Little SioniQuake

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Little SioniQuake
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 31
Personal Data
Real Name: Sara
Known Aliases: None
Species: Mutant
Age: 16
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Purple
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero of Paragon City
Place of Birth: Kings Row
Base of Operations: Paragon, Steel Canyon actually!
Marital Status: '
Known Relatives: None that she cares to mention!
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Can Fly

Hero Name: Little Sioniquake

Secret Identity: Sara

Identity Status: Secret




Secondary:Sonic (Loudmouth)

Hero's Past SuperGroup Affiliations: Evolution X, Justice Girls,USofA

Hero Biography:


•• The Beginning:

Sara was discovered by "Guardian of Freedom" at the age of 12 wondering the streets of Atlas in a daze and confused not sure of who she was or were she was. All she could remember at the time was her first name...Sara. Reaching down to give assistance to the young girl, GoF stretched out his hand as a sign of friendship. As if in a confused manner she gazed at his hand for a moment, then slowly reached out and touched his palm with hers. Only a second passed by before GoF felt a rush of energy and a feeling of enlightenment and well being flooded his entire being. He felt recharged, and he was able to tell right away she was a mutant. How she had come to have these healing powers he couldn't tell. He only knew that she would need to learn how to control them. With that understood he called his nephew "Shock Tower" and told him of the girl. Shock arrived in less then an hour with other members of his team. The member of her team that could read minds attempted to look into her to find out who she was, but was unable to tell anything more then she was a scared little girl. It was decided to take her to the "Evolution-X Academy". There she would train hard and long to control her powers, but it would be a safe place for her to come to terms with her new life.

• • The Academy:

Being at the academy was difficult for Sara at first. The other mutants welcomed her with warmth and understanding. What was the most difficult for her at first would have to be the fact that some of the mutants were not even human looking. Not just the color of their skin, but some of them appeared to be more like aliens then humans. This bothered her and made it even harder for her to accept that she was one as well. It was even harder given the fact that she wasn't happy about being a mutant.

• •Evolution-X:

Once she had learned to control her healing ability she joined the team and started going on missions. After a short time with the team she became more comfortable with being a mutant and understood what it meant. She had also come to understand the one thing taught over and over again at the academy...Humans can't be trusted. Many different reasons and examples were given for this theory. Most of the mutants around her had stories to tell of being betrayed or hurt by humans. Treated cruelly and unfairly for being a mutant. Sara could not remember anything before being found and brought to the team so she really had nothing to base her own feelings on except what she was being told.

•••New Power:

During a rather dangerous mission into a deep cave looking for a hostage of the Lost she fell down a shaft landing in shallow water. In an attempt to get herself out she started screaming as loud as she could. Someone did hear her..but it wasn't someone she wanted to have coming to her aid. A Force Mage of the CoT was down there and when he began to use a spell on her she screamed again as loud as possible hoping someone else would hear her. Sara's mutant DNA must have reacted to the spell he used in an adverse way. Her scream became a shock wave almost bringing down the whole cave. Lucky for Sara, it only brought down the part he was standing under. Ever since then she has had the ability to use her voice as a weapon if needed. It took allot of training to control her new ability. She tried to hide it as best she could, but she needed to contain the destructive power. One of the mentors explained to her that if not kept under control such a weapon would be very dangerous to all around her. One of the teachers helped her learn how to control it and from that point on she only used it if her life or someone elses depended on it. After some time being part of the team known as "Evolution-X" she decided she wanted to do more then just help fellow mutants.

• •Justice Girls:

Sara left"Evolution-X" when she turned 15, and after running into a couple friends she use to run with they persuaded her to join the "Justice Girls". During this time she became fascinated by a fellow team mate's Magic abilities. Sara was able to convince her to teach her how to understand the spells in the books. She didn't learn much, although the one spell she learned was how to make herself fly. This became very handy in many different situations. One of the other things that happened during her stay with the new team was she came to know some human heroes more closely. After spending some time on the team with them she began to realize that maybe not all humans were evil and she might even be able to trust some of them in the future. She had a lot of fun with the members of "Justice Girls", but something was missing. The reason Sara removed herself from her former team was to fight crime of all kinds and use her powers to aid the real heroes of this world in their fight against the more powerful criminals. Her ability to heal would come in handy she believed, if given half a chance. So she left the team and went out in search for the one who had saved her life.

••A New Beginning:

She knew that in Atlas she would be able to find"Guardian of Freedom" and maybe, perhaps be able to convince him to introduce her to the leaders of the team he belonged to. Sara didn't have to wait to be introduced. After running into "Wolf-Strike" on the street, she was lucky enough to be asked to join him in a hunt for an evil criminal. Before they could get to the location they were joined by "Miss Universe","Hurricane McShane","Justice Shield" and "Mother Justice". After the battle and a brief discussion amounst themselves Sara was invited to join the team. She over excitedly accepted, of course. Her real test will be getting past her distrust of humans. Sara has come to understand that she can trust the human heroes that she fights along side with. That is not the problem. It will be allowing herself to trust the humans around her, and someday maybe even becoming friends with some. She has decided that one of the responsibilities of being a mutant has to be that she can not date anyone who isn't a mutant. It just wouldn't be right. Now that she is a member of "United Sentinels of America" Sara hopes to learn from those around her. Also if she notices the opportunity to show what she can do and one day be a legend just as the rest of the members of USofA have become!

••A Second Chance:

After leaving the USofA because of things happening within the group Sara traveled around fighting crime were she could.

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