Gerry Maher

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Gerry Maher
Player: @Not My Global
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Defender/Brute
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Gerry Mitchell Maher
Known Aliases: None
Species: Meta-Human
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185 lbs (Idle State)
Eye Color: Jade Green
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: Irish/American Citizen
Occupation: Firearms Safety Instructor
Place of Birth: Galway, Ireland
Base of Operations: Galway, Ireland
Marital Status: Dating Moira O'Flaherty
Known Relatives: Mick Murray (Father, Incarcerated) Aideen Maher(Mother, Deceased) Tommy and Helen Maher (Uncle and Aunt) Danny, David, Shelagh and Teagan Maher (Cousins)
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Able to absorb kinetic energy (usually by means of surrounding or direct impact)Once absorbed, capable of storing and using it for self-enhancement purposes, or redirecting it to turn the tides of combat.
Customized Beam Rifle, Anti-Glare face mask with attachable oxygen tank and synced targeting system aligned with the Rifle's scope, Custom-Made Arm armor made to help the bearer handle Recoil from the Rifle as well as an integrated shield generator.

(In Progress! ^_^)

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