From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
The Electric-Knight is a very energetic superhero with impressive powers of creating and controlling powerful electrical energy. He gained these powers as a young child and continues to display a boyish playfulness while in serious action against the forces of villainy and danger. Feeling a sense of duty to use his powers for the good of others, he began training his self in earnest to become a true super hero. After a short time of applying his skills in New York City, he traveled to Paragon City to join the fight against the most serious threats to humankind. To this day, The Electric-Knight continues to expand his abilities as he learns greater control over his powers. Having more than a rudimentary knowledge of electricity and science, he has managed to apply his super-powers in some innovative ways in order to save innocents and fight criminals. This kind, young superhero is continuously shocking the criminal world within Paragon City!
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The Electric-Knight | |
The Electric-Knight | |
Player: user: Nomad | |
Origin: | Mutant |
Archetype: | Blaster |
Security Level: | 50 |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Secret Identity ((Eric Knight)) |
Known Aliases: | E.K. |
Species: | Human |
Age: | Not Public |
Height: | 6'2" |
Weight: | 190lbs |
Eye Color: | Unknown ((Blue)) |
Hair Color: | blonde |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | U.S.A. |
Occupation: | Secret ((Freelance Electrician/Electrical repairs)) |
Place of Birth: | New York, U.S.A. |
Base of Operations: | Paragon City |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | Secret ((Mother and Father, Ismene and Gene Knight)) |
Known Powers | |
Electrical Generation and Electrical Control | |
Known Abilities | |
Athletic; Extremely Well-Conditioned; Knowledge of Electrical Sciences; Electrician Certification; Currently Working on Fire/Life Safety Technician Cert. | |
Equipment | |
Tactical Belt; Policeband scanner; Cellphone; Flashlight (no batteries needed) | |
Seems to be most comfortable flying solo, although he does gets along well with others |
Contents |
When Eric Knight was 8 years old, his life was forever altered. During a tremendous thunderstorm, his little play friend, Stephanie, was crying in terror because her kitten was stuck way up high in a large oak tree. Eric boldly climbed the tree amidst the torrential rainstorm and reached for the small cat. Just then, a brilliant bolt of lightning struck him and the tree. He awoke lying upon the ground, beneath the tree. His little friend Stephanie stood there, gazing in absolute wonder, with her tiny kitten cradled within her arms.
To the family’s astonishment, the young boy appeared to be unharmed, though a bit shaken up. As he rested over the next few days, everything seemed to be normal. However, the young Eric did feel as though some inner spark had been kindled.
Growing Up
Over the next few years of his youth, Eric discovered that he had some sort of greater connection with electricity and the electro-magnetic fields all around us.
The experiences began with simple things, such as creating the best static shocks among his play friends when shuffling their feet along the carpets in their houses (Although, he soon realized he needn’t shuffle his own feet) and getting free-play with the video-game machines at the local arcade, changing the television channels without a remote. Eventually, he discovered that he could control a static field around his body, which could bring him to a safe landing from a high fall. It wasn’t until high school that he discovered this process could actually enable him to fly.
He kept all of these abilities to himself. During these early years, he just used these small powers for his own private enjoyment; almost as though it was his own world of make believe.
Young Adulthood
As his childish mind grew into young adulthood, he even struggled a bit coming to grips with the fact that this special brand of playtime was indeed reality.
His passion for electricity also sent him down a path of scientific studies. He excelled in his school electronics classes and enjoyed a few out of school electronics programs. By the time his senior year of high school was coming to an end, he was setting up further training in electronics and heading towards training as an electrician. He enjoyed working with circuitry, repairing and assembling different electronic devices and equipment, but he felt most fulfilled working out on jobs as an electrician, especially for high-voltage power stations and setting up power for houses and buildings. He also recognized his own resistances and abilities with electricity and nearly felt obligated to take on any role that would be much more hazardous to a normal person.
It was this line of thought and caring for others that led him down the road to becoming a super hero.
Once obtaining more personal freedom from being out of high school, Eric’s powers started developing at an increased rate. Seeing the obvious raw power at his disposal, he felt it was only right for him to use his gifts to help others. Equipped with some form-fitting clothes and a full mask, Eric went out one night to really give it a try. Half-wondering if he was out of his mind, he ventured into the night and looked for trouble. It was almost as though he was out playing make-believe once again.
