Ink Dyne/Ink's Pranks

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Some of the more famous mischief and mayhem Ink Dyne has caused.


The Dust Mop

The Infamous Yellow Dust Mop is just what it sounds like -- though it's only infamous for often being tossed onto Riot's head by Ink, mostly when he least expects it. The dust mop will often not be seen for quite a long time, and then just when Inky believes there aren't enough people who know about it or everyone's starting to forget, she pulls it out again.

The Dye Incident

The day before Riot's birthday, 2007, Ink stole all Riot's clothes and dyed them bright neon colors. Lime green. Hi-Liter orange. Lemon yellow with bright magenta polka dots.

However, it wasn't a matter of Riot being shocked at what colors his clothes were and being forced to wander around in a bathrobe or somesuch. The dye was delayed-activation, and the colors wouldn't appear until right in the middle of the day, at his birthday celebration.

All that needs be said is that the prank was successful. So, fortunately, was Inky's escape.

The Riot Clones

With Gaunt's help, Ink convinced most of the other members (at the time) to switch one of their costumes to a near-perfect Run Riot imitation (some members chose to wear yellow wigs as homage to the dust mop), and show up at a meeting in an ordinary costume. When Ink gave the signal, everyone switched to their respective Riot costumes...his feelings about the whole situation were rather mixed.
Real Run Riot: Directly right from Big Bad Puppy

"You guys are awsome.. um... Never do this again.. "

The Ink/Monkey Prank War

At one point, Soul Harbinger declared that Ink and Silver Monkey should have a prank war, possibly to settle their bickering once and for all. Monkey did the following:

Meanwhile, Ink did nothing -- but all week, she was grinning evilly, smirking, alluding to a huge evil prank she'd reveal, and soon people were starting to get wary. This was the idea. Ink was pulling a paranoia prank -- making the rest of IE tense and worried and paranoid about a prank that was never to come. Sadly, when she revealed that this was the prank, Soul judged Monkey the winner -- although many thought Ink should've won.

The PortaPotty Crow

The PortaPotty Crow is a creature rather like a humanoid crow, with an extremely wide mouth filled with needle-teeth, pallid scales on its face, hands, and bird feet, and large red eyes. Some call it a demon, but it's more like an evil or at least mischievous spirit connected to the Morrigan. Inky summoned it to help cause trouble and, more specifically, to torment Run Riot -- which it soon did. however, he found it didn't exactly like being swatted with rolled-up newspapers, and kept it away that way (but not before it ate his toupee and pestered him several times).

It has superhuman physical strength (as Ink found out when, at the initial summoning, it picked up and threw a PortaPotty at her, hence its name), as well as a complete immunity to any nonmystical attacks. This immunity takes several forms; either the attack misses by the barest inch, its hide literally turns away whatever is being used to attempt to injure it or, as in the case of Unleashed Force slamming it into the ground, it simply doesn't get injured. It also has minor shapeshifting powers, and can take the form of a slender, attractive, black-haired woman -- something usually used either to lure in prey or stay out of trouble. When it has snared a victim, it will usually then shift its mouth to its natural state (wide, gashlike, and fanged) and drink some or all of the victim's blood. In the case that the victim is completely drained, it also devours the dead body, usually aided by a swarm of crows.

Seasonal pranks

The Templar School Dance Incident

At one point, Ink was forced to go to school at the Templar Order. And, as with most high schools, there were dances. When the Spring Dance rolled around, there was no way Ink could resist pranking the thing -- and dragging her boyfriend (and a couple others) into it. She and Mark decided they would Rickroll the dance, plain and simple. James Perkins ended up helping, despite Ink's expectations. He provided the overly loud CD with the music on it. The dance was successfully Rickrolled -- unfortunately, the music blasted the sensitive ears of Elizabeth Perkins and Xinthus Moonshadow, and they became angry. Fortunately for Ink and Mark, James got in trouble --admittedly, unfairly -- since he was the one with the CD.

For the record, Ink and Mark were crowned queen and king of the dance. Of course, this happened before the Rickrolling...

Genderbending/Raptor Jesus

As a result of boredom, Ink took some spray paint and painted an elaborate mural of Raptor Jesus, with the caption "RAPTOR JESUS: HE WENT EXTINCT FOR YOUR SINS" below it, in the Dawning Light Academy library. This was intended as a joke, but unfortunately got Ink in trouble with Mind Lord Heba, who then placed a curse on her that temporarily turned her... into a male. James Perkins and Raid Engineer Harper suffered the same curse at the time for trashing Heba's library, but Ink seems to have gotten the most mocking out of the three of them.

Male Ink also traumatized Rezz for life, and led to an unfortunate/uncomfortable situation with Tech Kid in which he said he still loved Ink on the two conditions that she not let it happen again, and that he not see her in person -- apparently because she/he would be too disturbing -- until she reverted to being female. Ink felt the latter was adding insult to injury, and was sad for a bit.

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