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GyreFalcon in his original costume.
Player: @SunGryphon
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 32
Personal Data
Real Name: Alexander Monroe
Known Aliases: Gyre
Species: Human
Age: 26 (apparent), 203 (actual)
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 175
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Horse Breeder
Place of Birth: Providence, RI - June 27, 1804
Base of Operations: Paragon City, RI
Marital Status: Married to Gabriella
Known Relatives: Nathaniel (son)
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Heightened Senses



GyreFalcon is one of those characters who have followed me through multiple genres and games. Originally he was a Barbarian Shaman on Prexus in EverQuest named Gyrefalcon Frostwing. He topped out at around level 22 or so, right around the time I started drifting away from the game that had held my attention for nearly five years. When I moved from Pinnacle to Virtue, GyreFalcon reappeared, with a nearly complete backstory. To date, his original costume has received more compliments than all of my other characters combined, and still remains one of my best.


The Talons of Freedom


Alex is one of the most patient individuals in the Talons. Years of patiently breeding horses to produce the best bloodlines have taught him how to plan far in advance. His patience is his primary asset in his position as leader of the Talons. He enjoys the outdoors immensely, and has a touch of claustrophobia if he's in small rooms. His heightened senses have allowed him to react to more than just body language and tone of voice in conversations, and he is adept at soothing ruffled feathers before things get out of control, often without the other person realizing it.


When Alex's DNA was merged with that of his falcon, it gave him some unusual abilities as a result. In addition to making some of his bones hollow, it gave him an extremely high body temperature, high heart rate and an accelerated metabolism.

Retractable Claws

By flexing certain muscles, Alex can extend these claws, which are made of the same basic material as a bird-of-prey talon, only much harder. They are attached with ligaments and also have a break-point similar to that found in the tail of some species of lizard. By using this break-point, he can actually throw the tips of his claws with deadly accuracy, often knocking foes to the ground with the force of the strike.

Extreme Regeneration

Alex's genetic structure works overtime now, and because of this, he can heal all but the most extreme wounds almost instantly. He also has amazing stamina, and rarely needs to take a break when he's fighting.


Although Alex does not have wings, he does have the ability to fly. He attributes this to the magical field which he passed through on his journey to Paragon City. Investigations by other magicians in the Talons have confirmed his supposition.

Additional Powers

At this time, Alex does not have any additional powers.


Heightened Senses

Alex has extremely good vision and is able to see minute details several hundred yards away. He also has a keen sense of smell and can detect scents of a few parts per million. His hearing is also keen, and he can actually detect minute vibrations several feet below ground.

Trade Skills

Alex owns a stable in Kentucky called Falcon's Reach that breeds race and show horses. He flies out frequently to oversee operations, and knows all of his horses. He seems to be able to communicate with them on some subtle level beyond normal human comprehension.

Alex also works as a volunteer in a bird of prey rehabilitation center. He is often called upon by zoos and schools to give lectures and educational demonstrations.

GyreFalcon by Daggerpoint

GyreFalcon by Daggerpoint colored by SunGryphon

Weaknesses and Limitations

Because of Alex's extremely high metabolism, he needs to eat like a bird in the literal sense. He can easily consume twice his body weight per day if he's not careful, and tries to keep his hungry system calm by a near-constant diet of high energy protein drinks. If he's unable to eat for too long a period, his body begins to cannibalize itself, leaving him irritable and disoriented, and prone to instinctual behavior as he regresses.

His keen senses can also prove to be a weakness at time, as he is more susceptible to blinding and deafening.


Character History


June 27, 1804 - Born to William and Josephine Monroe in Providence County, RI


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