation for over-the-top action and more than a little bit of collateral damage. That said, their heroic exploits are becoming more well known, and they HAVE done a lot of good, even if they give the PPD migraines sometimes...

Other active members of the group include Kitten America, Nanodrive, Miss Cherenkova, Skylancer, Kyriea, Maranwe, Nova Rose, Kazuho J. McGuffin, and others...

Pages in category "Trouble Incorporated"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.




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