Frozen Chip

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Name: Chip Alexander Thomas Age: 24 Height: 6' Job: Bouncer at The Factory

Chip was just an ordinary kid in farm lands of Vermont, working on his parents' farm, until his mutation suddenly manifested and froze over his classroom at school one day. Most of the kids shunned him or kept clear of him. He turned to MMA to keep busy and keep his mind clear. He moved to Paragon City to find more about this mutation thing. He works as a bouncer in the club, The Factory.

- His first name really is Chip. - He hasn't competed in any MMA tournaments but he's considered it. - His initials spell CAT, which he finds rather amusing. - His body is cold to the touch; his temperature is around 33F - Chip is hardly the brightest crayon in the box. He's closer to the dumbest.

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