
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Dream #1

What usually turns into a horrible nightmare becomes instead something else, something rare in Kay's subconscious. A dream, not a nightmare.

The sky is a brilliant blue, crisp and majestic. Pure, like the air Kay is breathing. She smiles and stares at the view from the cliff she stands on. The world seems fresh and new, untouched by the people that most often fouled and distorted, if not completely obliterated its beauty. She inhales lightly, her eyes catching sight of the others down below. Her smile triples in size, her eyes sparkling. They are down there, the people she cares so much about. Each and every one of them is sporting battle clothing. Worn and torn armor and costumes. Behind them there are more, so many more people that she knows.

He smile grows. They won. They had succeeded and not lost a single soul. All were accounted for. All except – wait, there, flying towards her. She raises her arms, dramatically waving at him. He waves back and she drops her arms, stepping back from the cliff's edge to give him room. That left her alone, her view of the others now obscured, but she isn't worried because she can still feel their presence. Not only that but she is completely confident in their victory.

All is well. The world will thrive. Peace will fill the hearts of men, of every soul. Good things will come. Compassion will rule. Love will be embraced. Friendship will matter. There will be a untied congregation.

Finally he drew close enough for her to see his face. Her smile grows and tears fill her eyes. They had been apart, somehow she knew that. Deep down in her core she felt that the two of them were coming back together after what felt like an eternity. She can't remember the battles, can't remember the specifics of what had let to that moment, the why's of their separation but that didn't matter. He lands in front of her and opens his arms. That was all it took. Even battle-worn he was still brilliant, the glowing white light outlining him. Him and Starblaze. She had missed them both.

Into his arms she runs, her face burrowing into the side of his neck. Her body shakes with both relief and joy. Her light from her shields merges with Will's own and the pair radiate not unlike the sun, bright and noble. After a minute or two they separate themselves, holding hands as together they step up to the edge of the cliff. They raise their joined hands and cheers erupt from below.

Kay laughs, happier than she can ever remember being. They are all safe. Every single one of them. Somehow they had all survived.

“Follow me,” she tells Will and Starblaze. Letting go of his hand she lifts into the air. Her gold and white shielding drops to reveal her dressed in her own battle armor, its color not unlike that of the magic defenses she relies on. She flies down, down to where the others stand. They smile and she can hear them congratulating each other. Laughing she quickens her speed. Like a sprite, or like Spren, she weaves around and between them. As she passes her hand lightly touches the arm of each and with the brush of her fingers she places a blessing upon them. Yet another thing she wasn't aware she could do but she can and it feels completely natural. Those blessed begin to glow. Will follows behind her. She doesn't have to look behind her to see that he is. She can feel his presence, like the other half of herself. It fuels her joy, her very essence.

Kay has never felt so free. Soon all of them glow, her gift to them from the gift she'd been given. When the last one is touched and she's flow past the glows link together. She comes to a stop hovering beside Will. She watches as night, or darkness, tries to descend but it is beaten back by the combined light.

“It's beautiful. They are beautiful,” she says, awed.

“You did this, Kay,” says Will, his voice altered in a way that makes it obvious it is both of the merged pair speaking.

She smiles. “I've tried for so long to make this happen. We have. I was afraid it'd never happen.” Turning to look at him her cheeks are flushed and tears slip from the corner of her eyes.

“It is inevitable that you will win,” someone says behind them. Turning again she finds Lucius standing there.

“It didn't feel inevitable. I an still hardly believe it. We've fought so long for this kind of freedom.”

“Freedom from what?” he asks, eyes narrowing.

Kay blinks. “From....” She tilts her head. “I don't remember.” Her eyes shift toward Will, a questioning expression on her face. He shrugs and shakes his head. He, too, it seems doesn't remember.

The man, who is beginning to seem familiar to her, gestures to the people. “Surely you remember,” he says.

“I don't,” she replies, biting her lip as she tries to think, to recall, to latch onto something, anything.

