Garrett Gray

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Garrett Gray
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: 37
Personal Data
Real Name: Garrett Gray
Known Aliases: Metallica
Species: Human
Age: 17
Height: unknown
Weight: unkown
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Caucasian
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Base of Operations: Chicago, Paragon
Marital Status: Nope!
Known Relatives: Mother and Father, not close to either.
Known Powers
Garrett can turn himself into metal, and has immense strength.
Known Abilities
You mean other than punching people?
Just clothes, man.

Garrett first discovered his powers when he was 15. He used his metal shell to save a policeman from being shot by a fleeing criminal. Too bad for his parents, who couldn't handle what they couldn't understand. So they enrolled him in a faraway school and left. Being alone didn't help him mature. Sure he got by, bought his own food, did laundry (occasionly). And trust me, he can be funny. If he doesn't split your side he'll give you a headache. But basically, now he's a 17 year old with the strength of a rhinoceros and the attention span of a hamster. Great mix right?

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