Secret Identity
The Electric-Knight struggles to maintain his secret identity, Eric Knight.
He does this to protect both his own personal privacy and the lives of his loved-ones against the plots of his adversaries (As well as the media's invasive spotlight).
Eric wishes to pursue greater personal relationships, but generally struggles in his attempts at dating and getting close to others. Holding back the elements of his life that hold the greatest importance to him forces him to be too greatly detached to make any significant connections with friends and love-interests.
His time is also extremely limited.
Keeping his real identity separate from his super hero persona puts him into a normal life without the fringe benefits that being a Superhero in Paragon City can typically bring.
This makes Eric's financial situation entirely dependent on his normal-person career of being a freelance electrician and electrical repair worker. Unfortunately, spending his nights and many hours of the day combating the forces of evil and villainy offers little time for rest... let alone work.
After losing quite a few positions with different companies, Eric now hires him self out as a freelance, occasionally being brought along for extra hands by some of his previous employers (They all like the guy, but just can't put up with his regular disappearing routine on their payroll). Most typically he does emergency jobs on his own for residential owners.
He makes some more money by doing part time repairs through a few electronic storefronts (Namely Cookes Electronics in Steel Canyon). This works out well, because he can go into the store on his own schedule and fix the items lined up to be repaired. Unfortunately the pay is not so great.
Parents and Family
Father : Gene Knight
Mother: Ismene (Pronounced iz'MEN'ee)
Gene and Ismene met and were married in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and quickly moved to New York State.
Gene established his own veterinarian practice and Ismene mostly remained a stay-at-home wife and mother (A few arts and crafts, acting and modeling stints aside).
The two lived as part of a friendly commune with many other families. And that is the environment that Eric was raised in. After Eric left, as a young man, Gene and Ismene bought their own large piece of land in the nearby area. They continue to live there to this day and now run the veterinarian practice together(Ismene on as a full time assistant).
After becoming a regular in the Super Hero business, but still quite young, Eric met a stunning young womam named Evelynne Rose Delynhall. She was the only child of the business tycoon, Edward James Delynhall.
It was at a Charitable Fund Raiser, largely financed by Mr. Delynhall, where The Electric-Knight made an appearance and met with Evelynne.
The following day, Eric, now without the mask, just happened to bump into Evelynne... Quite literally! As he was day-dreaming and thinking about the striking woman that he had met the night before, he walked right into that very same girl. She was busy talking on her cellphone, while walking and looking through an assortment of documents, heading towards Paragon City Hall to finalize some paperwork regarding the charitable event from the previous night.
After Eric helped her pick up all of the papers, he was stunned when Evelynne told him that he seemed very familiar.
Despite Eric's attempts to brush this off, she insisted and, after inhaling his scent, actually claimed that she knew that he was the masked super hero from the night before. Utterly baffled, Eric conceded that she was correct and he took solace in sharing his secret with someone else for the first time since he had told his parents.
The two got engaged and married rather quickly.
Marital Difficulties
With Eric constantly out as either a vigilante in the streets of Paragon City or as a freelance electrician (Quickly gaining a bad reputation as someone that may not show up for work), the newly married couple rarely had time together.
This began to weigh heavily on Evelynne and she developed a severe amount of anxiety whenever Eric was out on the job as The Electric-Knight.
She decided that he should quit the Hero-Business and stick to a normal way of life where they could better raise a family.
She never revealed his true identity to anyone else, but her Father was on her side about letting Mr. Delynhall set Eric up with a much more satisfactory way of life.
In Eric's mind, there was no way he could ever give up his call to be a hero. It became an enormous issue between the couple, which only worsened when the Rikti invaded!
The Rikti War
In 2004, Evelynne begged Eric to give up fighting and come with her and her family, up north into a special place in Canada where they might be more safe.
The Electric-Knight refused to turn away at such a dire time. Evelynne, left without him. However, she contacted him and told him that she was pregnant with their fist child. She was miserable without him and could not stop worrying about his safety.
Finally, Eric was proven wrong, and there was indeed the possibility that he could forgo the mask and costume... And live a more simple life. For the good of his wife and their unborn child.
