Len Curtis

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Screenshot 2008-04-26-13-51-30.jpg
Len Curtis
Player: @Death Evan
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Len Curtis
Known Aliases: Mortal Kombat reject, Dark Smoke Puncher
Species: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 167
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Multi-ethnic American
Occupation: "Martial-Artist"
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: None
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Aisha (Sister), Ishimaru (Brother), Terry Curtis (Father) Isoya Curtis (Mother)
Known Powers
. . .?
Known Abilities
Mediocre chi control, Fundamentals of Shade Fist style (minus the shade part)
No additional information available.


Early History

Early years

Besides the fact he was raised into a clan of generic ninja, Len lived a completely normal and happy childhood. His troubles did not start until the time he was fifteen.

The Troubles

It all began when his training to become an assassin formally started. The problem was that Len, unlike the majority of his family, had no significant powers. On the other hand, his sister, with an immense reservoir of energy that she utilized to enhance her abilities, became a model assassin - always spouting lots of weird crap that was supposed to mean something (although it never made any sense to him), calculating, and above all - deadly. The fact that Len himself shunned the idea of sneaking up on people and killing them without even letting them know who was about to end their life made things worse. Around this time, Len figured that beating the crap out of people face to face would be far more satisfying, and stuck around for his training long enough to get some basic techniques down before his plan to become a martial artist was set in motion. His opinions soon made him vastly unpopular, leaving him with few friends. Most of his kin were frequently sent off to serve as generic ninja under a lord of their choosing. However, some chose to use their skills to better mankind, and this is how he learned of Paragon City. His brother, Ishimaru told him many stories of the people within it, and confided in Len of his desire to travel there one day. However, by the time Len was seventeen, his brother had long grown bitter towards the notion of heroism, honor, and all that stupid crap.

Paragon City

One year later, Len's parent's figured there was no use in letting Len do something he didn't want and allowed him to choose where he would like to pursue his quest (i.e. go far, far away). Paragon City seemed a natural choice, and thus, he journey began.

However, things did not go as well as he had initially hoped. His personality combined with his natural talent of rubbing people the wrong way quickly landed him in heaps of trouble multiple times, often leaving him on the receiving end of a beat-down. Len began to have doubts about going any further, and returning home. While he sat in the Pocket D, mulling over his choices, however, in an (arguably bad) twist of fate, he met Lacertus . He somehow convinced the man into teaching Len how to...er...pick up girls..?

The Giordano Family

Befriending Lace also came with Len encountering the people he worked with..Eventually Len was convinced by Shifting Reality to join up, and after having to explain why he wanted to Advent Assassin, and was allowed in shortly after. At this point, he traveled to the Rogue Isles, for a (very) brief time. However, the Isles were a bit too depressing for Len, and he returned to Paragon City.

Growing Stronger

Eventually, after many, many defeats, Len had finally begun to actually make progress. After observing Lacertus in several fights, he had gotten down a basic style to run with. While he couldn't exactly toss around trucks like his mentor, or had the reserves to use the 'red fists of death', by focusing his chi into his fists, he could manage. After several weeks, he could even use his chi to soften any blows he suffered in a fight. The losses he had suffered were a valuable lesson of what happens when you go around trying to fight everyone, and as a result, his original attitude changed drastically. It was only at this point that Len began to regain faith in becoming a martial artist. An even greater breakthrough was when Chase Styles finally agreed to teach Len the Fundamentals of Shade Fist.

Moving On

All good things must come to an end. Eventually, Len grew less and less interested in furthering himself after the disappearance of his mentor. Finally, he decided he could only reach his peak elsewhere and disappeared into one of the many alternate realities that exist..

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