“Come dear, remember,” he says. He steps closer, putting a hand to her cheek in a fatherly touch. The instant his fingertips brush her skin her eyes open wide and she gasps, remembering.

Fire. Death. Violence. Fear. She can feel the slimy, oily darkness as it threatened to take everything from her, from all of them.

Will takes her hand, the sensation cold and clean. Sterile. It pushes back the dark inside of her just as the light outside does the same, keeping the evil at bay.

“Do you see? Do you remember?”

She nods, tightening her grip on Will's hand and opening her eyes. “I remember,” she tells him. “But it's not gone for good, is it?”

“No. It will never be completely gone. Not as long as there is existence. However all of this will keep it at from rising again for years to come.”

Kay glances over to her family and friends, her fellow heroes, those she has vowed to protect and keep safe. As she watches one by one they begin to vanish, taking their light with them. “Where are they going?” she asks without turning to look at Lucius. She knows him now. That too is revealed with her memories.

“Back to their lives. You pulled them here to help, to fight alongside you. Together you faced the darkness and saved the world. You called them and they came. Now you need them no longer.”

“Can I follow?” she whispers. “Can -we- follow?”

“Eventually, yes.”

She nods, “But they are safe and happy, right? They are going back to a world with life and change and with hope? No more possessions or unnecessary death? Everyone has been found? No one is lost anymore? The world -is- better there they are going?” Her eyes find will's and she sees the same questions reflected in them.

“Yes. You have changed things. Time has indeed been altered. The darkness has been thrust back to a different space and time.”

She glances at Will's free hand, in which is one of his guns. Helen's guns. She blinks and it is gone, as if it hadn't been there at all. Kay smiles. One of the changes. Will is whole. Helen is alive. Somehow she recognizes and acknowledges the way it used to be.

“Soon you will face something even stronger than that darkness, something more deadly, but that will be long in coming. Live in your joy. Wash this place clean with your light. Take our swords to the very edges. It is merely clutter and refuse that needs discarded. Once you have done that then you, both of you, can return home.”

Kay nods and squeezes Will's hand before letting go of it. Magic has been done. A glance over reveals that everyone else is gone. She takes a long, deep breath and nods again. “I'm ready to do this,” she tells the man. “We're ready to do this.” She doesn't bother to look and see if Will is on board with it. She can feel his connection to her in a way she couldn't before. It's solid and secure, palpable.

“Very well.” Lucius waves his hand and light blinds her. Her grip on Will's hand tightens, her eyes stay closed until she feels the world she can't see dim. When she does open her eyes she feels imbued, infused, even charged up as if she were running on a full battery. Her limbs tremble with the need to move, to do.

Smiling wider Kay finally looks again at Will. With confidence she gives him an almost imperceptible nod. “Let's do this.” She lets go of his hand and takes to the air, sure in her mission, her purpose, and her truth.

Dream #2

Kay hovers, her body filled with power. Across her body, every inch save face and hair covered, dances lightning, the sparks crackling loudly. Her arms are crossed she watches. It's a new day, a new world being created beneath her. Her eyes close. She's seen this part may times over, can feel the surety and strength, the newness and possibilities in the air. In fact she could hear it, taste it, too.

While she is not directly responsible for it she is still a part of it. A conduit. A breath. So much more than she is, than she used to be. Her heart beat with the rhythm of creation and that creation was beautiful.

She opens her eyes, tilting her head as she watches small specks of light. A myriad of colors rain down on the newly formed world. Like confetti it fell and lay like a dusting, a coating. This confetti however melts, sinking after a few minutes into everything it landed on. Everything becomes bright and majestic. Colors heighten. It's a sight meant to bolster and refresh.

A home for the weary in need of rest.

Kay smiles then lets herself drop. Just before landing she stills. Looking down at herself she suddenly feels the need to question. “Where are my boots?” She almost always wore boots and here she wore nothing on her feet? And a long dress? Did she even own a long dress?

