Dynamo Damsel

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Dynamo Damsel
Player: @Cyraa Iren
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 13
Personal Data
Real Name: Sally Brentworth
Known Aliases: Dynamo Damsel
Species: Human
Age: 36
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 90 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brunette
Biographical Data
Nationality: United States
Occupation: Research Scientist
Place of Birth: El Paso, Texas
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None Surviving
Known Powers
Youthened, Generates High Energy Fields Subdermally
Known Abilities
Powered armor suit that harnesses subdermal energy fields to power tech devices and generate powerful electrical blasts.
While physically and mentally youthened with many of her personal memory details lost or "fuzzy" all of her technical education and skills seem to remain intact.

Player CyraaIren


In Game Bio

Sally Brentworth was a brilliant scientist working on a youth serum to rejuvenate anyone to the prime of life. The formula had a flaw as it tended to cause an uncontrollable mutation most often resulting in gross physical deformity and death. An attack on her lab by the Council resulted in her accidentally being exposed to an overdose of the serum and the destruction of her lab and all notes and samples of the serum. Sally survived but was regressed to a young teenage girl, the serum being unable to regress someone below puberty, but regressing her mind to that of a much younger and more innocent child but with the full knowledge and education of her adult self. That wasn't all the serum did as it mutated her and gave her the ability to generate massive amounts of electrical energy under the surface of her skin but no way to safely harness it. Using her knowledge and a new childlike desire to be a super hero she fashioned a suit and gloves capable of allowing her to control her own electric fields.


Early History

Sally Brentworth was born in El Paso, Texas to two young but well to do parents that pretty much loved their only daughter and child as much as they could. Her childhood was free of any major upheaval or any major tragedies excepting the normal of friends moving away, teenage heartbreak and generally all the things that go on when growing up. She never really wanted for anything but wasn't spoiled either. When she wanted a car she had to work for it and pay for it, and the same went for just about every major expensive purchase she desired. The one perhaps formative even that occurred was the death of her grandfather a man she had always admired from the youngest age and had always told her the most amazing stories of all sorts of things but most exciting were those of the Super Heroes of the world, all were of course true stories. These stories sparked young Sally's imagination and instilled in her the key lesson of always working for the greater good. So when her grandfather died she took it quite hard as not only had one of her most beloved family members died but it was her first real experience with death on a personal level. She didn't much care for it and would always wonder why good people had to die for no good reason.

Early Education

Sally excelled in school from an early age. She received high grades regularly and seemed to genuinely enjoy learning new material, however she did seem to get bored with the standard classes pretty easily. Her parents had her tested and she came out as well above genius level and was put on an accelerated learning schedule in a specialized school devoted to those with significantly higher than base intellects (their words not hers). Despite this she remained grounded in reality and kept in contact with several friends from her neighborhood and never really developed a smarter than you attitude. At fifteen she completed her high school education and was accepted to Paragon University on a full scholarship and readily accepted.

Advanced Education

Sally had always shown an interest in the medical fields and began her advanced education with a clear plan to eventually aid some of the more debilitating genetic disorders and perhaps find the ultimate answer to disease and age and even world hunger. She applied herself steadily to her education almost becoming obsessed with a need to find all the answers to every question she could think to ask and by the time she was twenty-one had acquired two doctoral degrees the first in Cellular and Molecular Medicine and the second in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, and three years later she acquired a third in Biomedical Engineering. Her outstanding grades and continue excellence in academic performance as well as several ground breaking papers on new theories and methods gave her her pick of career opportunities once she finally finished with her academic pursuits.


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Sally actually turned down all the offers she received from the major Corporations and Companies such as Crey, and managed to acquire the funding to start her own small start up company. Over the next few years her small company was able to work with larger companies and significantly aid in the development of several new medical technologies and techniques for aiding those suffering from genetic disorders and received significant accolades. The company progressed and was quite successful up to and even through the Rikti attacks. But the Rikti caused Sally to pause and reevaluate her life achievements and goals and just what she was doing and how great an impact it was really having. She decided she needed to do more. She needed to do something that would change the world forever.

Changing the World?

It was something that had been in the back of her mind for awhile and something that she had been working on in her spare almost since she had first understood what she was facing. She wanted to cure death, or more accurately vaccinate against old age. She realized that accidental death was impossible to stop but she could perhaps reverse or halt the aging process and maybe in the process cure all genetic disorders all in one go.

