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Jyoti is a character that means a lot to me. She was originally modeled off of a girl I was dating at the time of her creation but after the relationship failed, I couldn't find it in myself to delete the character as it began taking on an importance of her own. She is my first and only, currently, character with a security level 50 clearance and as seen some of the most epic battles that I have faced with any character. My goal with her is to experience all the content of the game that I can with her.
She has gone through several incarnations of her biography, but her biography only changes to make it deeper and to explain her growth and abilities as she got stronger, while still sticking to what was first known of her. She was first known as a mercenary with extraordinary abilities but she is now the forced reincarnation of a goddess of illusions and archery trailing clues as to who killed her in-utero children and her lover.

Jyoti Crey Profile Picture.JPG
Player: enos
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Illusion Control/Trick Arrow Controller
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Unknown
Species: Demi-God/Human
Age: Actual - Unknown
Appears to be 35
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Birth: Previous incarnations: Various
Current incarnation: Somewhere in Europe
Base of Operations: Talos Island, Paragon City, RI
Marital Status: Undisclosed, Presumed single.
Known Relatives: Three children, unnamed, died in utero.
Jehot, father, killed by Jyoti.
Sawa, mother, killed by Jyoti
unknown number of siblings.
Known Powers
Can create Illusions in almost any sense of the term. Flight.
Known Abilities
Highly Seasoned Archer. Gifted at physical learning, i.e., learning through doing.
None - the Bow she produces is an illusion
  • Jyoti's personality seems to vary almost daily, but is always set in a semi-brooding, sarcastic and sometimes impatient undertone.
  • She does not consider herself a hero, but someone who is working the system to find her answers. She has a soft spot for helping people and making an impact, but is not affected if her impact was not the desired one of her contacts.
  • Her Demi-god status grants her perception into the chains of fate and the future but she is not psychic, nor is she fully able to utilize these abilities as they have been diluted through the seven self-imposed reincarnations her goddess' soul has gone through. She often gets feelings about situations that she can not even explain to herself.
  • She hates the Circle of Thorns and deeply distrusts magic users.
  • She is wary of the Midnight Club.
  • She is kind and warm to archers of all sorts, as well as those who use non-modern weapons, i.e., swords and themselves, due to her fondness of the Bachiatari.
  • She is defensive of Manticore at almost every turn but refuses to put herself into his life and avoids interaction with him at every chance.

[Note: This need to be edited for Grammar and Spelling.]

The Beginning

After Tielekku harnassed magic, she began teaching it to others. The ancient myths often chronicle the exploits of Ermeeth and Hequat. But this story begins with another pupil of Tielekku, a god by the name of Jehot. Jehot was never an amazing pupil like Ermeeth and Hequat, but what he lacked in skill, he made up for in intelligence and cunning. Ermeeth saw Jehot’s potential and tried to gain his alliance. Jehot refused, sensing the tension that was rising and tried to convince Ermeeth that whatever he was planning, it was not worth the risk. Ermeeth, put off at being denied, encased Jehot in solid ice and hurled him onto the Earth, into the polar ice caps.

15,000 years ago, when humans were migrating to what would be the Americas, a small group of migratory humans went off track and found themselves huddled in the crater caused by Jehot’s impact onto the Earth. On the verge of dying, the moved to Jehot’s body, frozen in a lone pillar and prayed to the frozen figure who stared up at the sky. Jehot heard their cry and with their brief worship, gathered his power and freed himself from captivity. In the burst of his power, he created lush pastures, and raised the slopes of the crater as mountains. His power expanded to the point of creating a mystical barrier around the mountains, concealing their appearance and protecting them from the world. Exhausted from the sudden burst of power, Jehot fell to the ground in the new utopia he had created. A woman rushed to him and tended him. Later, Jehot would learn her name was Sawa. It was from her womb that Jehot’s children, the gods later sworn to protect the area that would later take on the same name as the god himself.

The Jehot civilization flourished for many decades without disturbance from the outside world. Periodically, the bravest of the people would venture into the world and learn the newest advances in the world, and bring the advances back to the civilization. But, for the most part, they remained simply farmers and hunters.

Jehot and his children also shared bits of magic with the people of the Jehot civilization, allowing them to live longer and to help them understand the world on a grander scale besides themselves.

One of Jehot’s children went by the name of Jyoti. But not the same Jyoti seen in Paragon City. Jyoti, though her father’s teachings and her own innate abilities, became a master of illusions and was often seen going out on hunting trips with the Jehot hunters. Jehot charged Jyoti as the guardian of the mystical illusory barrier that hid the civilization. Until one decade, an archer named Enos set out into the world to learn of the new advances to bring back to the Jehot.