The colors begin to shimmer and a song rises up from somewhere. Her eyes and ears search for the source. It's the trees themselves. Kay laughs softly and lowers herself the rest of the way down, her bare feet landing on the soft grass wet with dew. A sudden desire to dance wafts over her and without hesitation she dances. She dances to the world's song, dress swirling around her and hair flying. Within moments she's lost herself to it, to the movement. When she finally found herself able to stop, to right herself and see, she finds herself out of breath but happy. Sweat coats her skin and leaves her dress plastered to her skin.

The light fades, leaving almost everything in shadow. Except where she's danced. The grass has taken her gift and made... light. She laughs softly, stretching as she tries to take in more of the sweet air. What music had filled the air disappears and in the silence of the world around her other things become more prominent. Her racing heartbeat. The sharp inhales. She still can't fully catch her breath. Slipping to the ground she curls up, mouth gasping and her hand on her heart.

“Breath, Kaydora,” said someone nearby.

Kay smiles, taking air slowly and deeply in through her nose.

“Rest,” he tells her. She feels his hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Looking up she finds her heart slowing. His face is comforting. His presence reassuring as he smiles down at her. “It is time you rest.”

Kay nods, suddenly feeling very sleepy. Her eyes close as a primal warmth rolls over her. She gasps, finally able to breath again. Sleep. She needs sleep. To do what she has to do as a part of what has been done over and over she has to be strong. She must be bright eyed and in charge of herself. Yawning, she stretches out flat, arms her pillow. It feels right. She feels right. She can't remember what came before, what she used to be.

All she remembers is this, the ritual of creation. And him. The one who reminds her to rest.

Dream #3

Kay smiles, awakening to the sounds of the woods, birds and other critters beginning their day. She turns in the hammock missing the press of Will's body against her own. To her delight and relief she sees that he's not far away. Her eyes gaze over his strong form, lines and curves exactly where they should be. His hair just about to the length that requires cutting. White hair perfect for running her fingers through.

“Mmm,” she whispers. “Do I smell bacon?”

“It is! If you'll stop lazing around you can even have some.”

Smiling she reluctantly leaves the comfort of the outdoor bed. Socked feet sink into the soft carpet of moss. Shuffling over she slips her arms around him from behind. He smells woodsy and sweet mixed with the sweaty scent of hard work and purpose. She smiles and kisses the back of his neck.

“They took you this morning, didn't they?” she asks.

“Yeah. Another three weeks.”

She sighs, dipping under his arm and swiveling until she's in front of him. Her arms around his middle keep him close.

“I'm here now, though,” he says,” and I've got your breakfast. Cheesecake, bacon, and hot chocolate.” He smiles at her, leaning down to kiss her forehead. He's always so sweet and thoughtful, knowing her so well. She grins.

“Sounds amazing,” she tells him. She lifts her head planting a gentle kiss on his lips, complete with a little nip of the lip as a promise for later. Pulling away she grabs her nearby large sweatshirt and pulls it over the swimsuit she'd accidentally fallen asleep in. Granted, cuddling after a late night swim was officially to blame.

Taking a seat on one of the ornately carved benches she sits lotus style. Will hands her the food and beverage he's prepared then joins her. They eat quietly for a few moments, enjoying the meal and each others company. Spren, Kay's obsidian crystal spirit, her protector, flies free. Hyper and laughing her joy is contagious, infectious, both Will and Kay joining in as they watch her antics.

When they are done eating and everything is cleaned up and put away they cuddle, the large bench perfect for two. Leaning back in his arms Kay, for the billionth time, thanks whatever deities exist for the gift of Will's choice. That he has chosen to love her.

His arms wrap tightly around her stomach, her head on his chest. The sun sprinkles its rays throughout the canopy, littering the ground. A soft breeze blows, tickling at Kay's hair. “Sing to me,” she asks him. His voice is always a comfort to her, making her smile. His voice rings out and washes over her like a hot shower, making her clean and new. Her eyes close, Kay content to stay just where she is forever.

