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Inquisitor Fielding

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Inquisitor Fielding
Inquisitor Fielding
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Stalker
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Diane Fielding
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 27
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 190
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Auburn
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Former Inquisitor
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: City 19
Marital Status: None
Known Relatives: None Living
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Combat Training, Field Medic Training
Powered Armor, Field Medic kit, Cloaking device, Energy sword
Fielding has experienced extensive injuries during her previous appointment as inquisitor, and as a result, she requires a piece of equipment to breathe.

Excerpt from Portal Corp file.

Sigma Mu 84-2

Atmosphere Breathable, clean. Soil samples show the environment is in good health. Civilization present, mutagens not found, ambient mana is stable. Our field Psion states there is no psionic contamination.

The eggheads said this world should be a cakewalk, get some samples, spend a few minutes cataloging the tech level, and head home. We show up, get the samples, and before we can finish setting up the evac portal, the doors blow in and we're surrounded by some folks in black and gold armor. They state that we're guilty of, get this; Failing to appear for sermon. We find out later, they got this broadcast every morning, and we didn't know to tune in and say our hail Cole. So, we get arrested. No point fighting, these folks are in powered armor, wielding some nasty energy weapons. Our Psi, Sharon, says they're pretty determined and pissed off, so we go with. We get dropped off with Fielding, and one by one, she questions us. I got first, on account of my rank insignia. "Why did you stray from the Faith?" She seemed genuinely concerned, it was... surreal. Anyhow, I tell her what's going on, and she just stares for a moment, and tells me we'll be executed. I uh... Did not handle this well, and I started bawling. I've been in a few spots, but I've never been flat out told I was gonna die. So, I start asking her why. She explains that faith in the Savior of mankind is all that holds mankind away from the brink, and His Will is that man be made unified. The mere Concept of other worlds, outside of his influence was going to start unbridled chaos. I asked if she meant Marcus Cole, and she seemed to calm down a bit. I told her there was a Marcus Cole on our world, but he wasn't a god. I might as well have been speaking Swahili. She tells me that I should stop speaking blasphemies, and she sends me back to the cell. We get sentenced to execution less than four hours later. We set to thinking about how to get out, and our cell block goes dark. Lights out. Whole place shakes like somebody set off a bomb, and Fielding just shows up outta nowhere with our equipment. She tells us we gotta set up the portal and get out, and we got ten minutes before her Brothers and Sisters come to kill us, then her. We got the portal up just as we heard boots stomping down the hall. She starts shoving us through the portal, getting ready to make some kinda last stand. Well, I guess Tim tazed her and shoved her through the portal just before he sets the portal to self-cook, and he shows up last. Fielding's the reason we're all alive.

PortalCorp Official Psyche assessment

Her mind is extensively regimented, as one tends to see of those in military or religious lifestyles. While she exhibits many zealous tendencies, she is on what she considers to be a learning pilgrimage. Evidence of a non-deific Statesman has shaken her faith to it's very core, and as a result, she spent most of her initial time here in a despondent, emotionally distant haze. She seems to have regained some of her focus, and given her training and equipment, I recommend introducing her to the Freedom Corps reps to get her registered as a Hero. This article about a character is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

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