Kid Draconian

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Kid Draconian
Player: @Epelesker
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 50 (2/15/12, 16:10)
Personal Data
Real Name: Cid Drake
Known Aliases: KD, Drac, Austratus
Species: Human / Dragon
Age: 16
Height: 4'11"-5'3" (variable)
Weight: (variable)
Eye Color: Rust-orange/yellow
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: N/A
Known Relatives: Drake family (mother, father, sister)
Known Powers
Magical control over fire, shapeshifting, flight
Known Abilities
Periodic access to draconic knowledge, memories, powers



As a young boy living in Paragon City, Cid Drake watched the impossible happen on a near daily basis, fuelling his expansive imagination. Most prominently, his dreams revolved around not superheroes, but dragons: the fantastic winged reatures of legend and myth that still confined themselves to the pages of books. Cid was thoroughly obsessed with dragons, reading about them and drawing them, and often claimed that he'd become one when he grew up.

The First War against the invading Rikti, occurring when he was (approximately) seven, quickly changed his outlook. Although Cid was happy that his entire family made it through the conflict alive, he slowly began to turn away from his childhood fantasies and "grew up". Although the dragon was still a prominent symbol in his mind, he would become more realistic with his goals in life: focusing on developing his artistic talent and working hard to realize "more important" dreams. This would go on for several years, but eventually, the past would return to him in a way he never expected.

During the night of one particular birthday, Cid was awakened by an apparition that appeared in his bedroom. It claimed that it was a spirit of an elder dragon long deceased, though it was called by the wayward memories of his childhood imagination. After imparting a cryptic message to the bewildered boy in a language he didn't understand, the creature proceeded to bind itself to him. Originally attempting to fight it, Cid exhausted himself mentally and let the dragon complete its possession. The next morning, Cid awoke late, still tired, to find himself transformed into the form of a dragon himself.

Originally shocked and dismayed with this outcome, he eventually warmed to the fact that in essence his past wish actually came true, and would resolve to once again put his imagination to use. He would spend many months trying to adapt to his powers, figuring the processes out on his own and straddling the balance between his human and draconic natures. Continuing to gain more confidence, he crossed into the heroic stage with the aim of figuring out a new place for himself and seeking friendship with others who share his positive views.

Powers and Abilities

The spirit of the elder dragon bound to Cid Drake granted him a wide range of powers.

Cid's prime ability is his "dracoprotean" transformation: shapeshifting at will into dragon-like forms. While he tends to use a hybrid form more often than not, he is cabable of transforming into a full-fledged dragon as well, though this tends to take up more energy and thus is used rarely. His strength and toughness is enhanced while in either dragon form, but it is still not at the level of those who have dedicated strength and invulerability. While transformed, Cid's skin becomes a blue-green hue and develops into lizard-like scales, and he develops a small pair of bat-like wings, a long prehensile tail (which is roughly twice as long as the actual part used), elongated hands and claws, and a forked lizard's tongue. In full-dragon form, Cid gains size and mass while adopting a more monstrous appearance: however, he can still be recognized by his golden belt.

It should be noted that Cid is able to fly using magical means in any form, and thus does not technically need to use the wings of his transformations.

Cid can also create and control fire, either cast from his hands as magic or used as an iconic breath. He can will the "dragon flames" he creates to burn without temperature and to prevent burning injury to those it affects.

Cid has the potential to display other abilities, provided that the spirit within him has reached an amount of prominence. During such times of "awakening", he is provided with additional recollection of the spirit's arcane and draconic knowledge, flashes of its memories, an understanding of a Draconic language, and a minor (inter-dragon) telepathy. It is possible that more such powers could be revealed over time.


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