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Winged Wonder
Player: OverlordOutpost
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: ??
Personal Data
Real Name: Joanna Yardly
Known Aliases: Jo, Anna
Species: Meta-Human
Age: 14
Height: 3'7
Weight: 34 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: Russian/American
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Dayton, Ohio
Base of Operations: Skyway City
Marital Status: None
Known Relatives: Alive and Well
Known Powers
Capable of flight, enhanced sight and reflexes, arrow-tech
Known Abilities
Trick Arrows, Blunted-tip Arrows, Lightweight bow.

Basic Backstory

Joanna's grandmother was a pilot in the second World War. She would sit enraptured, reading about the stories of her flights, battles, and even the mechanics of her plane. It was always her dream to by a flygirl like her grandmother. Her parents however, didn't want that life for her, war was dangerous business, and the commercial airliner business is anything but exciting. Instead they urged her onto the sciences, making her study incessantly and prioritizing educational tours to labs and museums. For a girl like Joanna, this was terrible, boredom is a fate worse then what any war could throw at her! At least that's what she felt.

It was during one of these many trips to a lab that an accident occurred. She was taken to a lab working on experimental Medi-porter technology. They were working on a way to miniaturize the tech, making it cheaper for everyone to run and maintain, something the Crey would've loved to get their hands on. ...and so it was with a large explosion that the walls of the lab were blown open by Crey agents, hurtling Joanna into one of the experimental medi-porters. There was a loud sparking sound, and a flash... and out stumbled something completely different then what came in. Joanna stumbled forward, most of her mass and size lost, and two insect-like wings newly attached to her back. It was a blessing that she shortly passed out at that moment otherwise she'd have seen the horror that out of the other medi-porter...

Since then, she's never felt normal, how could she?... but when she puts on a costume, and takes to the skies with her wings, she imagines it's what her grandmother felt all those years ago. With that, she took up the name Flygirl.

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