Hellcat Jones/Personality

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A private and practical man, Max shows very little patience for impractical, wild ideas and the thought of going on “adventures.” Instead, he prefers to keep his attention focused sharply on those handful of interests that occupy his time in a meaningful way.

This isn't too say that Hellcat is a dour individual; on the contrary, he can be quite jovial and is nearly always bitingly sarcastic. However, that happy-go-lucky disposition and carefree narcissism is largely an armor-like veneer that has allowed him to live a happliy shallow life, keeping the world around him at arm's length away.



Jones has a well hidden sense of decency buried far beneath his exaggerated veneer of carefree narcissism. With that skewed sense of honor, he is fiercely loyal to those few around him who have demonstrated a measure of trustworthiness to him, yet still keeps his friends at arms length. He prefers to work out his problems on his own, and when a problem cannot be solved in a simple, rational manner, he pushes it down and chooses to concentrate on other, more manageable dilemmas. This tendency to disregard his own emotional wellbeing causes Max to be prone to fret and worry on occasion.

Past that, he takes a very misanthropic "me vs. the world" perspective, and has little qualms about carrying out actions that may indirectly harm others. He’s no sadist, and normally won’t go out of his way to inflict pain and suffering. However, Jones takes a very cynical, realists’ view to the world and justifies his illegal activities with the belief that these deeds will be done regardless of if it is him or another criminal.

Showing little patience to wild ideas and the thought of going on “adventures,” Jones prefers to keep to his business interests and those activities that would further his goals of financial independence (of the wealthy sort) that would allow him to concentrate full time on automotive fabrication and design. To that end, he takes pains to be a man of his word in his dealings and expects those he conducts business with to do likewise.

While others may view working on cars as a means to a certain end, to Jones, the cars he works on are the ends in and of themselves. Time spent with a wrench is when Jones collects himself and thinks through various problems. He himself is often caught off guard with his own candor and the lack of defensiveness in his remarks when he is confronted while he is alone in his shop, working on one of his cars.

Goals & Motivations

With the inability of his father to adequately provide for the family still lingering in the back of his head, Jones is out to make sure he has a more prosperous life than his parents have had. After his brief experience with smuggling and trafficking illegal goods in his early twenties, Max realized moonlighting in the criminal underbelly in addition to his automotive work might combine to provide a substantial income. Still, there is the tension within Max of wanting to become known as one of the greatest hot rod builders in the world versus devoting more time to his illegal work as an arms dealer to local & regional gangs & criminal organizations.

Regardless, Max holds to a code of ethics, albeit twisted, when dealing with business partners and those few he would deem his friends. Past that, he justifies his wicked deeds with the sobering fact that even if he was to destroy all the weapons in his inventory and quit the business, there would only be another arms dealer taking his place the next day. In the end, it might as well be him making the money.


Rockabilly music, going fast, hot rods, long legs, redheads, black coffee, good coffee, espressos, stand up bass, slam poets, loves Burlesque (watching and not performing, that is, thankyouverymuch), pinups (he has his shop plastered with Viva Van Story's pinups - in particular this one, along with this one, and definately this one!), the sound of sizzling bacon in the morning, the smell of pine trees, the sound of a big block motor, bananas,


Domestic beer, wines, mocha frapachinos, import tuners, Fords, pop music, shaving. Kat von D (She's an idiot, but with photos like these, he'd still f... you know.) triple digit temperatures, brightly lit nights, full moons ("Gettin' arrogant and thinks it is the sun."), divas, overly big sunglasses, Sundays (it's the last day of the weekend), peanut butter & jelly sandwiches (hasn't liked the damn things after his family ate them nearly exclusively during a tight two year stretch when he was a kid), going hungry or without food (part of this may be due to his altered metabolism, but most of it is psychologically linked to the poverty of his childhood - good luck trying to get him to divulge which), pears, peaches, generally squishy and juicy fruits,

Myers-Briggs Type: ISTP

(The following summary is taken from the Personality Page.)

"As an ISTP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. ISTPs have a compelling drive to understand the way things work. They're good at logical analysis, and like to use it on practical concerns. They typically have strong powers of reasoning, although they're not interested in theories or concepts unless they can see a practical application. They like to take things apart and see the way they work...

"ISTPs like and need to spend time alone, because this is when they can sort things out in their minds most clearly. They absorb large quantities of impersonal facts from the external world, and sort through those facts, making judgments, when they are alone... An ISTP who is over-stressed may exhibit rash emotional outbursts of anger, or on the other extreme may be overwhelmed by emotions and feelings which they feel compelled to share with people (often inappropriately)... They are usually patient individuals, although they may be prone to occasional emotional outbursts due to their inattention to their own feelings..."

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