Jane Granger

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Jane Granger B.jpg
Jane Granger
Player: Myself656
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Jane Alexandra Granger
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 22
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 126 lb.
Eye Color: blue-green
Hair Color: auburn
Biographical Data
Nationality: Great Britain
Occupation: Hermetic Master
Place of Birth: London, England
Base of Operations: Paragon Aurors Base
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives: Collin R. Granger (father), Anne W. Granger (mother)
Known Powers
able to bend space, time and energy to her will.
Known Abilities
Hermetic scholar.
bodysuit, PPD comm-link, and a variety of minor magical items.

Jane Granger is one of the premiere practitioners of the Hermetic Arts in Paragon City is the leader of the Paragon Aurors.



Jane Granger hails from Great Britain and is one of the premier practitioners of the Hermetic Arts in the modern world; having worked her way up from the rank of apprentice to master in a mere five years and while still younger than most initiates. Her aptitude for magic first became apparent while attending a boarding school in Wales where her insights into the nature of reality drew the notice of other members of the Hermetic Order. Excelling in all of her classes she graduated from primary school at the age of sixteen and was accepted into Oxford, where she was approached and recruited by the Order directly.

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The primary goal of the Hermetic Order is to elevate all of humanity through understanding of the true nature of reality and to fight against the forces of darkness that prey upon the World of Man. Sensing great mystical disturbances emanating from Paragon City, the Order chose it’s most skilled practitioner to investigate and fight these forces whenever they rear their heads.


Education and Notable Skills

her primary education at a private boarding school in Wales and was accepted into Oxford where she was inducted into the secret Collegium Hermetica and learned the mystic arts.

Hermetic Arts

As a master of the Hermetic Arts, Jane is able to bend space, time, and energy to her will through gestures and words of power. Jane is especially adept at the Art of Thaumaturgy (calling upon celestial forces to work her will in the material world). She most commonly employs the Art to immobilize and move her foes, hurl objects, teleport others, fly, and turn herself invisible. By controlling the flow of time she can move like a blur and slow her foes to a crawl. She can channel the primal energies of the universe to heal both herself and others, hurl bolts of eldritch fire and summon forth supernatural beings of light with magical powers similar to her own. Her training also included the ability to better resist psionic assault through sheer force of will and she is quite agile outside of melee combat.


None per se, but she has no special resistance to any form of attack.


Jane wears a magically-reinforced black patent leather bodysuit and cape while adventuring. She also carries a standard issue PPD radio/communicator and a variety of minor magical items she’s acquired through her adventures.

Notable Associates




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