Mad Xion

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Player: Vheks
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: 20-25
Personal Data
Real Name: Madeline Xion
Known Aliases: none so far
Species: Human/Fallen Hybrid
Age: 20
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 105 lbs
Eye Color: Blue/Grey. Can turn red or orange.
Hair Color: Reddish.
Biographical Data
Nationality: Caucasian/??
Occupation: Arachnos Operative, currently Awol / Dimensional Traveler
Place of Birth: Port Oakes
Base of Operations: Sharkhead.
Marital Status: Madly in love.
Known Relatives: on her home world, Deceased.
Known Powers
(Dark/Will brute)
Known Abilities
Being Underestimated. Singing.
No additional information available.




Madeline is the hybrid daughter of a fallen angelic Singer. As such, her expressiveness is a trait that can't be masked or ignored. She can be grabby to the point of being annoying, loud, nosy, sullen or bubbly. One thing Ky would point out that she -can't- seem to be is quiet. However, this impulsively honest exterior hides a mind that's capable of being cunning, relentless, stubborn and honestly quite cruel if she decides something has provoked her. Overall, though, whatever Madeline may -decide- she is going to be, she -is- that, 110%.

Character History


Madeline was born in the Port Oakes of an alternate world, the daughter of Dark Xion and his human lover. Her birth fell under the umbrella of a prediction that Dark Xion's first legitimate heir would have the power to give Arachnos Victory; or to destroy it. It's possible that there, as here, D.X. either didn't think much of the prediction, or assumed it to be in reguards to his previous work with Broadhurst; or just decided that whatever happened factored into his plans. In any case, in this world, Arachnos succeeded in kidnapping a young Madeline and they killed Xion and his lover when they went to reclaim their daughter. And so, Madeline is an only child, and an orphan on her world, raised if one could call it that, within the system of Arachnos. Despite the fact that the generals took at least a passing interest in smacking the child around occasionally, Arachnos never risked damaging her unique genetics by altering her. She grew up a soldier and a ragamuffin; until one day she was ordered to travel through a dimensional portal, to a new world. One where Arachnos fortuna's saw the highest probability that Broadhurst's attempt to create a new breed of super-soldier using her father's genetics had worked

Past Events

Current Story



Despite being Demonic in nature, Madeline doesn't seem bothered by holy items, or the usual exorcism type attempts. However, like any Fallen; the un-cut energy of a well trained Celestial can make her uncomfortable at best.

To contact this character's creator

/blame @Vheks

Creator Notes and Trivia

What comic book doesn't need alternate dimensional versions of it's heros?

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