Familia Tenebrae Amor/FTA fiction

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FTA Gamefics

Character origins and related gamefic from members of Familia Tenebrae Amor (under construction)

WARNING: These pieces of fiction MAY contain: mature themes; sexual references; disturbing or violent scenes; philosophies or religious musings that may be offensive, confusing, or both; bad science; political views you may not share; very strange humor; and other bizarre forms of communication. If you are underage, easily offended, squeamish, highly reactionary, religiously fundamentalist, or any one of a host of other labels that make you likely to complain about what you find here even AFTER this warning, please hit BACK on your browser, shut down your computer, and go watch a Disney movie (but NOT Fantasia- that one has images of the Devil in it). Otherwise...

FTA Character Origins


Apologia Daemonica is told from the perspective of the demon half of Witcharc, and mostly discusses her/its origin and philosophy.

"Origin"al Sin tells the whole story of Vicki Carr's becoming Witcharc, from acquiring the Codex Maleficarii, through her capture, and her final escape from the Zig. VERY long, very dark. (To be posted soon, once it's had an editing pass.)

Second Thoughts covers Witch's tracking of Marci Raver, her preparations for binding her to the Hell Lords, and her final refusal to follow through on her mission. The syntax of this one is a little strange, since it's the internal dialogue between the human and demon personalities. Some of it may also not make sense if you weren't privy to the RP events that surrounded it. Take it for what it's worth.


Timeline sheds a little bit of light on Callista's dark past- including where she got her scar.

Gunner's Dreams Is a little walk in her nightmares...

Related Gamefic

The Warden's Tale fills in a little of Warden Kraven's history. It takes place almost immediately after Witcharc's capture and imprisonment.

Shadow Players gives a little look at Gunnergirl's old Unit colleague and Nemesis Milos Drovas.

When FTA left the warrens for their offshore home, they decided to make an event out of it. Moving Day

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