This became her new obsession and when the company she had founded refused to fully endorse and back her endeavors she left and set out on her own once again. She spent every bit of personal influence she had in the medical world to get the resources and funding she needed to pursue her goal and in just three years she had developed her first prototypes of her youth "serum" (not really a serum at all but something much more complex that for simplicities sake was simply referred to as the serum) designed to undo the rigors of time and rejuvenate a person to the prime of their life, and keep them their. The first trials on various lab animals all showed initially promising results but eventually resulted in gross genetic mutation and physical deformity ultimately resulting in death in over 98.6% of the cases. The remaining cases still showed mutations of varying degrees of severity but they survived... and they survived rejuvenated. Tests on human cell cultures returned identical results. It wasn't there yet but perhaps with more time and money she could solve the puzzle!

When the Council Hits the Fan

Despite her best attempts word of what she was doing leaked out and eventually made it to the wrong set of ears. The Council decided to covertly approach Sally and offered to fund her research fully and unconditionally and without any set deadlines for results. She refused this offer as the Council represented everything she was striving against and she had no intention of allying herself with them in any way, and they were the Council, she wasn't about to trust them to keep any bargains they struck.

Having been rejected the Council decided more direct action would be required. They launched an operation to either gain control of her research data and samples of the serum or to at least destroy it and ensure that no one else would have control over it. Sally wasn't a fool though and after receiving the initial contacts had let some law enforcement know of what was happening and what she suspected might be coming. When the attack was launched a group of heroes was not too far distant and responded rapidly enough to the attack to prevent the Council from escaping with the research data or any serum samples, but the Council did succeed in planting and detonating several explosives that destroyed all notes and records of the process as well as all surviving samples of the serum. The attack was blunted and most of the damage contained. Most because Dr. Sally Brentworth had been present at the time of the attack and had sought to secure her life's greatest work and had consequently been present when the Council bombs went off. The explosions caused the sample containers that she was carrying to shatter and exposed her to a massive overdose of the serum. Luckily she was one of the 1.4% that survived the process and even more extraordinary she was one of those vastly more rare serum recipients that received only moderate genetic mutations and none of them manifested in the form of physical deformity.

Young Again

Of course the overdose nature of her exposure was unprecedented as was the exposure of a human to the serum. The results were almost beyond belief, in the course of a few agonizing weeks of transformation Sally went from a mature worldly 35 year old woman to an apparent physical age of 14 or maybe 15. At that point her changes stabilized, and Sally ceased to be hungry at all and simply felt no need at all to sleep or rest. Most of the monitoring equipment shorted out as well as Sally began to generate rather generous amounts of energy just beneath the surface of her skin. This subdermal energy generation seemed to be the source of Sally's new found lack for food or sleep and posed no apparent problems to her health, though it also didn't seem to have much of a use beyond the already obvious as there was no way for Sally to really harness the energy... it simply was there. After a few months of poking and prodding and various mental tests and psyche and psychic evaluations Sally was released.

The Findings

The examiners found that Sally's energy was just as stable as initially determined with no means for Sally to naturally access it beyond her existing inherent use of it. It posed no threat to her. Her physical exams showed her to be in perfect health for a 14 or 15 year old girl and also showed that she healed from most wounds even rather serious ones at an astonishing rate, perhaps not as fast as a regen hero but very fast indeed for a normal human. Physically she was fine.

Mentally was another story. The initial evaluations rapidly concluded that Sally had lost almost all personal memories of any events in her life prior to the age of about 10 but had retained all skills and knowledge she had acquired prior to that time. Effectively Sally was a 10 year old girl with the knowledge, education, and professional skills of a 35 year old master scientist all dressed up in a 14 year old wrapper. This unique individual also scored much higher than her previous self on any IQ or other measure of intellect that were administered and seemed to almost absorb knowledge like a sponge, learning new material at a fantastic rate, most notable in the night hours which she no longer needed for sleep.

This had some interesting affects on Sally's new personality as the disparate parts melded together she wound up being both very innocent and naive about many things but fully capable of caring for herself and she had the full expectation of being her own independent person.

Not seeing any other course of action and not wanting a nasty legal fight, which Sally threatened if they should attempt to lock her up, they released her to do what she would as she was.

The Technology

Sally took her own personal fortune and used it to disappear. At first she sought to duplicate her older work but with the total loss of a lifetimes worth of notes and work it was quickly apparent this was likely a lost cause. However, Sally did come to the conclusion that the formulas deadly side effects were an inherent part of it and that only certain compatible and rare genetic patterns would ever be able to make use of it. She decided to let the old dream go and move on.

