Gregory Phoenixshield

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Lord Phoenixshield
Player: @Das Engle A.K.A. doctormad, OmegaFrost.
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Corrupter
Threat Level: In flux
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Gregory Phoenixshield
Species: Homo Superior
Age: 24
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 134 lb.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: United Kingdoms(Renounced)
Occupation: Proffessional criminal
Place of Birth: Switzerland
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Pyrokinetics and Thermokinetics
Known Abilities
Experienced criminal. Charisma. Athletic prowess.
A variety of relics and artifacts stolen from numerous museums. Multiple vehicles.

Gregory Phoenixshield is a proffesional criminal who has managed to attaina certain degree of wealth and noteriety. He uses his skills for personal gain, and assistance of those less fortunate. With an emphasis on the personal gains. He is currently located on the Rogue Islands, apparently as his presence on the islands provides protection from Interpol, though he does make regular visits to Paragon City. He currently seems to have designs on the creation of some form of organization, for unknown purposes.




Gregory can create and control fire using his powerful mental abilities. He can manipulate this fire with pinpoint accuracy for numerous purposes, such as melting his way through windows and walls, to quickly and carefully disabling security alarms and video cameras.


Thermokinetics is a distinct, but related power to the more common pyrokinetics. Thermokinetics is the manipulation of heat, and it's transfer. Gregory has the ability to enhance heat production greatly beyond it's normal output, and lower rather extreme heats. His bottom line of manipulation seems to be 69F, he cannot seem to lower a temperature below that limit, and even seems to have mild difficulty raising temperatures which are below that limit. Though the vigerous application of fire seems to solve this issue. His upper limit, full range, and maximum duration are currently unknown. There are unconfirmed reports that he has survived falling into a live volcano, though there are believed to be extenuating circumstances, and normally far beyond the range of his powers. He most often uses these powers control the deadliness of his fire production, both for his allies and his enemies. Generally resulting in only light burning and damage to his enemies, and powerful protection for his allies. Objects affected by his own fire seem more easily effected by this power.

Other Psychic Abilities

There is a belief, that based off of observed brainwave activity and psychic readings, Gregory may have a relatively small chance of possesing further psychic abilities of unknown varieties which remain untapped. Whether this is because they have yet to mature fully, or because he is simply unaware of his potential, is unknown.


Proffesional Criminal

Gregory has been a full time criminal for several years now, and has developed the related skills to an artform. This results in him being highly skilled in hiding and being unseen, as well as disabling traps, electronic security devices, planning his way into well defended locations, the use of a variety of covert ops tools, and of course the extraction and remarketing of high value objects.


Gregory is highly trained in athletics and has achieved a high level of physical performance. This becomes helpful in getting him in and out of problems which his pyrokinetic abilities are of no use. It enables him to run at relatively high speeds for long durations of time, jump high distances, as well as climb and support his body weight on ropes and ladders.


Due either to training, or sheer circumstance, Gregory has become at least basically familiar with a wide variety of controls and piloting techniques for planes, helicopters, boats, and most common land vehicles. Which he uses to aid him in his travels.


Gregory seems to have a natural charm about him, letting him work well with others, atleast on the short term, and manipulate potential targets to get them into a vulnerable position.


Family, Birth, and Early Life

A Life of Crime

Coming to the Isles

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