Ineffable Shadow

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Ineffable Shadow
Player: @Soulsemmer
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Corrupter
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Shadow, Red, 'Neffy
Species: Human
Age: Mid 20's
Height: 6'8"
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Fiery, Blue Iris
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Rogue Islander, Possibly American
Occupation: Layabout
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Fire Blast, Kinetics
Known Abilities
Leadership Qualities (Strangely)
Various suits of leather, baseball bat
No additional information available.

A woman torn between her humanity and undeniable change of. Following her instincts and selfish, base desires, she rides the razor's edge of Villainy, but wholly embraces herself as a "bad guy."



The woman who calls herself The Ineffable Shadow is cocky. She's crass, rude, loud, and obnoxious; all the things a lady usually isn't. In social situations, she is strangely charismatic in her own way, quick to make both friends and enemies. On the outside, she is a woman who does not appear to know the meaning of the word moderation, and though not a true hedonist, one could easily assume otherwise. Only those exceptionally close to her may have a chance of breaking through this shell of being a tough-guy.



Within most humans rest a dormant gene that can spur their own evolution dramatically, and their environment always shapes who they become. Some mutants are fortunate enough to have support when their powers manifest. Shadow was not one of these lucky people. The moment her powers were discovered, she was ostracized as a freak. Namecalling, teasing, even outright hatred and cruelty, the young woman's early teenage years were terror-ridden, but it wasn't just outside of her home. Her own family regarded her as a freak, but quietly, inwardly. She saw the looks in their eyes, however, how they avoided her as much as they could. And one can only take so much before they snap.

She's only human, after all.

The Straw...

The only one who knows for certain what happened that night is Shadow herself. There were no other survivors. The night her skin became crimson, screams were heard from her household, and her home was burned to the ground, along with half of her block. Confused, angry, despairing, and alone, the girl who would dub herself "Ineffable" fled into the night. She would not be heard of again for some years, and the world would go on as if the girl never existed.

Into the World Again, to be Caged

One day, within Paragon City, a lone woman attempted to rob a Family jewelry store. Authorities were quickly alerted, and Longbow was soon on the scene. Witnesses and officers from the night described the woman as a demon, both in form and ferocity. She hurled great gouts of fire from her fingertips, she wreathed herself in flames, and she burned all that stood in her way. What was more, is that several fell victim to an unnatural, sudden malaise, their very well-being sapped to further fuel the demon's wrath. But the woman was to eventually fall before the more trained, numerous, and coordinated forces of Longbow. When registered for imprisonment in Zigursky, she would not give them any name but "The Ineffable Shadow." And a Villain was finally born.


When Arachnos came to Zigursky Prison to extract key VIllains, Shadow jumped at the chance to be taken with them. Surprised that the Spiders had come for her in particular as well, she was even more amazed by Kalinda the Fortunada herself. She had never dreamed that the Fortunadas would have visions of her in particular, but she was not told anything of her destiny. Suspicious but greatful, The Ineffable Shadow was free.

The Present

Shadow can sometimes be seen in the Pocket D, where she has been well-known to spend quite a bit of her time since it's opening. She seems to do little more than party and cause the occassional ruckus, and hardly anyone knows otherwise. She keeps, and always has kept, her dealings with the Spiders away from the attention of her friends.

Trivia Time!

-Shadow's theme song would have to be "Hey Pretty" by Poe!

-Shadow was my first character ever. I made her when I joined, when CoV was released!

-Yes, she's supposed to look like a demon, but she isn't one. It's a fun aspect of her personality to play.

-All of her outfits have stiletto heels. Seriously. Check if you don't believe me.

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