Doctor Muerto

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Doctor Muerto
Player: @Doctor Muerto
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 34
Personal Data
Real Name: James Robert
Known Aliases: Doctor Robert
Species: Human
Age: 28
Height: 72”
Weight: 180lbs
Eye Color: '
Hair Color: '
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Associate professor at PCU
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Dark Armor/Dark Melee
Known Abilities



Does the American Anthropological Association count?


"I spent eight years earning my degree and when I wasn’t studying I was digging in dirt or sorting through ancient trash piles. Yeah, I’m a socialite, a real people person." James isn't socially maladjusted, he’s more socially inept. After spending so many years working for his doctorate, there wasn’t much time for social interaction. Conversations at campus parties usually ended up with the girl going to get another drink, needing to go to the bathroom, or wanting to say hi to a friend across the room. The next time James would see them, they’d be hanging on the arm of some campus jock giggling at his crude attempts at humor.

James’ outlook has also become more jaded and sardonic since having his right arm chopped off and having the power in the amulet transferred to him.

Powers and Abilities

Dark Armor

Dark Melee



Dark Mastery

The darkness will be mine (when I hit 41).

Weaknesses and Limitations

James only has one real arm. His other arm is a robotic attachment. When his right arm was cut off for disturbing the ancients James was so far from any modern medical facilities, by the time James was gotten to a hospital, it had been days. It wasn't until arriving back in Paragon City that doctors were able to create him his robotic arm. While teaching classes, James wears a rubber synthetic covering to disguise it.

Character History

James had gotten up that morning only wanting to walk a little ways into the jungle around the camp to appreciate the surrounding beauty. Sliding and falling down the knoll wasn’t part of the plan. Then, James thought it had been the morning dew, but current reflection makes him wonder if the amulet wasn’t trying to guide him to it. He was certain he had found something when the tree root he was trying to climb back up with came free from the dirt revealing bricks underneath. James spent the next several days digging into the knoll with the occasional help from some of the tribal guides, while his colleague and the grad students continued to work on the main site several hundred yards away. Breaking through the bricks, he finally opened a hole large enough to fit through. Inside the ancient chamber, James and one of the guides discovered several rooms filled with human skulls and one with a darkly-stained stone table and symbols covering the walls.

Finally getting my PhD in Anthropology – Good

Discovering an ancient chamber while running my first expedition – Better

Being taken prisoner by tribal descendants of those ancients – Bad

Having my right arm chopped off for disturbing the ancient gods – Worse

Having the ancient amulet I had found turn out to be a god of pain, suffering, and death that somehow transferred itself to me when my blood hit it…


Doctor Robert was a character name I tried to flesh out after the song of the same name.

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