Declan McTaggart

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Declan McTaggart.jpg
Declan Takes aim
Declan CT-S14HM
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: CT-S14HM
Known Aliases: Declan
Species: Synthetic Humanlike Machine
Age: 45(25 active)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 295
Eye Color: Blue (yellow HUD)
Hair Color: Grey
Biographical Data
Nationality: N/A
Occupation: Registered Hero
Place of Birth: Portal Corp Designation Tau Sigma 93-1, Cytek Plant 18
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Advanced target acquisition and identification systems, improved reflexes, limited self-repair, durability, onboard sensor packages
Known Abilities
two pistols, set of defensive equipment
Declan is experiencing a great deal of culture shock, and doesn't understand most pop-culture references.

Excerpt from Portal Corp file.

Tau Sigma 93-1

Atmosphere temperate to hot. Vegetation nonexistent or hostile. This world appears to be one of many that went the way of a "final solution". Survivors are either insane, or sickly, very few original genetic stock humans. Most remnants are hostile. Technology is somewhat advanced beyond our own, especially in the areas of weapons. Magic is non-existent on this world. Infrastructure has been desolated, and communities are aggressive and insular. Recommendation: Avoid.

We were dropped on this world to scout out some of the advanced plastics we were told this world had to offer, and to scav any weapons we found. Well, we found some. One click our from our LZ, our team got hit by what we would later be told were a team of "rogue series sevens"; Barely human looking things with heavy cannons and bladed appendages. We scared 'em off when our mage started making 'em explode, but they managed to thrash most of our supplies. Since gate-back wasn't for another week, we hit the closest city we could find. Place was empty, save for a lone survivor we found wandering the streets. "Declan" as he called himself, took us in, told us abit about the world, and scavenged some parts to help us fix our gear. Apparently this world went through a full-scale nuclear/bio/god-knows-what war, and most of the human population got wiped out. Before they went though, they made a variety of bioplastic weapons to carry out the war, in the event of MAD. Declan claims to be one of them, but he wouldn't submit to any tests to verify it. Thought he was insane, but I didn't see him sleep, and he seems to be able to eat just about anything we feed him. Wouldn't eat our rations, said we need 'em more, but he ate the packaging. He kept us safe until gate-back, only got into a couple of scuffles with the things out there.

PortalCorp Official Threat assessment

Declan is a synthetic human composed of a variety of highly complex plastics and alloys that work analogous to a human skeleton and muscular system, with a fluid lubricant/fuel system that works like a pulmonary system. He seems to have been primarily designed for integration into a human society, as a sort of "minuteman" defensive measure. He has no on-board weapons, instead designed to use existing military technology as a cost-saving measure. His sensor packages, though worn, are significantly advanced to have been able to spot which of our researchers had sub-dermal cybernetic augmentation. He was more than willing to allow us to study the composition of his body, but stated that he's "not supposed to allow" tampering or direct observation of his neural framework or programming. He did disclose to us that his programming is based on a procedurally generated data from a base template. Most of his equipment is technologically equivalent to what's available commercially today in Paragon.

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