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Kiriath: : A race of beings tuned to a specific element at birth. Various physical attributes manifest at puberty, ushering a fully element-compatible form into adulthood. Often, some level of shapeshifting is achieved, allowing the individual to better 'fit in' with their surroundings. Thought to be extinct.

Quiesti: A death-like sleeping state in which a Kiriath that has been mortally wounded may recover. Typically the subject is buried, as if dead, though some exceptions are made.

Incendi: Fire-tuned Kiriaths. Identifiable by an increase in ambient temperature in close quarters and “warm” pigmentation – such as gold, orange, and red. Most often found within the volcanic ranges of Mayri.

Undai: Water-tuned Kiriaths. Identifiable at birth by luminescent scales layered atop the skin. Later evolution includes the joining of the lower limbs into a fish-like tail for better navigation of Mayri’s waters.

Terrai: Earth-tuned Kiriaths. Identifiable by their dark coloring, small and blind-white eyes, and disproportionately large hands ending in scoop-shaped claws. Seldom seen, as they will remain in the burrows beneath Mayri for their entire lives.

Aeri: Air-tuned Kiriaths. Identifiable by a near lack of pigmentation and bird-like feathered wings joined at the shoulder blades. At maturation, these wings allow the Aeri to fly the skies of Mayri.

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