Goryo Eiji

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Goryo Eiji
Basic Data
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Assassin Level:
Occupation: Hunter
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Goryo, Eiji
Species: Human
Age: Thirty
Height: Six Foot Two
Weight: Two hundred pounds
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Blood Type: Unknown
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown
Citizenship: Unknown
Current Residence: Unknown
Religion/Faith: Unknown
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Known Powers
Increased speed, flexibility and reflexes. Minor Electrical manipulation
Training / Abilities
Increased sensitivty to the occult
Neither Goryo nor Eiji are his last names. Goryo is used as title and Eiji is the name he has chosen to go by.


Eiji was the name given to him by the elderly man that raised him as a child. He was ten when he arrived on the old man stoop in the middle of the woods. He had a given name, of course. But, that was something he could not remember, so he gladly took the moniker that was given to him that day. Everyone at one point or another are told they look like a certain name. Apparently, he looked like an Eiji to the old man.


The Goryō are a type of Japanese ghosts. Typically they are vengeful spirits from the aristocratic classes of Japan. These spirits arose during the Heian period and were believed to be the spirits of lords that had been wrong and were capable of creating natural disasters in the search of vengeance.

Eiji received the nickname or title Goryō approximately ten years ago. This was due in part to his almost uncaring regard to any person or object outside of the creature he was hunting and his sardonic personality. Of course, it was simply a name given to him and he honestly could care less for it, though he has taken to using it with people he does not trust.

Past & Present

Walking through a forest when you’re young isn’t exactly the smartest idea in the world. So, it was an easy decision to make when you finally find shelter out of the elements. It was even easier decision when a person simply could not remember who they were or where they actually came from. It could have all gone terribly wrong (especially considering what Hansel and Gretel taught everyone about strange houses in the forest). Luckily, the house was not made of candy and there was no witching wanting to fatten him up to eat for dinner.

Thankfully, the older gentleman decided to take Eiji in. Even though he was a stranger, Eiji readily decided to stay with the stranger. Logically speaking it really did not matter where he stayed, everyone was a stranger to him.

During the next eight years, the old man taught Eiji everything he knew from religion to philosophy. He told stories of the past, of myths and men. Eventually, he took Eiji on as an apprentice of sorts; it seemed that the old man dealt with evil spirits and the like. Of course, Eiji began training as an impressionable youth and had no reason not to believe what he was being told.

The young male took easily to the art of dealing with evil spirits and other occult beings. It was like a new world had opened up to him. It was on his eighteenth birthday that he left the old house in the forest. At first, he wanted to abandon everything that had been taught to him. He was a teenager and had no real contact with the modern world outside of trips to the small town nearby, so a little rebellion was in order.

He left for a month only to return when he realized that he still had an itch for the craft he had learned. When he arrived the stench of blood immediately filled his nostrils.

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