Eon's Renewal

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Eon in the Shadow Shard
Eon's Renewal
Player: @Trick
Origin: Natural(ICly more Magic)
Archetype: Corruptor
Security Level: 40 (And growing.)
Personal Data
Real Name: Eon
Known Aliases: Eon's Renewal, Time's Reprise, Arkigheuv
Species: Time Elemental
Age: Forgotten
Height: 6'6"-ish
Weight: About 204 lbs.
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Birth: The Shadow Realm
Base of Operations: Recoif
Marital Status: It's complicated.
Known Relatives: Jasku (Not blood related)
Known Powers
Beam Rifle/Time Manipulation (Titan Weapons/Regeneration on Time's Reprise)
Known Abilities
Temporal Manipulation
High-tech armor, Plasmatic Beam Rifle, Enchanted Sword, several other gadgets.
No additional information available.


Before Earth

Before coming to Earth, Eon was known as Alex, or Arkigheuv. He was stuck in The Shadow Realm, just like every other Shadow Elemental was. But then, a miracle came. Or, so they thought. The miracle quickly turned into a curse, as it had broken the seal on The Shadow Realm, giving the Shadow Elementals freedom. What happened next wasn't something anyone had expected, which was the object had turned out to be some kind of capsule, releasing an alien woman into the Shadow Elementals. It was clear that she had one order, which was to kill them all. It took millions of years to kill all of them off. All but three had died, and they escaped to Earth.

Earth, 1992 and Onwards

Alex had arrived on Earth, along with Jasku. They went their separate ways, not meeting again until the 21st century. During this time, Jasku had been storing his power, waiting for one critical moment. Alex, however, joined Arachnos. There he allied with a division of Arachnos, called the Shadow Spiders. Later, the Shadow Spiders turned on Arachnos, and Alex wasn't willing to follow. After this event, Alex was killed.

New Found Power, New Found Glory

Alex was no more. For any other person, that may have been the permanent death of them. Alex, however, had a brother who was determined not to be alone. His friends had left him. Alex had died. He had gone insane. Three years after the death, Jasku used his stored power to revive Alex. Yet still, Alex was no more. Instead, Eon took his place. Somehow, he had transformed into a Time Elemental. Perhaps it never was Alex, and perhaps it was just a Time Elemental created with Alex's memories. Either way, Alex the Shadow Elemental no longer existed. Jasku ran away, frightened and enraged, plotting something to destroy the "thing" that had replaced his brother. Eon made a new life.


Kilayox - Kilayox, or Key, is one of Eon's best friends and has been with the Eon Initiative since the near beginning. Since then, they have had many adventures together, and most likely many more.

Belabor - Belabor is a great friend, as well as Eon's Second in Command. His calm has prevented Eon from doing stupid things on several occasions, making him rank high in Eon's friendship book.

Eso - Yet another one of Eon's friends, who is also in the Eon Initiative. Eon isn't quite sure of what to think of him, seeing as he's quite strange at times...

False Empathy - Clayton, or Clay, is one of Eon's friends. However, recently he has been more of an enemy towards him, Eon still sees him as a friend, and believes he can come back from where he is.

Necrozen - Necrozen, or Zen, is someone Eon doesn't know extremely well, but he knows him well enough to consider him a friend.

Zephinerak - Zeph, being another Elemental, is a good friend of Eon's. They have had a couple of adventures, mostly being in the D from his randomness.


Being a Mercenary isn't much of a friendly work. You can just go ahead and assume every well known enemy group hates the Eon Initiative and Eon, but these are the specific ones that not many people know about.

The Ghost Templars - Not much is known about this group other than the fact that they work in the shadows, influencing the outcome of events. If they see that an event happening one way will benefit them, they will tip it towards that outcome. These outcomes aren't typically a good thing.

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