Ladylike Warhammer

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Ladylike Warhammer
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 19
Personal Data
Real Name: Layla Hollis
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: 19
Height: 5'11
Weight: N/A
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Strength, flight, magic hammer
Known Abilities
kicking ass

From wallflower to powerhouse

Layla was far from popular in school. Picked on by the popular cliques, she was even shunned by the outcasts of the school.

Layla would find solace in books often spending whole days at the library reading. She liked to lose herself in the stories and imagine she was someone else, someone better, prettier, more popular than she was.

Layla found a secret spot in the woods near her home that she would often retreat to. She would stock up on books Saturday mornings and be gone all day. At first her parents were concerned about her behavior but they soon got used to it and got used to not seeing their daughter much, if at all.

On one such outing to her secret hideaway, Layla stumbled upon a large animal skin sack. Curious, Layla opened the sack and found a large stone hammer inside. It had a long handle and rectangular business end with an ornate insignia carved into it. Layla gripped the hammer and tried to lift it, she found it to be surprisingly light. She held it aloft to get a better view of it and in her admiration of it, she did not notice the sky darkening. Thunder rumbled in the distance and a moment later lightening rained down from the heavens striking the hammer and blowing Layla back head over heels.

When Layla recovered moments later she felt...different. As she sat up she discovered she was no longer wearing he school uniform. She was wearing some sort of armor. She also found herself to not be the five foot tall underdeveloped girl she was. She was now 5'11, rather shapeley and well...looking good!

As she was getting used to the new her, Layla received a vision. The woman before her in the vision claimed to be the first love of Odin. Due to some trickery by Loki, her spirit and power was trapped in the hammer. It has now been given to Layla. After trapping her, Loki proceeded to ensnare other gods in various weapons and trinkets and handing them off to villainous groups and people in Paragon City. Layla has been tasked with recovering them as well as using her powers to help people.


Layla was the shy type to not bother anyone at anytime. As Ladylike Warhammer she is confident bordering on cocky. She believes all she needs to do to get things done is swing her hammer. Due to this, Layla often finds herself wading into situations that may be too tough for even her to handle alone.

At the same time Layla is a determined fighter who will not stop swinging her hammer until the fight is over or she has no breath left in her body.


Layla has super-human strength, the ability to fly and can call upon stone and brimstone-like armors to her body to protect her from harm.

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