Lilith Castiele

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Lilith Castiele
Player: @Rinterra
Origin: Magic/Natural
Archetype: Blaster/Fortunata
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Lilith Castiele
Known Aliases: None
Species: Kryptonian: Celestinian
Age: Unrecorded
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 147 lbs
Eye Color: teal
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Highland Imperial City, Celestine.
Base of Operations: Lispian Grasslands, Celestine.
Marital Status: none
Known Relatives: Gabriel Castiele, Caspian Castiele
Known Powers
Various Magicks, Soul fire.
Known Abilities
Super human strength, speed, Foresight, Magick
Crystal dagger, Mystic robes, Potions.



Lilith is my main and all time favorite character, I draw alot of inspiration from the DC comic world, and plan to have much more to her than seen here.

if she seems snobby, it IS because she was a high priestess, and the High priestess and the Archmage on Celestine were treated with respect above the monarch, so she's....well, yeah, she's a bit snobby.


Lilith was born on Celestine, a sky-kingdom, from her childhood she was destined to be great. Her life was spent learning galactic languages, studying magic, perfecting her mind and body. Through all that training her destiny had been realized, she had become the High Priestess of Celestine. This destiny lasted only so long, however, specifically untill Celestine was destroyed and its people were scattered via magic across the world.

On Earth

Lilith's first few years on earth were in London, england, where she quickly took the super-heroine alias of Silk Stilletto, fighting alongside six other heroes that called themselves the Initiaters. The entire team vanished from england in the late 60's, no further traces of their alias' or their true identities has been found. One theory, Surmised by a kryptonian leader of Project Genesis, is that reptilian beings called Ch'rean, who had tried and failed at invading celestine, had been to earth and exacted their revenge by killing all associated with the previous High Priestess.

Paragon City

in the mid-70's, Lilith re-emerged in Paragon City as the Lady Celestina, freelancing with many hero groups. As the Lady Celestina, Lilith became a notable enemy of the Circle of Thorns, eventually leading to her vanishing yet again in 2001, only to return briefly during the latest outburst of the Rikti war, staging her death and ultimatly initiating her rebirth as Lilith Castiele.

Lilith, Lost to time

When Lilith first encountered the mystical facility that is orobouros, Mender silos pointed out a rather odd occurance to her. According to him, temporal dust didn't quite settle on Lilith and her family, causing her to only exist in the present she was aware of, she could not be found in either the past, nor the future. He first found this out when he went back in time to prevent her from disbanding the english team, Initiate. It is unknown if this occurance stems from her ability to percieve time or not. (W.I.P)

The Atlantian: Lorenius

While still under the alias of Lady Celestina, Lilith journeyed to an underwater temple off the coat of peregrine isle, it was a small temple half filled with water. The temple of Undine, the water dragon. the inside of this temple was glorious, and it made Lilith curious to know more, but the temple was not uninhabited. A young sage lived there, an Atlantian by the name of Lorenius. This Atlantian was captivated by Lilith, unable to ignore her aura and beauty although she was from far beyond the surface. For months, Lilith stayed with Lorenius, learning the language of his people, studying the runes of the temple.

It was an odd attraction, between them, while their auras were very similar, Lilith was a tan skinned surface dweller and Lorenius was a blue-skinned sea-sage. They grew very close after a year and a half, and that's when everything changed for the worse. a group of rogue atlanteans found that Lorenius was teaching their ways to a surface creature, and came for him. Lilith arrived minutes after they had slaughtered him. That small group of Atlanteans had no clue what she was capable of, and foolishly attacked her, only to be torn apart by forbiddon dark magic that Lilith has not used since that day. The temple of undine was filled with water that day, and Lilith has never turned her gaze back, she does, however, keep Lorenius' rings with her, in his memory.

The last passage of the journal Lilith kept while in the temple.

My brave, hopeful Lorenius....they took you from me. You taught me much, and in my years here I have never met someone who reminded me more of my own people. I will have justice for this....I know you never believed in violence, but I will not rest untill I feel it has been justified. I love you, dear friend. Goodnight, forever.

Equipment and Powers

The Coat of Azaizel(Ah-zay-et-sel) The coat of Azaizel is a sacred object Lilith recieved along with her daggers when she was the High Priestess of Celestine. The coat amplifies magical powers, which she first realized in her days as Lady Celestina. The fibers of the coat are all threaded with a mystical barrier, which seems to be able to resist most weather effects and can repair itself. The coat of Azaizel has also been threaded with microfibers of Telatinium.

Telathinium an experimental metal that is almost alive, it is very durable and completely weather-resistant.

The eye of Azaizel pendant Lilith's pendant, the emerald hanging from her neck at all times. This necklace is a mystic catalyst and artifact of the dragon of death, Azaizel.

The Exteram Daggers Two daggers blessed and formed out of a lost- amber colored kryptonite, in each of these flat crystal daggers are etched runes that possess different charms. The daggers help to focus magical energies as well as serving a second purpose. To all those wounded with these daggers, a curse befalls them, that if the wound is not healed quickly, it will be incapable of healing naturally. Rarely does Lilith ever bring out the Exteram daggers because of this dangerous curse.

Lorenius' Rings Lilith keeps the rings of her old friend on both of her thumbs, middle fingers, and her right ring finger. The rings are silver and gold, with various small gems in them, and runes carved onto them. They are mystic catalysts and allow her to communicate with the elements. She keeps them with her as a sentimental accessory, rather than a power-enhancer.

Soul Magic Lilith's soul magic was learned in Celestine, and is purely offensive, it manifests itself in an almost dreamy looking way. The magic, depending on the target, is capable of not only damaging the body, but the soul of the individual as well.

Kryptonian powers

((work in progress))


-Can see things as they are (via a spell called Libra)

-Can read the destinies of others (also because of the libra)

-Uses a secret type of magic based off of the Celestinian Dragon of death, Azaizel (ah-zay-et-sel)

-Is adapt at all matters of mysticism, particularly charms and curses

-carries two amber-colored crystal daggers strapped to her thighs

-Wears the coat of Azaizel (which is mystically charmed)

-Believes that all matters of life have a good and dark side.

-is not evil, but nor is she particularly GOOD.

-As long as a soul is in tact, she can bring back a life into a body, albeit without memories.

-Has strong telepathic abilities

-Collects rare artifacts

-Has bright blue/teal eyes.

-Eyes turn indigo and violet when she uses her magick

-is shockingly beautiful in an ethereal way, to the point it's almost eerie

-If you can read minds, all you will hear is hundreds of whispers or a sharp piercing noise

-if you can feel auras, hers is old, heavy, and rather cold.

-She always smells of mint or light flowers

-can form 'contracts' similar to that of a demon

-has ornate rings on both of her thumbs, middle fingers, and he right ring finger.

-has an emerald pendant around her neck.

-does not age

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