Elizabeth Logher

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Elizabeth Logher
Player: @Logher
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: Liza
Species: Human
Age: 27
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Blue-brown
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: British
Occupation: Nurse
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

Elizabeth appears to be an average, every day human, but upon further inspection, it is clear that she is much, much more.



Liza is, to put it bluntly a total goofball. Her actual personality is fairly refined and educated, however Liza rarely acts with full control over her actions. Liza on the surface at least, is silly, rather sensitive, and rather jumpy. She is also incredibly awkward. Her personality often varies, and sometimes, it is clear that she is putting on a facade of some sorts. She enjoys playfully bantering with others, no matter how dangerous they may be. Very rarely does she take a situation seriously, and on even rarer occasions does she let anyone really connect with her. Surprisingly brave, Liza is not intimidated, despite her physical limitations.

((Her personality is loosely based off of Martha from Whos Afraid of Virgina Woolf and Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire))

The Beginning

Her account of the opening chapter in her life varies, but in every story, it is clear that Elizabeth was born ages ago. In the most commonly recounted version of her tale, Elizabeth was born Elizabeth Logher in the ancient city of Camelot. Daughter to the village healer, Elizabeth followed her mother's footsteps, devoting herself to the study of herbs, salves, and other methods of healing. As a child, she simply aided her mother when possible, though she was quick to pick up information, and she seemed to have a natural talent for the medicinal arts. At a young age, Elizabeth was married to a knight of Arthur's court. Initially content with this arrangement, Elizabeth lived for a few years, eventually taking her mother's place as the town healer. Yet one day, she was called to the battlefront. Engaged in a particularly vicious war, her husband had been brutally injured. With the luck of Gods, and a little bit of skill, Elizabeth was able to save his life. Determined to never see again see her love suffer, she disguised herself as a squire and began to follow him to battle. When he, or others were injured, Elizabeth would do what she could to save them.

The Horrors of War

For months Elizabeth followed her husband wherever he went, practicing her arts and healing those in need of assistance. But her husband was once again called to the battlefront, and this time, Elizabeth followed. Determined to endure any sort of misery to be by her love's side, Elizabeth steeled her courage, and followed him. For the first few hours of the war, Elizabeth traveled amongst the wounded, attending to their misery, and easing their suffering. Yet as she encountered steadily more horrific injuries, her determination began to waver. She could not bear to see the suffering, the gross mutilation of humans, and the lack of respect for life. Her courage broke, and she fled the battlefield, unable to bear it any longer.


Fleeing the battlefield was no easy task. Elizabeth had to avoid hundreds of enemy troops, and finally, she spotted a cave. Immediately darting inside, Elizabeth relished the brief haven she had found. However, upon examining the cave she was in, Elizabeth realized that it seemed rather odd. The walls were polished, and precious gems gleamed in every nook and crevice. Curiosity piqued, Elizabeth wandered deeper into the cave, eager to explore it. Coming into a rather large room, Elizabeth noticed a swirling vortex of energy, attended by a man in a dark suit, with a rather corporeal form. The man spoke to her:

"You seek escape. I can provide this for you, but you will not be able to return. Are you willing?"

Elizabeth could only nod, so shocked she was at the apparition of the man and the portal. The man slowly stepped aside, and Elizabeth approached the vortex. Reaching out a finger, she touched the energy, and before she could realize it, her surroundings began to dissolve. The walls of the cave were replaced by what seemed to be raw energy, and the man in the dark suit was floating beside her.


Trapped in what seemed to be raw energy, Elizabeth could only watch as bloodied soldiers marched past her. The man next to her whispered in her ear "These are the souls of those you could have saved, had you remained." Hundreds of men walked by, and Elizabeth could not help but shed tears as the dissipated into the energy that surrounded her.


Soon, the energy dissolved, fading away to reveal what would one day become England. Elizabeth had been transported to the period of the Gaul-Roman wars. The man in the dark suit was next to her. He spoke again, his voice oddly grave.

"Your decision was less than honorable, but now you have a chance to redeem yourself. Act, and you may save yourself now."

Elizabeth looked out into the distance, and noticed hordes of Barbarians, Gauls, and Romans engaged in a bloody battle. Her instinct to heal called out to her, and immediately, she rushed out onto the field of battle, taking her place as a healer. Initially, she did not discriminate between sides, but once again, the horrors of war were too much for her to handle, and Elizabeth fled the battlefield for the second time. Somehow, she found her way back to a similar cave, and the man in the dark suit was waiting for her, standing next to the same vortex of energy. Elizabeth did not wait for the man to speak, and simply ran at the vortex of energy, desperate to escape. Once again, she was transported to the same plane of energy, and once again she watched as the souls of those she could have saved marched past her.

