Electron Crystal

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Lunapic Raven.jpg
Raven out of uniform
Electron Crystal
Player: @spiritual Shell
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 21
Personal Data
Real Name: Raven Missy O'Byrne
Known Aliases: Rave, Agony, Electron Crystal, Red musicitian
Species: Elf, mutant
Age: 18
Height: 5'3
Weight: 115lb
Eye Color: pale blue
Hair Color: Redish Orange
Biographical Data
Nationality: Irish?
Occupation: Gothic Beauty model,saleswoman at Tinos Music shop, desk lady at library.
Place of Birth: ???, Ireland
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Marcus Va'zor, brother. Zadence O'Byrne, unborn daughter. Kael O'Byrne, Husband. Mia Baker, Foster-daughter.
Known Powers
Electric and crystal control, telepathy, phasing (just like shadow cat =) ), minor shapeshifting
Known Abilities
Martial arts, singing, modeling, and dancing
Ipod and cell phone
has 50 lashes across her back, looks like a combination of a burning and a whip cut (hellfire whip) only visible if her vest/armor is off, Glowing blue mystic tattoo on the back of neck, left nostrol pieced, right eyebrow pierced with two small hoops.


Early life

At a young age Raven was a outgoing adventurous little girl. She often snuck out in the middle of the night to explore the woods near her home. By the age of nine she knew every tree, bush, and rock for a mile from her house. One day while exploring she went past her mile mark getting lost, she wondered deeper and deeper until dark, knowing about the animals she climbed into a tree to sleep. In the middle of the night the branch she was sleeping on snapped and she fell fifteen feet to the woods floor. She broke nine ribs, the upper part of her left leg, and her left arm, she also has a minor concussion. She was forced to mark her own splints and survive on her own for three days before her brother had finally found her. When he tried to heal her his powers didn’t work, it had become obvious that Raven was a freak. The elders of her village proclaimed her a oddity, no one in the village wanted anything to do with her after that. By the age of thirteen the only one to notice her disappearance was her older brother.


After obtaining her powers at the age of thirteen, Raven have been taken by a group of assassins to train and become like them. She was beaten and raped in a attempt to break her down so she could be rebuilt, but she never broke. The head of the organization, in a final attempt to push her over the edge, gave her fifty lashes with a hellfire whip. Everyone in the group was amazed that she has survived such a abusive act, which later earned her the nick name Agony. She had finally given in to allow the group to believe she had been broken, wanting to have a chance to live. For a year she was tormented, for two yes she was trained. After sometimes her body had developed a high regeneration rate, making her training much more forgiving on her body.

School life

At seventeen, Raven began to attend Paragon high. In the beginning she found school life difficult, getting in to daily fights, failing all her classes and vandalizing the school. As time passed Raven finally got the hang of things and is now a “A” student and rarely gets in to fights, but she still doesn’t have any school friends which doesn’t bother her in the least.

Charges that were dropped/she won in court

10 counts of violence 12 counts of vandalizm 3 counts of second degree murder -Charges were dropped or she won due to not enough evidence. Last charge was June 11, 2010. Even with out evidence her heroes license has been suspended multiple times

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