Crimson Darklight

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I developed this character for two reasons. I wanted a true Black Mask style character and I also wanted to try out the powerset combination Dark/Willpower, I am currently pleased with the results. I intend to write this wiki in the form of short stories based off of the character. Any feed back would be much appreciated.

Crimson Darklight
Player: @Nagoth
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: 8
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Crimson Darklight
Species: Human w/ Symbiotic Parasite
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'3"
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Black Mask
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Full extent unknown.
Known Abilities
Control over a Symbiotic Parasite


I could see it just before it entered me, a large mass of shadow in a dead flight for me. It hit out of no where, hard and fast, not much unlike a car wreck. My first instinct was to dive out of the way, I lived in Paragon then it wasn't the first time I've seen things like that and I knew how they tended to end. Of course when I tried to move time just seemed to hang there in the air like the room was encased in a block of ice, the shadow on the other hand wasn't slowing down, my lucky day.

So that inky black mass void of light hit me, square in the chest. No sound, no light, no feeling, I was out. They told everyone I was brain dead, in a coma I wouldn't wake up from. They were wrong on two accounts.

The first, I wasn't brain dead. I was fighting. Every second was a battle for control with this nightmare. I was drowning in darkness with no hope of escape. Hell I didn't know how to escape if I wanted to. Oh but I figured it out... I learned out how to best the void. In came the second thing they were wrong about, I woke up.

The nightmare however was not over, it was still inside of me and it was still trying to win. Letting it win meant losing my body, my mind, and my soul. So I continued to fight and I continued to win. I battered the darkness back down so much it didn't even have room to wriggle it's way out of me. So I decided to see what would happen if I let up an ounce. What happened? Well, I'll let you see with your own eyes.

The Heist

The teller called for the next in line, her voice not unlike a screeching harpy. Two away, and the guy up there was fumbling through his things. I hated waiting in line at the bank. I hated waiting.

The next thing I saw was odd, why would the man in front of me be so paranoid. That's never something you wanted to see in a bank. And now his hand going for his pocket, there's another thing you never want to see in a bank.

What was this sudden feeling, a whisper, an voice urging me forward, urging me to act. I couldn't understand the words much less actually hear them, but I knew what they wanted me to do. My hand started to move towards the back of his neck. I was moving slow but confident I could beat him to acting. My hand was inches from his neck, something deep within me growling up, then I saw what he was pulling out of his pocket. It was a walkie-talkie. I paused, what an odd man. Then he did something else I didn't expect, he screamed into it. "Now!"

Glass shattered, gunshots rang out, man and woman alike screamed, and like a wave of dominoes we all hit the floor. Men with skulls painted on their faces charged the tellers. Skulls, the local thugs and gang bangers. Even so they would be long gone before the police arrive. One of them began screaming at the harpy. In the rush of things I couldn't even make out the words, only her blubbering. Another gunshot. The harpy was on the floor. Something inside of me smiled... so did I. "Faster! Bring that money faster or you'll be on the floor just like that other bitch!" One of them proclaimed.

I almost lost track of time but I knew I couldn't have been on the floor long before I heard one of the robbers let out a gleeful howl. I looked up, they had their cash and were ready to make good on their get away. Then it happened again, the growl from deep within. I didn't even know what I was doing, my hands on the floor, my arms pushing me up. I was standing before one of the muggers just as he turned to leave. His face was frozen in a look of utter disbelief. More then that, time was frozen for the second time in my life. Four of them, three in arms reach, one look out no more then ten feet away. The darkness inside smiled again.

A left hook smashed into the side of the mans head. After a violent crack it lulled to the side his body falling to the floor like a rag doll. Before he hit the ground I was moving again. My fist hammered through the man on the rights chest like it was tissue paper, his heart blown apart by my fist. By this time the first body was on the floor and the last man in reach was ahead of me.

A third gunshot rang out. I could feel the bullet force it's way into my gut. I could only mildly feel the lead burning inside of me. For some reason I wasn't dead. I lunged mindlessly towards the mans face. The last thing I saw on his features before my hand clamped around his face was a look of pure terror. The man was launched like a cannon from my grip at the last man standing. I don't know what kind of damage was done to the two of them but judging by the distance they flew and the fact they didn't get up, I could tell it was enough.

My heart pounded so hard I thought I was about to join those on the floor. The floor. I looked down, the people were all looking up at me, some horrified, some simply in shock. The bags of cash were there too. The cash. I could really use that. Those hospital bills were vicious and I wasn't going to pay them off being unemployed. Where did those thoughts come from? I've never done anything like that in my life. But it just seemed so... easy. So right.

I reached down to pick up the bag. A hand clasped the back of my shoulder causing me to spin around before I even knew what was going on. It was the security guard. "You did a brave thing, son. Don't worry it's safe, I'll take that off your hands now. PPD will be here soon to sort this mess out."

He wanted the money back, and PPD was on the way. Everything froze. I don't even know how it happened, I can't even remember doing it but my hand gripped around the mans throat so tight it was crushed in an instant. He was dead, the money was in my hands, and the police were on the way. So, I ran.

Blood Stains

Story Soon to Come

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