Recurring Themes

For the next period of her life, Elizabeth was transported from war to war. At first, she would stay as long as she could, but inevitably she would flee, and be forced to confront the same situation over, and over again. However, she eventually grew accustomed to the horror of battle, and managed to operate to her full potential. Yet her previous inability to do the right thing condemned her to a life on the battlefield. After she completed one war, the man in the dark suit would approach and take her to the next, and so on so forth. Elizabeth ended up participating in almost every great battle that the world faced, along with a few more minor ones, and as her actions grew more heroic, she would be allowed to spend more and more time in a particular time period before the man in the dark suit came to fetch her.

Recent History

History pertaining to IG happenings.

A Collar

Liza was recently presented with a magical collar by someone unknown to her. Compelled to wear the collar, Liza put it on. Initially nothing happened, but for some odd reason, the collar wouldn't come off. Liza eventually grew accustomed to wearing it, and began to grow rather fond of it. However, recently, the owner of the collar presented Liza with a letter to give to a member of the Abyss. Presenting the letter to Simi'Kraz, Liza entered a pact with the first general of the Ashen plains.

Life as a Time-Traveler

By the late 16th century, Elizabeth was able to remain in a single time period for up to forty years before being forced to move on to the next one. It was around this time that she realized that her body no longer aged. Through a combination of her own medicines, magic, and the strange world she used to time-travel, she no longer aged like a normal human being, and that her physiology remained that of a 27 year old woman. Due to her ability to remain in a singular time period, Elizabeth began to have something resembling a normal life. Shortening her name to Liza, she attempted to make the most out of life that she could. In most of her lives, she would end up living somewhere in England, as the country seemed to call out to her. Of interesting note is the fact the spent a good portion of her life as a Doctor aboard various Pirate ships. Due to her medical skill, she was considered an exception to the poor-luck that females often bring to ships. And due to her inability to age, many believed her to be some form of a sea goddess. It is rumored that somewhere, off the coast of England, many miles beneath the Ocean's surface, is a statue devoted to her.

Most recently, Elizabeth participated in the World Wars, and the Rikti War.


Unfortunately, consistent time-travel has had an adverse effect on Elizabeth. After the first few times in the time stream, a part of Elizabeth's consciousness detached itself from her, unwilling to return to the field of battle. This part of her consciousness traveled the time stream, until it encountered a race of beings both mysterious and powerful. This race did not call themselves anything, but had been trapped in the time stream for Aeons. Through their own formidable skill, they had managed to breach the time-stream and enter the astral plane. Elizabeth's consciousness, still connected to the rest of her being, was especially interesting to these beings. They believed that through Elizabeth, they would be able to return to the world. Taking her consciousness into the Astral Plane, these being befriended her, and sheltered her from any danger. Unfortunately, Elizabeth's divided consciousness connected her to the Astral Plane, completely neutralizing her phsycic defenses. If anyone enters her body with malicious intent, they will be met with resistance, but the mysterious race of beings seem to enjoy letting Elizabeth's thoughts drift, and having her briefly loose control of her body when others take control of her mind.


Elizabeth does not have any super powers. Her skills come from ages of training and experience, and using all she knows, there is little that she is unable to cure. She uses an array of devices, magic, and technology to do her work, but all of her skill comes from herself.

Magic and Science

With the arrival of other super-powered beings, Elizabeth began adapting Magic and Technology to her work. She currently wears a bracelet that allows her flight, and her needles have all been empowered, both scientifically and mystically, so that they are able to briefly penetrate all but the strongest of defenses. (Otherwise how is she going to run bloodwork? haha)


She is fluent in Gaelic, French, German, and English


Elizabeth has worked in many other fields, from a waitress, to musician, to a chef. Though she'll never admit it, she also once worked in a brothel.


Leave them! IC or OOC

"KYAA~! Lizzy is really nutty, alittle creepy, and gives good hugs. She also makes really good cookies. I like her cookies! *nodnod*" - Highly Envious

"She dun make me cower under a chair like most nurses....or for dat matter like Prince, an she bakes cookies, jus not thin mints."- Xois P. Shortwolf M.D.

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