Huntsman Wolfe

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Huntsman Wolfe
Player: @Vinven
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Arachnos Soldier
Threat Level: 41
Personal Data
Real Name: Hunter Wolfe
Known Aliases: Speedster
Species: Human
Age: 21
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Arachnos Soldier
Place of Birth: Cap Au Diable
Base of Operations: Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Damian Wolfe (Father, Deceased), Kathleen Wolfe (Mother, Deceased)
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Arachnos Assault Rifle, Arachnos Armor



Tall with pale skin, short black hair, blue eyes, slim build with defined muscle. Lacking in strength, he makes up for this with great agility, speed, and intelligence. Wearing black Arachnos Soldier armor and wielding his Arachnos Rifle, both custom modded. He prides himself on his creativity in resolving combat situations, and proving that bigger doesn't mean better. Off the clock he is laid back and is humorous, but on the job is serious and shows great resolve. He has morals and beliefs in what is right and wrong, and firmly believes Arachnos to be a righteous cause.


Hunter Wolfe was born in Cap Au Diable, son of Damian and Kathleen Wolfe. Though raised in poverty during most of his childhood, as he reached adolescence his future improved. His parents were hired by Arachnos to work in Aeon City, and he was given education and all the modern amenities he never had before. He witnessed first hand the improving quality of life and hope that Arachnos gave.

During school he studied hard, but got in trouble often for joking around and flirting with the opposite sex. His cocky attitude would often land him in fights, in which he would outsmart his opponent and run circles around them. However, when his parents died when he was sixteen due to an accident involving Longbow at the PTS energy plant, he became more serious and determined to do something with his life.

His parents left him some money, however he knew it would not last. He decided he would enlist with Arachnos, to give back to that which gave him so much. He became proficient in hand to hand fighting and use of arms from what the school offered, as well as after school activities. He tried bulking up, however at best he was slender and well toned. While he had disappointing results in increasing his strength, he would regularly win at track and field.

Upon his graduation, Wolfe applied to the Arachnos Training program but was not accepted for not meeting physical requirements. However when he finished first place in an Arachnos training obstacle course already started minutes ago, he was accepted. Since then he has been promoted to Hunstman, and has had several cybernetic implants to increase his speed and agility.




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