During that troubling time of panic, known as the Rikti War, Eric slowly made his way up north, into Canada, where the Dylenhalls were staying.
To all of their dismay, Evelynne had lost the baby.
Still, Eric agreed to stay by her side and give up his dangerous life as a super hero.
Eventually, Eric's call to use his powers for the good of others screamed loudly within his mind. And all of the time spent together did not exactly bolster the relationship between he and Evelynne. It became apparent to Eric that their marriage may indeed have been a hasty one.
Feeling completely stifled in a mundane life that did not fit him, Eric told Evelynne that he could not hold back and had to continue being the Electric-Knight.
Evelynne refused to even consider the notion.
Eric began sneaking out of the house to perform what service he could as a masked super hero once again.
For a while, Evelynne was unaware. However, once it was out in the open, she was furious.
Neither of the two backed down from their hard stances. They separated and Eric moved back to Paragon City.
After a long and slow process, the divorce papers were officially signed and delivered.
The two have little contact with each other at this point in time.
Back To Being Himself... And Alone
The Electric-Knight was back to being a lonewolf Super Hero in the big Paragon City, secret identity and all.
This time around, he found himself not enjoying his secret identity life so much and sank into a state of being reclusive whenever he was not out and about in his mask and costume.
After the disaster of his short marriage, the thought of beginning another serious relationship seemed entirely out of reach. The idea that he still desired one seemed to be a ridiculous notion within his own mind... Yet, it remained there.
Completely cut off from anyone that knew the real Eric, his physical fitness, super powers and his knack for making terrible jokes at his adversaries' (And, often times, his peers') expense became his only pleasures.
Until someone else allowed him to open up and share his true self...
More To Come...
I've got to catch this page up to the present!! People can catch up by reading through the False Hero stories currently only found HERE for Part One and HERE for Part Two Lots of reading there... and pics and... moving pics! I'll get all that stuff onto the wiki somewhat soon... currently working on another secret project...
OOC Information/Trivia
This character was created by User:Nomad
The Electric-Knight is one of the rare exceptions (For myself anyway) of an old pre-existing self-made character actually working in another form (This case being an mmorpg; City Of Heroes).
When I was a young child, I created this superhero type in my mind while at play by myself. However, back then, the character never had a name and his powers were not of electrical nature, but rather some sort of light/cosmic energy.
Many years later, as a teenager, in-between playing Dungeons & Dragons tabletop sessions we played a little of the Marvel Superheros RPG (And a few other brands, but that's besides the point).
I created the Electric-Knight character from the mold of my childhood make-believe superhero and he largely morphed into what this page generally describes.
His Name
Once deciding on the super hero I was going to create for my table top gaming, I had to come up with a name (Sometimes I hate that, hehe). Thinking I was being somewhat clever, I decided to play on a phrase from a poem I had written (back then) that used the words "electric night" to express the fun and excitement that could be found in the mysterious expanses of the night life (Of a devious teen in the New York area, no less). So, of course, the name had to be The Electric Knight. Right? Ah well... it has stuck to this day now. And some people actually seem to like it. I certainly don't mind it.
Secret Identity
His real name, Eric Knight, was created at the same time as his Super Hero name.
The fact that his secret identity and his super hero alias are so greatly similar is just comical to me. I'm a fan of the golden age of comics and I like to have a little fun with it all.
When I log on, I tend to be In-Character as near to 100% as I can. That's just how I get my enjoyment. I play to play make-believe and when I'm logged on, that's what I'm there to do. All that being said, I won't bite anyone's head off for talking to me OOC nor dragging me into OOC talk. Repeatedly and consistently expecting me to join in on OOC talks instead of allowing me to do my thing, however, will just annoy me and that generally effects those around me in real life more than you in the game. So... have a care for my own loved ones and let me be!! :p
Super Group
I'm part of The Paragon Universe Super Group. It is a great Role-Playing SG (The Paragon Universe SG title is actually Out Of Character) that contains multiple smaller In-Character Teams and Independents that share the use of Legion's (The leading small group) base. Electric-Knight is an Independent Solo Artist within the group, but has quickly made friends and ties with the characters throughout the many smaller teams.
This article about a character is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?