When she next opens her eyes it is winter. The air is chilly, the campfire roaring as it fights to keep the cold away. Will, who had also fallen asleep, stretches. They lay in each others arms, covered by a thick comforter. Her cheeks are flushed and she can their breath in the air.

Climbing off the bench and out of Will's arms she grabs the heavy coat hanging on a nearby peg that's been shoved into a tree trunk. She is already wearing her boots. Quickly the two of them put on hats and gloves, hers striped orange and dark gray and ending in a large poof ball. Will tugs on it as they make their way down a nearby path. Though they say nothing they both know where they are going.

Halfway there Kay stops beside an opening in the trees, a place flat with snow inches deep. Kay giggles and runs in, throwing herself down onto her back. Will chuckles as she makes a snow angel, her eyes sparkling. She wears a wide smile, a happy smile. Every swipe of her hand sets her very full charm bracelet to clinking, the charms hitting each other. It seems a perfect accompaniment to all the laughter.

When she has finished three snow angels Will offers her his hand and she stands. She keeps a hold of his hand, too, as they walk together to the edge of a frozen pond. Across the way there are people. A large gathering of friends and family. A bonfire, its flames fierce and high lights the faces of the attendees in the darkening sky. There is still enough time before night fully arrived for the pair to watch the evidence of time, endurance, joy, hope, and perseverance given life and form.

Philip and Rae with their two children, a boy and a girl. Jason and Terri with their brood of seven. Leoone with his wife. Ice skating. Snowball fights. Hot chocolate served out of a cauldron. Laughter and excited voices fill the air, crossing the ice from somewhere else. Kay and Will turn as one. She gasps, always caught off-guard by the sight. Her parents marching along, headed towards the others with three children in tow.

One of the girls, for there are two girls and a boy, wiggles her fingers creating pops that crackle and spark, shining brightly before fizzling out. The small spell entertains her younger siblings, their joy obvious.

“Should we join them?” asks Will.

She shakes her head. “Not yet. Les enjoy the moment before everyone else starts to arrive.”

“Alright.” He slips his arms around her bulky bundled self, both chuckling at the oddity, knowing that in their winder gear they must look like quite the sight.

“We have a seminar tomorrow?” she asks.

He nods, “We do.” He lowers his chin to rest on her shoulder and she smiles. It's something he's done since they first started dating, or rather officially became boyfriend and girlfriend so many years ago.

“Then patrols?”


“Right here, right now, I can almost forget what it took to get here and what it takes to keep it.” She sighs as he pulls her closer, letting her lean back against him. He kisses her cheek, nuzzling at her neck. She giggles then turns into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her fingers play with the hair that's escaped his hat. They are silent for a few moments before his head lowers and the two kiss. It is as if time stands still. Closing her eyes she feels her heart rate increase, her breath quicken and all that exists is her, him, and their love.

When next she opens her eyes the world is bright again. Dressed in tights and shorts, Kay stands with both blades drawn. Her stance is at the ready. Hansel and Gretel, her light blades, glow sharp even in the daylight. She both feels and sees her defensive shields slip into place, the sensation making her laugh.

Before Kay stands four children ranging in age from eight to thirteen. She nods to them all and each brings their own blades to bare. One dual wields and the other three do not. One of them even has a shield of light. Watching them she feels nothing but pride and a sense of purpose. As their teacher and mentor they have become her responsibility.

Protectors of the innocent.

The wall holding back the storm.

A future made safe.

Kay closes her eyes and when she opens them again she is in bed. Will breaths softly beside her, one arm thrown over her stomach. She smiles and turns to watch him sleep.

It dawns on her. She remembers the dream! Kay can't remember the last time she remembered a nightmare, let alone a dream. This one she remembers word for word. Every sight, sound, and touch. It had been beautiful and amazing. No Ormuna. No Lucius. No war looming. No fears or pain. Only joy and hope.


Normally she wouldn't wake him from his slumber but she wants to tell him, to share her dream with him. Right now, immediately, before it fades or blinks out of her mind.

“Will? Wake up. I want to tell you about my dream....”

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