During the rest of that year she proceeded to attempt to understand all that happened to her better and expanded her knowledge base into several new fields rapidly gaining the rough equivalent of several new degrees in various applied sciences, eventually coming up with a suit that would allow her to harness her own internal energies to power many varied devices. The initial version of the suit enhanced her physical abilities in several key areas and generated a minute electromagnetic forcefield just outside the surface area of the suit that blunted most attacks that could be expected quite effectively. This was expanded on by the addition of several other devices and the inclusion of a set of complex power gloves. The gloves seemed to be able to harness Sally's own subdermal energy field and convert it into electrical current that she could then direct into Electrical Blasts. Her new personality being a combination of her older selfs desire to aid others and the new youthful exuberance instantly latched onto the idea of becoming a Super Hero. And so that is what she did. She donned her suit and headed out onto the streets of Paragon to acquire her Hero license.


While there was some initial confusion over whether she should be classified as a mutation or science or technology origin based on her past, it was eventually agreed that without the technology suite she wouldn't be much of a hero at all and so she was classified as a Technology Blaster by the Hero bureaucracy and away she was to deliver justice with the aid of her self powered power suit.

Electrical Blasts

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Electrical Blasts are the bread and butter of Sally's offensive capabilities as she charges her gloves with energy from her body that is then converted to electrical current and discharged at her enemies in several varied strengths to either incapacitate or destroy. She has however come up with several variations on this theme.

Charged Bolts

This was the first blast that she managed to release from the glove. It is a simple bolt of electrical energy that arcs out and strikes her target. This simple attack releases a portion of the charged energy from a single glove.

Lightning Bolt

This was her second attack learned and was based on the simple philosophy of two is better than one. By simply discharging a portion of both gloves stored charge simultaneously she can increase total affect by a significant margin.

Ball Lightning

One of the more interesting attacks, Sally developed this after watching what several other electric powered Heroes did with their charges and applied it to her gloves. With this she is able to discharge almost the full charge of both gloves into a short range cohesive ball of electrical energy and launch it at a chosen target. Upon impact the ball is breached discharging all stored energy into not only the selected target but any others in close proximity.

Energy Manipulation

Sally realized early on that while the Electrical blasts were nice more was needed and thus sought to use her suit to more directly harness her personal energy reserves.

Power Thrust

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One of the first and simplest direct uses of her energy, she uses her gloves to temporarily enhance her suits force field in a localized area around her fists. With this her punches pack quite a wallop well out of proportion to her own rather limited physical strength due to the force field being breached upon impact with a target and releasing a torrent of energy into them, resulting in a rather strong knock-back effect.

Build Up

In her initial tests of the suit Sally experimented with various capacitor sizes to store the charges in her gloves. She found that if they were too large within the space limits she had for cooling and shielding they became unstable for prolonged energy storage and would rapidly overheat. Thus she was forced to use smaller capacitors. Until she realized that by building in a safety regulator she could utilize short bursts of increased charge in larger capacitors that would then shut down and switch back over to the smaller ones until sufficiently cooled to be used again. This is what she calls her build up, as it simply Builds up a larger charge for discharge, but only for a short duration before it has to cool down.

Other Gadgets and Gizmos

Sally is continuously looking for new ways to augment and diversify her Hero persona's powers. One way to do this is to utilize secondary devices and charge them through the suit granting virtually unlimited battery power to them.


Sally desperately sought a better way of getting around the city than running everywhere on foot or being at the mercy of Paragons traffic or Mass transit systems. She looked into several methods from super powered jumps to teleportation but in the end the method she chose was flight. It was simply the easiest to get done with what she had to work with. Using the electrical current of the suit she was able to generate a levitation field of sorts about herself. Unfortunately as of yet it is rather limited in speed as an electrical charge build at higher rates of movement would result in a rather nasty discharge on landing. She is however working on a new set of boots that should alleviate this concern and allow for much more rapid flight.


Having been a Scientist and Researcher in the field of Medicine for so long this was a natural addition to her power set. Using a modified Crey tech Portable Medical Device(PMD) she removed the battery core and ran a feed to the suit thus granting her unlimited use of the device. She has plans to acquire more powerful versions of the device to engage in more varied secondary medical support.


While the original suit did augment her abilities considerably she has since looked into ways of further increasing this enhancement. Currently she has setup a limited function charge displacer that allows her to achieve slightly better flight speeds. Top speeds are still limited but she has hope of improving it further and combining it with other systems for much better flight speeds.

Other methods of enhancing tissue regeneration and combating equipment fatigue from repeated and rapid use are being considered.

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