When he returned, he was completely changed. He started to subvert the populace of the Jehot civilization, claiming that we had changed into some experiment by an omnipotent being for his own pleasure. He had even managed to subvert Jyoti.

A bloody civil war quickly erupted in the civilization, ending when Jyoti killed Sawa and Jehot as well as her other siblings. But through her deluded rage, she had realized her folly, and chased Enos out of the civilization. She watched for years as the civilization killed itself, and she sensed her own powers fading as people loathed her instead of worshipped her.

Determined to rectify her mistake, she sought out Enos and planned to kill the person who had tricked the goddess of illusions. But upon confronting Enos, it was revealed to her that Enos was dead and the person who had tricked her was Ermeeth, posing at Enos. Ermeeth had grown jealous of Jehot, seeing as Jehot had managed to do what Ermeeth had not been able to do. Ermeeth easily defeated Jyoti, forcing her to flee. In her weakened state, she was found by the goddess Hequat.

The Second Incarnation or a Demi-goddess’ anger

Hequat and the Mu recognized Jyoti’s lineage but also saw how weak she was. Most of the Mu thought she was worthless but Hequat saw potential, especially since she managed to kill her father. Jyoti explained Hequat her situation and Hequat told her how she planned to smite all the followers of the blasphemer Emreeth. Feeling her interest and her rage peeking, Jyoti offered her services to Hequat for what she planned. Hequat proceeded to teach Jyoti how to transfer her soul into that of a newborn. Hequat had convinced Jyoti that she needed a new body in order to be of any use. Jyoti’s power was fading when finally a suitable newborn was born and Jyoti transferred her soul into the newborn.

She was raised as a Mu child and quickly learned what they had to teach her. But the lineage she came from began changing the body. The Mu were confounded as to how the physical structure of the child was changing to exactly resemble her old body. They saw this as a divine miracle that blessed their civilization and Jyoti started to become worshipped along side Hequat, something the Mu Goddess did not take to kindly. But the day of Hequat’s plans to attack the Oranbegans quickly approached.

It was thanks to Jyoti that the Mu were able to get the drop on the Oranbegans. Jyoti’s powered made it appeared there were many more Mu than there actually were. But when the Oranbegans made their pacts with the netherworld, the powers of the netherworld dispelled Jyoti’s illusions. Jyoti was forced to flee with the remaining Mu.

Furious at the loss, Hequat lashed out at Jyoti and flung her weakened form across the globe. In her weakened state, she was found by god Susanoo, a Japanese storm god. With revenge still fresh in her mind, she used her illusions to convince Susanoo that he was in love with her and together they went off to seek her revenge. But in the ensuing battle with Hequat, both were crippled badly. Jyoti, refusing to relinquish her revenge, copulated with Susanoo and forced her soul into the newborn, leaving her crippled body to wither away and leaving the storm god to wallow in his sorrow at being used.

The Third Incarnation or Change in the house of Jehot

An unfortunate side effect of forcing her soul into the newborn of a god was that her mind became warped and her memory became scrambled. She was filled with a rage she couldn’t explain. But being a newborn, she could not do anything about it. Jyoti, in her newborn form, was found in the forest by a hunting party for a band of nomads calling themselves Bachiatari meaning, in Japanese, cursed or the cursed.

This group was a band of warriors, outlaws and thieves that had escaped from a feudal lord’s imprisonment and were seeking a place to live out their lives and die. The band was all men as well. They believed that the newborn they found was a sign that they were on the right path to redemption. So they pleaded with nursing women from every village they came across to feed the newborn. Luckily, the travelers met with many gracious people and Jyoti’s lineage kept her alive.

The Bachiatari call Jyoti Shoukin, meaning redemption. And it seemed to work for them. As the years passed, the men never even saw her as a woman, but as another man, another warrior, one of them. The group offered their services to small villages to protect them against feudal lords. They refused many lords and better paying offers because they believed they were trying to atone.

But what surprised many of the nomads as that was Jyoti or Shoukin grew older, she quickly became the most ferocious of the nomads, excelling at hunting and would usually defeat many of the enemies they came across.

Until one day, the nomads came across a village of women with only a handful of young men. Many of the men, young and old, had died in the feudal wars. The Bachiatari believed they had found what they were searching for and offered to protect the village and help with the crops in return for shelter and food.

In their thanks, the women told the men all about the area, even introducing them to the local mystic. The mystic asked for Jyoti/Shoukin to return later. Jyoti did as asked and returned to the mystic later that day.

The mystic revealed to Jyoti that she felt a strong power resonating from her. And that she also carried an aura of death around her.

Years would pass before anything would happen, Jyoti holding the mystic’s words in her mind.

Then, years later, the village came under siege. The Feudal lord that the Bachiatari had escaped from had gained much power and made many allies. The ensuring battle was horrible, with many dying. In this battle, Jyoti created many illusory combatants that were impervious to damage and ghosts that would frighten the invaders beyond anything they had ever seen. But during the battle, Jyoti had a violent flashback, reliving the memories of her past last in an instant. The chaos and carnage brought flashbacks of the Jehot civilization in their final years. Though she was hailed as a hero, Jyoti explained to the village what she had seen. She explained to them that she was actually named Jyoti and her purpose lie elsewhere. She explained that she had two very powerful enemies, and maybe a third, and would only endanger the village if she remained. Though it saddened the nomads, they understood and told her how to get to the mainland. With her purpose found again, she took off to the mainland.

It took Jyoti many decades to track down Hequat and as she did she began to feel unsure. She was confused about whether or not she was truly doing the right thing in trying to confront the goddess or if it was for her own revenge. But was kept her going were the mystics words about her aura of death. She knew that both Hequat and Emeerth were somewhat responsible for her past mistakes and she was determined to prove, if only to herself, that she was no one’s puppet.

She eventually found Hequat in what remained of the Mu civilization. Jyoti challenged Hequat out right. The pair began fighting immediately and the battle quickly raged all over the island. The fight began to stalemate as Hequat had trouble dealing with the demi-god body of Jyoti. It was when the goddess Merulina took notice of the fight that the battle began to fold. Since Merulina did not appreciate Hequat’s intrusion when she built her island. Merulina, goddess of the Coralax, told her shapers to summon another Leviathan to aid Jyoti.

Quickly the tide turned to Jyoti’s side and, with the help of the Leviathan, defeated Hequat. Jyoti banished Hequat to her own personal spirit realm, where she remains to this day. But as soon as she did, Jyoti realized that the victory was not hers alone and it made her furious. She deceived the Leviathan to lead her back to Merulina. Upon reaching the goddess Merulina, Jyoti lashed out in her anger at having her battle interrupted. Merulina, confused at the outburst tried to reason with the angry demi-god but Jyoti would not listen to reason. Jyoti created an arrow and pierced Merulina’s throat, removing the goddess’ voice and ability to communicate with her Shapers in one fell swoop. But upon doing so, Jyoti realized that in her rashness, she had become no better than the people she sought to banish. She fled and fled until she was found by the god Mot, on the verge of madness.

Mot spent many years trying to reason with and calm Jyoti. And as the years grew by, Jyoti did calm, but she began withdrawing into herself. She would drape herself in illusions and hide away but would never leave Mot, becoming a faith, if not mute bodyguard. And as the years passed, she became one of Mot’s lovers. But even with their closeness, Mot still can not read or understand Jyoti fully.

Years later, Jyoti found herself drawn into the city of Rome itself. She was quickly supplied with the reason why as she felt the present of Emeerth in the activities of the Circle of Thorns. Jyoti spends much of her time exploring and investigating these new worshippers of Emeerth until she stumbles onto a gathering. Determined to get in Emeerth’s way at all costs, she busted into the gathering, slaying many of the circle in her path.

To her surprise, she found Emeerth at the gathering, rallying traitorous troops and Circle of Thorns mages. And Emeerth had known her of arrival and planned for it. On a giant pedestal, he planned to sacrifice a Sybil to create a portal to the Netherworld. He told Jyoti that he planned to take Rome for his own and kill the god Mot.

Jyoti tore into the legions of men but was soon overtaken. Emeerth told Jyoti that he would make a bargain with her. If she would trade bodies with the sacrifice and fight under him, he would spare Mot. Jyoti agreed and switched bodies with the sacrifice. But Emeerth lied to her and left her trapped on the pedestal, trapped in a mortal body, as he led the legions into Rome.

To Emeerth’s surprise, the loyal Roman legions, as well as it’s people, pushed back and fended off invasion for weeks on end. And as the battle wore on, the people’s resolve seemed to strengthen. The god Mot had then appeared and Emeerth’s invasion was being pushed away. But Emeerth would not be stopped so easily, he challenged the god Mot and killed him.

Still trapped, Jyoti felt the death of Mot wash over her and in her rage, broke free of her prison and flew towards the battle field. Fully enraged, Jyoti started to systematically kill off the traitors and the mages until Emeerth noticed her too late. He easily defeated the wore out Jyoti but the battle distracted Emeerth long enough for the loyal Romans to kill the remains of Emeerth’s forces. Furious as his plans being ruined, Emeerth imprisoned the mortal Jyoti and flung her into the wilds of the Britain.

The 4th incarnation or Reconciliation Jyoti had landed in Scotland. She remained imprisoned for many centuries, badly injured both mentally and physically. The whole episode had taxed her greatly. The only reason she remained alive in her imprisonment was due to her god-esque powers, but with nothing left to drive her, she felt even those beginning to drain away.

But, as she remained imprisoned, Tielekku had been watching her in her imprisonment. When she saw the young mortal goddess debating death instead of trying to escape, Tielekku felt the need to intervene.

Tielekku arrived on earth and came to Jyoti. Tielekku told Jyoti that Tielekku knew of her exploits and though she had done her share of evil things, Jyoti, in the end, was a pawn in a much larger game and suffered unneededly. Tielekku then told Jyoti that she would be freed if she atoned for her crimes. Jyoti asked how she would adone for what has happened and Tielekku told her to right the wrongs of her past and find a reason to truly live. Though she was confused, Jyoti agreed and Tielekku set her free, disappearing in the same instant.

Jyoti wandered the country side, disguising herself under various illusions as she contemplated her fate. It wasn’t until the 11th century that things changed.

William the conqueror had arrived, and with him William de Sancto Claro. She aided William the conqueror in finding food and shelter while leading them around defenseless villages. And in her service, she began talking to de Sancto Claro and his wife. With her illusions, she appeared as a young woman and saw with the de Sancto Claro family, great potential. She married into the family a bore a child to which she endowed the spirit of archery into, allowing any descendant a leaning towards archery.

She faked her death to appear completely mortal to the family but continued to watch over her descendants, even as their name eventually changed to Sinclair. Over the decades, she guarded the family in times of battle and strife, all the while, contemplating Tielekku’s words and siphoning the Sinclair’s religious dedication to sustain her powers. Decades and more flew by to the old demi-goddess.

1918 arrived and Jyoti followed the Sinclair family into battles, several times, preventing their death. Soon after, Jyoti secretly participated in the battle of Normandy, hiding behind illusions and secretly disrupting supply routes as well as sabotaging some of the long range guns on the beach.

But Jyoti took little interest in the war after that. Instead, she was more interested in the awakening of the Archer’s disposition she had put in the Sinclair descendants. It was revealing it self in one of the Sinclairs, one who took up the mantle of Manticore. Eventually, this young hero moved to Paragon City and Jyoti kept watch over him and later, especially watched over Manticore’s young son, Justin.

But one night, Jyoti was confronted by a man known as Protean. But Protean had appeared before her as the current Avatar of the dead god Susanoo. Yet, after years of honing Illusory skills, despite her power now no longer being at the level it was in the past since she was using whatever power she had to keep her mortal body alive, she saw through the disguise and quickly disposed of him. Jyoti cornered the shapeshifter and demanded to know why he was after the Sinclair’s. Apparently, the remains of several crime families the original Manticore had destroyed had combined their resources to hire Protean. After dropping Protean to the authorities, she went in search of these crime families and dispatched of them quickly, turning them into the local authorities as well. But in her absence, Protean had escaped the authorities and killed the original Manticore and her wife.

Jyoti returned to the broken home and cried upon finding out what happened. She left in search of Protean and beat the shapeshifter within an inch of his life. But before she killed him, the god Tielekku’s words came to her and she spared his life. Yet she still felt that her aura of death had not left her and decided if she wanted to ensure the safety of the last Sinclair, she would have to stay away from him.

Jyoti went into hiding, secretly breaking up Circle of Thorns gatherings in Europe until she caught wind of the Rikti invasion. She rushed to Paragon City, but en route, was stopped by Tielekku, who told her this was a necessary event in the timeline of this planet. Jyoti tried to escape from Tielekku, but he constrained her weakened form until the Rikti had been defeated.

She frantically searched for Justin but found no sign of him. She enlisted the aid of a mystic in her search. And as the search wore on and hopeless dragged at her heart, the mystic started to comfort her. In a night of frustration, Jyoti broke down to the mystic and told her life story to him. He accepted it and promised to help her find the missing Sinclair.

As their search continued, Jyoti started to develop feelings for Micheal, the mystic. And when news that Manticore had come out of hiding, she knew Justin was safe. She and the mystic decided to not interfere with his life since he was safe, for the most part, and settled deep into the woods of Croatoa. Jyoti soon became pregnant and Tielekku’s words finally resonated. She had found something to truly live for and had decided, along with Micheal, that she would die when her powers finally drained, as she would no longer fight off death.

But one night, while sleeping, a terrible occurrence befell Jyoti. When she awoke, there were three thin stab marks in her belly and Micheal, as if he had never moved, laid curled against her, but was dead. In one night, everything was taken from her. Frustrated, she went into Paragon City, searching for answers.

And we arrive at the present.

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